Two of the five boys, who were allegedly involved in the savage attack on Jahhym Azoo, have had a charge of wounding with intent to murder has been filed against them.
The two will be appearing before the Child Justice Board today for the commencement of an assessment/inquiry.
The charge falls under Schedule III of the Child Justice Act 2015 and therefore the two were being held without bail up to last night, and they will remain in custody at least until they apply for bail before the High Court.
In fact, the Board has no power to grant bail or release them to the custody of their parents unless the charges had fall under Schedule I or II.
The Board will be in charge of the assessment under the Act and was appointed by the Minister of Public Safety, Steadroy ‘Cutie’ Benjamin.
It is being headed by Magistrate Ngaio Emanuel-Edwards with Pastor James Gore and two social workers, Norma Jeffrey Dorsett, and Ava Weston.
Seventeen-year-old Azoo has been fighting for his life at the Mount St. John’s Medical Centre (MSJMC) after being attacked by boys and he has undergone surgery and is still recovering at the hospital.
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I am happy that an arrest had been made. I think all 5 should be arrested and charged.
Will they be sent to prison or Boys Training School until they can apply for bail at the high court? Or would they be house at the form American Base in Coolidge?
Must the police be pressured to do the job?
Does anybody know the immigration and citizenship status of the parents? Where are they from?
I had the same question when the criminal act had happened @Origin of Parents?.
Another media reported that the mother was born in Antigua and her son was born in Dominica.
These young criminals should be charged as an adult.
Notes From A Native Son Of The Rock! “It is an illusion that youth is happy, an illusion of those who have lost it; but the young know they are wretched, for they are full of the truthless ideals which have been instilled into them, and each time they come into contact with the real they are bruised and wounded” – Of Human Bondage!
Keep Hope Alive For A Successful and Speedy Recovery for Young Jahhym Azoo!
After the arrests, trials and sentences, what next! What does the future portend for young children’s violence on the Rock! Without painting a bleak or rosy picture, what is the trajectory up the down staircase of crime!
In this the International Decade for People of African Descent 2015 – 2024 what should be our approach to the data, the information extracted, suggested redemptive and reparatory actions, monitoring and evaluation!
“There’s more in the Mortar than the PESTLE!”
Many will argue that much of violent behaviour can be attributed to what youth are exposed to, in their political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, legal and ecological (PESTLE) environment they grow up in! The easy claim would be to holler that the youths are exposed to domestic violence, gang violence, drug abuse – all of which definitely affect how a child responds to his or her circumstance!
At the same time, this mere voice in the wilderness wishes to encourage that one should not assume all children exposed to violence will become violent themselves, but that research shows that children who commit crime are acting out what they are being exposed to in the PESTLE environment!
“Many of us, including educators, are often woefully oblivious to some of the stark truths about society’s role in creating ‘Troubled’ communities and the consequent ‘at-risk’ students from those communities. Clearly communities ‘are not islands apart from the rest of society, rather, members are very much a part of that society.’” – Antigua and Barbuda’s Dr. Carl E. James: Life at The Intersection!
@-Wicked seems so. IMO the present acting commissioner of police does not seems to know how to do his damn job mr pm mr ag please look into this man if he cannot do his job replace him from since he took up command the police are a even bigger joke
Are you saying if WENDELL was still at the helm, there would be a better result??
Wendell really that guy is a u know what ! He, michael Browne, asot Michael have plenty in common
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