Chef Maurine Bowers Earns ACF Certified Executive Pastry Chef Recognition


Chef Maurine Bowers has accomplished the American Culinary Federation’s Certified Executive Pastry Chef (CEPC) practical evaluation, bringing her closer to becoming Antigua & Barbuda’s inaugural Certified Executive Pastry Chef.

ACF’s recognition acknowledges her expertise in the culinary arts.

This achievement is a significant step for the local culinary scene, showcasing Chef Bowers’ dedication and skill.

Chef Bowers’ Work


Her accomplishment is a source of pride, and the culinary community celebrates her progress towards this prestigious certification.







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  1. My congratulations to another Antigua that is excelling in her field. It’s about time we start enforcing our work permit law to allow these locals to take their rightful place in this industry in their homeland. The excuse or argument that locals are not qualified is already out the door. Lots of locals are now qualified chefs, however many hotels still believe they should bring in their own chef from overseas. This needs to slowly stop. Mr. Cutie Benjamin, please take note of this. It’s been going on for much too long. And I kid you not. Many times, it is the locals that do all the work.

    • I am very proud of Chef Bowers. She worked very hard to complete this arduous task of certification. She has worked closely with the training team of Chefs Helping Chefs and in particularly with Chef Kimberly Brock-Brown, CEPC, CCA, AAC. Chef Maurine will mentor her brigade of Pastry Culinarian’s.

  2. Most of the hotels in Antigua do not like to empower our local professionals. We are good enough to allow them to own piece of the rock. We laude them with duty free concessions and tax exemptions. In return shouldn’t our people benefit with top jobs ? I know of several Antiguans working in hotels with degrees in hotel management , experience in the industry and go no further the a foreign manager secretary or at front desk checking in guest. Several young ladies. Please note I have nothing against our fellow Caribbean brothers and sisters but our Antiguans should be given first preference in this country. Hotels in Antigua are bringing in office workers, front office worker , maintenance workers, house keeping workers and having to put them up in hotels or apartments, paying for their accommodations , meals and transportation to and from work. Can this be right Mr. Pm , can this be right leader of the opposition.
    Is it you politicians are the only Antiguans that can run anything in this country? I honestly think you are purposely doing this to keep Antiguans begging behind of you , instead of empowering our people. After all these years of tourism how many Antiguans are right now managing a hotel. How many Antiguans or assistant managers or financial comptrollers. Go take a Look at Barbados and Jamaica.
    You need to let these investors know that we sell you our land , we give you duty free concessions and exemptions and our people must get the top jobs. It is a burning shame what our people are going through in this country. What happened to the Antigua where – Pastor christen he pickney first
    Don’t talk about the whites? They look out for each other. Again our people are answering to people that do not know their arm from their elbow.
    If don’t enough opportunities here in our own country, then where? Not in Europe, not in Uncle Sam country. Honey in the rock and our Antiguans not getting our share!
    For this reason I will not be celebrating any independence. By the way I heard and hope it is a rumor that another crooked politician is going to get knighthood.

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