Charges Dismissed Against 82-Year-Old Stedman Scotland After Controversial Arrest
All charges against 82-year-old Stedman Scotland have been dismissed by Acting Chief Magistrate Dexter Wason following a controversial arrest that drew public outrage.
Scotland faced six charges, including Disorderly Conduct, Resisting Arrest, and Battery on Police, stemming from a March 7 incident outside a St. John’s barber shop. Video footage widely circulated online showed officers forcefully arresting the elderly man, handcuffing him, dragging him on the ground, and placing him in the trunk of an SUV.
Witnesses say Scotland, a disabled driver, was inside the barber shop when an officer ordered him to move his vehicle. He attempted to comply but was confronted for allegedly taking too long. The situation escalated when an officer reportedly pulled him from his chair, causing him to fall.
The incident has sparked an investigation into police conduct, with community members condemning the use of excessive force.
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Base on this judgement,that means i can use a disabled sign to cover my unlawful action,i have seen alot of people using signs like this, and some of them more active than most of us who are normal….
No. Read the charges and watch the video, he was not Disorderly, Resisting Arrest, nor did he did Battery on Police. Disable sign do not grant any special privilege other than disable parking which provide ramp access which down doesn’t have anyways and the arrested for “taking to long” which isn’t a crime. Idk how you came to this conclusion but it’s disgusting it even came to mind
Now he must bring charges against the police for assault and abuse of power.
Thank God! The mistreatment of our elderly should never be allowed! Police officers need to be retrained in methods of deescalation. Pride and egoism shld never be a part of the equation!
“The mistreatment of our elderly should never be allowed! ”
Exactly! Neither should they be called RAG-TAG and then their taxpayers monies used via Medical Benefits to help fund the mistreater’s cancer treatment overseas!!!!
To all the grand fathers out there and onlookers. Praise God!! Justice is served. Let us now look at what actions will be taken with regards to the police officers. There is hope for Antigua and Barbuda. 🙏
Good! Them never had no right to arrest the man in the first place.
An 82-year-old? Them really had to go so far? Glad to see justice prevail.
So who going to apologize to the man after all the embarrassment?
Shugy. Shugy will apologize for neglecting his constituency/Parliament first.
I hope them treat the next person with more respect, because this was unnecessary.
This is why people don’t trust the system. It take too long to do the right thing.
So what about the officers that mistreat him now? Dragging the man and roughing him up.. What is going to happen to them?
Justice done, but the damage already cause. People need to do better.
An elderly man shoulda never go through this stress. Antigua law enforcement need more common sense. Rubbish!!!!!
Thank God … Because He know that this 82 year old man couldn’t handle jail…
They need to apologize to the man for the harsh treatment, just for a wrongfully parking offence.
Those charges would not stand up on a solid foundation, because they were baseless
What are the Police Officers being charged with? Is this how we treat people much less the elderly in our community? I wonder if this is how they treat the elderly in their family?
The Attorney General, the DPP, the COP and the arresting officers must all be named, in any lawsuit brought by the victim, against the State.
Some say with the new commissioner things might get even worse, i do not know the man, but that’s the word on the street, hope that is not so I like giving people a chance before judging them
Well justice has been served in the Magistrate’s Court today. Now the attention must be directed to the two officers who were involved in the incident. These officers must and should be disciplined or terminated by the Police Service Commission for bringing the entire Royal Police Force iof Antigua and Barbuda into disrepute. It is indeed very important to stamp out corruption and abuse by rogue police officers in the force as recommended by Alphonse Breau Report. Public confidence in the police force has been seriously undermined. Perhaps that’s why most crime cannot be solved without the public assistance. The image of the police force is seriously tarnished. Something fir the authorities to consider.
Ok so the police will look like superman to the rescue when this case is dismissed, I mean the government, that police that did such egregious thing will be assigned to work close with politicians as thankfulness for saving his job, the politicians have a loyal police there now, great managing technique of the people and public opinion.
This had to go to a judge for dismissal when a COP exist to order charges officers seek a dismissal. An Attorney General and prosecutor exist and this had to be dismissed by a magistrate?
I lost all respect for COP, AG, and prosecutor. The force is filled with incompetence. I want to charge that officer who charged this man. Who is the officer that charged him, let me put a hangup and a few days in prison on him and let us see how he feels for abusing his authority and misusing legal proceedings.
I don’t see no justice in that for the old man or the public eyes they should have suspended ther officer that arrested the old man for at least 1 month cause all police been trained how to deal with people in all situations an they also been trained how not to loose there cool in arresting someone an we all can see that the police man lost his cool an act out of anger jus because he new that he would win in arresting the old ma if it was a more younger man that cold stand up to the officer pound for pound he would a never do that he would a call for back up so I don’t see no justice there for the old man cause that officer need suspension
Let us all give a heartfelt thanks to the learned Honorable Justice Dexter Wason: for his common sense compassionate application of justice in rendering the charges a null and void.verdict.
The fact that the vehicle was park unoccupied, and displaying a handicap tag, should have led the officers to apply sensitivity and caution: especially not knowing of the driver’s condition. There was no imminent case of danger or, the impediment of traffic flow that would have warranted such drastic overreacting reaction as to bully-rag any person, in a situation as that; with arrest and the use of excessive force under law. Officers are Servants of the people, and are mandated to serve and protect: They cannot be allowed to go rogue in the discharge of their duty In any situation or, circumstances A civilian complaint review board must be a separate part of the Police Service Commission: with mandatory subpoena powers of intervention for remedial effective relief to the person/s and the public. Outside of this, a substantive personal law–suit in this matter is inevitable; and a forgone conclusion.
The outcome of the apparent ‘…CONCOCTED CHARGES,’ was a ‘…FOREGONE CONCLUSION.’
Absolutely ‘NO POWER OF ARREST’ [V&RT: Enforcement/Administration Act: CHAPTER 461].
The ‘Magistrate’ acted properly.
Neither in:
(a) ‘…THE CONSTITUTION ORDER’ [CO: No: 1106: 1981]: nor
(b) …POLICE ACT’ [Chapter 330], would anyone find the terminology: ‘…CONTROVERSIAL ARREST.’
(c) …There was also not the terminology: ‘…CONTROVERSIAL DETENTION.’
From ‘…PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE,’ an Arrest may be:
(a) …LAWFUL: or
While the ‘…BEHAVIOR’ of a citizen may attract the attention of a ‘…POLICE OFFICER,’ such officer must know that in the ‘…EXECUTION OF DUTY,’ his ‘…ACTION,’ at all material time, shall be ‘…LAWFUL.’
Such ‘…POLICE OFFICER’ shall first know whether or not he/she has:
(i) ‘…A POWER OF ARREST: and more importantly
Where the Police Officer ‘…LACKED KNOWLEDGE,’ then citizens are likely to face being:
Tinking mouth Police boy!!