Cabinet to discuss new curfew hour this week


The country is likely to returning to an earlier curfew hour this week, Pointe FM reported earlier tonight.

“The Cabinet will deliberate over introducing increased curfew hours, in response to the spike in COVID cases,” Prime Minister Gaston Browne confirmed later.

Sources close to the Cabinet say that at least two possible scenarios are under consideration – 1) curfew beginning at 6 p.m., 2) curfew beginning at 9 p.m.

The proposal will likely be discussed at Cabinet this week.

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  1. Pointe FM Reported?? Is this the Nation’s Station? I thought it was ABS or ABLE-LESS. Curfew beginning at 6 PM or 9PM.Really?

  2. I really dont think we need another 6.00 pm curfew. I believe the government should target the problem areas rather than punishing everyone.

    Most people are following the guidelines set forth by the ministry of health but on the other hand you have bars in town with people crowding. When people drink, they spatter while speaking.

    We should deal with the problem areas and we kkow where they are.

  3. If the curfew can help with these breaking all over the country, so be it. People are worried about covid, taking all necessary precautions, yet others have time to be breaking into homes, businesses and especially schools.

  4. Draconian rules again. This dictator govt needs to be reined in. It’s up to the people to do so now.

    No jobs, they raise taxes and take loans from China Antigua will never be able to pay back and eventually the Chinese will take our lands all thanks to the current govt.

    • The people aint gonna do jack and the government knows this…..So mek sure ya home by 9pm….

  5. As of yesterday there were only 146 countries worst off than Antigua with regards to Covid infections. Our deaths rate is 5% of the US rate and 4% of the UK rate meaning we are 20 to 25 times better off than they are.

    What horror for poor A&B! Lock down and more lock down needed!

  6. The problem was importation all the time the special dispensation was the root of the problem but they want to put the blame on the entire population for things they neglected to do with biased decisions

  7. During the day time hours when we all go to work, go to the supermarkets, bus stations, St. John’s etc the Rona is fast asleep ZZZZZ…….In The evenings how ever when “the unruly” people go to bars and lime on the village corners the Rona is wide awake and active…..Solution…Ur bed time will be 2 hours earlier….

  8. Give people some liquor in the bar and they stop following rules. Suddenly the mask is hanging on the chin… it makes sense to send people home earlier. Other countries do the same and it works. This has nothing to do with dictator ship, just to prevent Covid from spreading faster. 6 pm is too early tho!

    • U sound like a real brainless Party supporter….The governments love people like u cause yall don’t pick sense from nonsense…..

  9. Curfew is not going to curtail the spreading of covid….. what the government needs to do is be truthful about the number of infections and deaths.

    Also TEST EACH TOURIST THAT COMES THROUGHOUT OUR PORTS OF ENTRY. They’re the ones spreading covid.
    They’re given the free roaming PASS while the BLACK Antiguans are locked down.

    ANOTHER CONCERNING MATTER Is that I pass through St. John’s yesterday and still see people with mask under their chins and some not wearing mask at all and the lazy police officers just pass them by without addressing the issue.

    Until those in charge do their jobs effectively, that we tax payers are paying them to do, covid is going to be around for a Veryyyyyyy long time.

    All in all curfew without stricter measures and enforcement would not stop 🛑 the spread of this disease.

  10. Like not letting in every disease Tom Dick and Harry without testing them on arrival and at least a short quarantine

  11. You’re so right I’m tired shouting at the top of my voice but this Govt will sell their own Mother for a dollar . They listen to no one but themselves .and the Àntigua people take everything like the Massa slave .

  12. I like the idea of the negative Covid results within 72 hours of travel, and a rapid testing on arrival. If all negative, short 2 to 5 days quarantine. Also, it shd be cheaper for everyone to take a test for travel. The prices are excessive. People who are employed in the hospitality industry still have to eat and take care of their families.

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