Cabinet Notes: The Cabinet agreed that the time is ripe for many citizens and residents to engage in re-setting several aspects of our lives.
More attention ought to be paid to the non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which afflict a significant portion of the adult population.
There is a need to change diets by consuming more vegetables and fewer high caloric foods; to engage in daily exercises in order to work the muscles; and, to seek counselling when the challenge to mental health is experienced.
These proposals have been put forward by the professionals in the Ministry of Health, and other experts in the field of wellness.
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Franz the Monday to Friday comic on the disturber will say No. Listen to him tomorrow.
Just saying why descend into the ridiculous. Why would Franz or any sensible person be opposed to a healthy lifestyle? I have heard Franz many times taking about the benefits of exercise and eating properly. Come on man, stop criticizing for criticizing sake.
@Just Saying:
Cabinet is saying something good.However,those who are in the Cabinet.They would need to stay out of the kitchen cabinets.Have they looked into a mirror lately.If so,did they like what they see.Some of those telling persons what to do and eat should be ashamed. Some of them are as big as a helium balloons/Goodyear Blimp.
Tabor: Do not forget that Franz is running in a Constituency.That is being represented by an Aircraft Carrier.Did you expect any better from a Minion of the Labor Party.
Let’s start with Samantha, and Cutie…..
Were they a part of this discussion?
@Melchesidec.. mos def!
Agriculture investors, MUST be given the same concessions, and some even further, in terms of “land/sea leasing”(that’s #Right; just like Yida got certain legal rights, to the sea around, their development, as to public uses, so too, should others who owns property adjacent to the sea…I know, ‘contentious issue.’ However, the question I have, regarding a local Seamoss company, and the area(the sea, mangroves, etc), adjacent to their property, which they use to farm seamoss. Do they have, ‘legal rights,’ to use the area(beach/sea/mangroves)?
On, another vibe, seamoss is great aquaponics business. Here in America, since, the #Pan? #Plan? #Epi? DEMICZ, organic seamoss is selling for between $25.00US/ to $50.00US/ pound, in some regions, and this is if you can find it. These target areas are for the most part, inner cities with their Immigrant populations. However, with the emergence, of the #VirtualAmazingWorld, of amazon, rural communities which are #Trending for, the regurged cultural norms, and is, has become more #Herbally Conscious have caught on to the seamoss; also, the food and cosmetics industries(as fillers, moisturizers, etc).
Oh, as I was saying before, I veered off, Agriculture investors MUST be given, the same concessions, as those in the Tourism Industry.
Melchesidec you are picking on Cutie and Samantha, how could you have forgotten Weston.
@ Tabor
I notice Mr Weston in particular seem to be short of breath from just talking….
Wow ! Did they also make a volcano out of paper mache ? Such bright minds !
Change diet and become a cannibal?…
Some of us starving so its interesting that with no unemployment benefit package, those who still get a paycheck can think it fit to remind us that we need to eat better as if some of us have a choice right now. Boiled okra maybe.
Do not even bother with these people the current government any administration is solely responsible for the state of health in any country.
The GOVERNMENT if serious can:
1 Set nutritional minimum standards on all imports.
2 Go to parliament and outlaw fast foods?
3 Fix 500% tax on alcoholic beverages.
4 1000% on tobacco products.
5 Stop selling farm land and start to plant food.
7 Set minimum standards for medication and supplements.
8 Set a much higher standard for water.
The GOVERNMENT has the ability. Remember they changed the law to assist LIAT, prevent Scotia sale, lease and sell land in Barbuda, now they selling to one and all. The Government is not serious about health.
I wish i could shake your hand!!!!!
World leaders are planning new lock downs to introduce “The World Debt Reset Program” which includes universal basic income and vaccination requirements.
A Canadian whistle blower came forward with the plans. The whistle-blower is on the Liberal Party of Canada’s Strategic Planning Committee, which operates under the direction of Canada’s Office of the Prime Minister.
Cabinet should LEAD BY EXAMPLE!!!
• Cutie Benjamin
•Samantha Marshall
•Shenella Govia
•Robin Yearwood
•Dean Jonas (fatty liver)
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