CGID Releases Travel Advisory on Guyana


The New York Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy (CGID) hereby issues the following advisory on Guyana for tourists, others travelers and potential investors:

Guyana is currently experiencing heightened political instability and political violence carried out by government operatives who are extremists, East Indian supporters and loyal security forces, engaged in a civil war with the African Guyanese population and opposition supporters. There are intermittent acts of terrorism and violence against African Guyanese by government operatives. Government forces have been violently demolishing opposition offices as well as homes of opposition supporters – mainly Black citizens.

Government supporters have been assaulting Black school children and others, with impunity in outlying regions. Guyana’s East Indian led People’s Progressive Party (PPP) government is being accused of conducting the civil war to divide Guyana along racial lines to secure all of Guyana’s natural resources and national patrimony for its East Indian supporters only.

Murders, kidnappings, armed robberies, car-jacking and auto-theft plague Guyana. Tourists are susceptible to robberies and other targeted crimes. Police corruption is rampant. Several Police officers have been involved in armed robberies, kidnappings and other serious crimes.

The Guyana Police Force is ineffective at crime control because of a lack of resources and police corruption. There are linkages between some in the Police Force, including its leadership, and criminal organizations. Bribery and corruption are pervasive in the government and Police Force.

Avoid traveling to Guyana. There are significant safety risks that must be considered if it is absolutely necessary to travel to Guyana. The US State Department has issued the following travel advisory on Guyana: “Reconsider travel to Guyana due to crime.

Country Summary: Violent crime, including murder and armed robbery, is common, especially at night. Local police often lack the resources to respond effectively to serious criminal incidents.”

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