Cabinet Rejects Commissioner of Police’s Proposal for Limited States of Emergency

Atlee Rodney

POINTE XPRESS – The Cabinet of Antigua and Barbuda has denied a proposal by the Commissioner of Police, Atlee Rodney, to amend legislation for the declaration of limited states of emergency in specific situations.

The Chief of Staff in the Office of the Prime Minister, Lionel Max Hurst, explained that the Cabinet was unconvinced about the necessity of such measures for the small country.

Hurst noted concerns about suspending citizens’ rights and the rarity of implementing states of emergency in Antigua and Barbuda.

The Cabinet’s decision follows discussions on addressing gun crimes, acknowledging the challenges faced by other Caribbean nations as well.(Observer)











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  1. Those who opposed the proposed state of emergency have won a small but temporary victory. It is important to say no to any attempt to limit the already limited rights Antiguans and Barbudans enjoy. There are other mportant issues, like the dismantling of communal land ownership in Barbuda, the selling off of waterfront properties in Antigua and with it, the prohibiting of access to public beaches. But even more egregious, the exercise of government for the rich while it ignores everyday people and governs as if it were voted to be a dictatorship. Stay alert and active.

  2. The Cabinet had no other choice. Plain and simple.

    Law Enforcement could use…
    1…Mobile Command Centers(converted RV’s) to be deployed in troubled areas, at any time.
    2…boots on the ground works, as they engage and interact with the community’s.
    3…strengthen the liaisons with regional and international law enforcement agencies, to deal with #White_Collar Crimes which are aiding and abetting these street thugs.

    Of course, strengthening the Public Education System by making more holistic to EDUCATE, rather than just TEACH a subject, from a syllabus which is not conducive to the Culture of the Nation.


    Ras Smood aka Jumbee_Picknee
    De ‘ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

    • 1. We actually have have a purpose built mobile command centre. It’s probably on the grounds at headquarters wasting and rotting away.

      2. Driving up an down from point A to point B is the closest they come to community interaction when not on personal business.

      3. No clue the level of cooperation whether it’s white collar crime or otherwise.

      Commissioner thinks state’s of emergency where police go on a ego/hype train will solve issues, when we’ve already seen the SSU and joint military patrols cause more harm than good.

      The things we needed to start with are proper training (even after they first join), a decent career path for officers (pay, skills, rank/tasks + ways of punishment/filtering out of the bad ones) and an active communication network for officers, vehicles, etc.

      • @Just watching on…👣👣👣👣🏝️🏖️⛱️☀️🥴#Spliff_Time!
        …According to Poe,
        …not Grannie Chimmy,
        …this is what, I n I know,
        …life’s, but a #Dream!
        …and, whenever I want Too!
        …all, I gotta do! Do! Do!
        …is, Dream! Dream! Dream!
        …others won’t, but #Sum
        …will get, what is the #Mean!
        …of, Life’s A Dream, within A Dream!
        …no matter, how I empty, that Poe!
        …Poe! Po! Poor! Poor! #Po_Po.
        …I can say, #My_Darling_Do-Do!
        …Or, they full a #Do-Do!
        ..yet, this goes; for, me and you Too!
        …even when the #Some say! Sum will say!
        …one plus 1 equals two!
        …Do! Do! I can disagree,
        ..,and say, my #sums say! 1+1=3

        Ras Smood aka Jumbee_Picknee
        De ‘ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿#Garrat_Bastard

        Vere C. Edwards

  3. Again, a positive idea – at last – from the police commissioner to deal with the rise in criminality and the ABLP puts the KIBOSH on it. Why?

    This government leaves me flummoxed and totally confused.

    They ignore the voices and will of the citizens, who have been calling out for something concrete to be done about the current crime wave; and now the ABLP are not going to back the police commissioner Atlee Rodney in trying to solve it.

    Lionel Hurst and Prime Minister Gaston Browne has a lot to answer for if the crime wave continues unabated in Antigua.


    • Man you can write some real dunce shit on the internet see. What damn state of bloody emergency you ah talk about. Me sure if they did implement it stupid ass would be the first on here cussing government. You think everybody want be a stay at home loser like you. It’s like you just type shit on here cause you got internet access and a QWERTY keyboard. Real 🤡 you be.

      • Tek one piece of shite to know another @ Chupes. Another dumb-ass who shouldn’t be anywhere near an ANR threads … over to you fool!

        • True say me know ANR nah belong to you me talk as me like and I SAID WHAT I SAID!!!You just terk pan ya because you have one internet connection and one QWERTY keyboard. Think anybody fraid you loser. Wha mek ya no outside and look some real friends instead of being here playing keyboard gangster. Such a loser 🤡 🤡🤡🤡🤡

          • Stop showing yourself up you illiterate fool, and go back to reading comic books.

            Don’t you know how to write or communicate without showing the world and his dawg that you crazy; but then again the ignorant can only use what they are use to … guttural correspondence.

            Sadly, with people like you there’s not much hope for this country’s future, that’s why Gaston love supporters like you. Simpleton.


            You can’t be an Antiguan – no way no how. CHUPTZ!

    • Briks, you totally off track this time!
      Even ALP know they have to appear to be aware of their trigger happy police, since they start to shoot people in the back. The State of Emergency tactic will allow for police to shoot more people, that and worse.

  4. I agree with the Commissioner of Police on this one.

    My understanding was that the proposal was for the law to be put on the books to be utilized as the situation dictated in the future.

    I see nothing wrong with the proposal.

    To my mind, the average citizen is not issued with a gun license to protect his and his family lives and property while at the same time it appears as if those who have the favour of certain person can get a gun license.

    You may be friends with a retired female police officer and you may (just may) be able to get a gun license so that you can boast to your friends that you have a gun and boast to anyone who would listen to you, hey I have gun.

    I applaud the Commissioner of Police for being pro-active.

    We live here. We read the news articles. We read about the armed robberies. We hear the talk on the streets……

    I am not for wanting to reduce citizen’s rights but if a state of emergency was applicable for covid-19, in my opinion, if matters continue the way we hear it on the streets, the Commissioner of Police was correct to ask for the legislation.

    • BEEF you and the Commissioner of Police (COP) need to look at the Constitution. The COP is asking for the law to be amended to give the government the power to be able to declare a limited state of emergency (SOE). What law is he asking to be amended? The law that gives the government the power to declare a SOE is the Constitution. Section 20 of the Constitution outlines the circumstances under which a SOE can be declared by proclamation by the Governor General. The power, therefore, to declare a SOE already exist. The declaration can be limited or general, however, it is just that in the past a limited (geographical) SOE has never been declared. It has always been island wide. In any case, the views of you and the COP are pure nonsense.

  5. A positive idea ?
    A Limited State of Emergency, on a small island like this ,,,is not a positive idea.
    Positive ideas are reflected in the post just before yours contributed by a Ras Smood.
    Crime will,,always rise during a Carnival and a Christmas season,,, that is a global issue.
    Those that are criminal minded,want to play Mas,,and exchange gifts,,,just as anyone else.
    It is ,,,what,, it is.
    That is,,,how ,it is
    This,, is a power grab by someone,,a Cop,, who was not even born on this,, island.
    I am going out on a tree limb now,,to describe YOY,,as most likely A HIGH YELLOW complexion,,sporting hair,,,that is not very nappy,,showing a WHITE person in your lineage.
    You’ve never really felt comfortable,,around us,,have you?
    Picked on quite a bit,,during you younger years,,weren’t you?
    Is that what caused the immigration to Brixton?
    Tis,where you felt,most comfortable,,hob nobbing with obese white women,,,,thinking,,,YOU’VE ARRIVED,,wasn’t it?
    Was that where you adapted,the mentality,, to oppress,,the already,,oppressed?
    Let me assist in comforting you.

    • While I agree with the first few sentences you wrote, from the time you started going off on a tangent about the birthplace of the commissioner and speculation about another poster’s ethnic lineages, I am more inclined to think you need to be the one taking a trip over to redonda to cool off. You can rebuild the kingdom of redonda while you are at it since you don’t want to build Antigua and Barbuda as a nation

    • Name calling shows you’ve lost the argument @ WTF and don’t know how to debate or accept another persons point of view.

      The downright ignorance from some of the contributors on these ANR beggars belief.

      You can speculate about me as much as you like, it means absolutely nothing to me, because I can CLEARLY see that education and reading an eclectic mix of literature just isn’t your thing.

      You mek ah fool seem bright!!!

  6. I have never worked in the Legislature or in the security forces and I do not know all the merits for or against the imposition of LIMITED state of emergency in parts of Antigua. What I do know is that we have seen and witnessed an uptick and an increase in violent activities and murders which is not comforting by any means.
    This escalation in criminal activity would undoubtedly affect our way of life and can also have an adverse effect on our tourism product. Realistically I think what the police is seeking to do is to combat the high levels of criminal activity that is almost always CONFINED to SPECIFIC areas. Under a LIMITED State of Emergency, the Security Forces have additional powers to conduct searches and carry out arrests without a court warrant. We have to be careful about the signal that we send to both citizens and to the police under these emergencies. The rights and freedoms of every citizen is a must and must be respected and protected as per our constitution. By the same token, if the police are to effectively combat and fight crime, we must ensure that they have the necessary tools to do so. Many in the police force think that we are giving them a bottomless bucket to carry water.

  7. Hell No, was the right decision for a limited SOE. Hell No to any curtailing of freedoms and liberty of 🇦🇬ns. The police don’t want to work hard to solve crime – it’s easy to harass and violate people rights. Look how easily and callously they killed a man running away from them. Can you imagine what they would do in a limited SOE. Hell No!!

  8. @Brixdabitch
    A loser and a clown 🤡🤡 want tell people what they can and cannot say like it’s his news blog. Man gtfo here. ANR nah belongs to you. You want dictate website go run ya own. Damn loser. As anyone nah agree with you and ya shit them support Gaston Browne. Like you want dey with Gaston Browne for how you ah call up he name straight. Foh LOSER 🤡

  9. The Cabinet made the correct decision in this matter.The Police Commissioner wanted to have the power to introduced limited state of emergency in certain areas in Antigua.I wondered if he would have introduced that emergency in the uppity areas of Antigua.I say,hell no.

  10. The gloves come off,,,when a bastard, who,,has no lineage in this country,,wants to deny its citizenry of their constitutional rights.
    If you then align yourself with THE bastard,,,daring to suggest,,,denying me and my countrymen,,,our,,constitutional rights,,,,my razor sharpened words,, gets pulled out,,,to slice.both bastards up.

  11. When in my initial post,,,did I call you,,a or anyone,,,a name?
    You also,,typed this “I can CLEARLY see that education and reading an eclectic mix of literature just isn’t your thing” whilst CLEARLY,,showing reading,,and comprehending,,,what you’ve read is a struggle
    I read your ass,,intuitively ,,as you expressed
    your support,,of a DECLARATION OF WAR against,,, my countries citizenry.
    More fleeing,,men,,shot in the back.
    More men,,arrested,,but not taken to the nearest Station but to one of our,,365 shorelines to then ,,turn up dead.
    WTF ?

  12. HEY YOU !,
    Yeah you !
    If you resort to “JUST WATCHING ON” whilst the top cop asks to declare WAR,,on a citizenry,,,he didn’t grow up with,,, just keep watching,,whilst persons,,you grew up with,,,are shot like cows at the slaughter house.
    SHUT UP !
    This is clearly above your pay grade.

  13. Calling for justice for strangled Greenaway and for shot in the back Manny. Mr. Commissioner you can now concentrate on who committed these two murders.

  14. When I read your comments,,,several words came to mind;
    are Yoy,,capable of an original thought?
    All with negative connotations,,,whilst I sit here NOT,,,

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