I make reference to Item 5 of the Report of this day. That item addressed the formation of the Boundaries Commission but did not identify the intended Commissioners. When asked by a reporter to identify the three persons yet to be appointed by the Governor General, I mistakenly identified three Government officials. Those officials are not allowed. The Cabinet had indeed identified three other citizens.
Please accept my apologies for this error.
The Cabinet commenced discussions on the formation of the Boundaries Commission which can be established two years following the last general elections. Cabinet has identified three officials of the government who will form a part of the Boundaries Commission. The Cabinet Secretary has been instructed to write to the Leader of the Opposition so that his representative to the Commission can be named.
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This means that the election boundaries are not going to reset until after the next elections.mmmm
Pringle can’t even call a meeting of the Public Accounts Committee (of which he is Head) much less recommend someone to this Commission.
Just like they say ABS didn’t invite them to be part of the election panel they might say the Cabinet never invited them to submit a name for the commitee as well
The officials for the Boundaries Commission are:
Danley Phillip – Chairman
Clare Chastinet – Member
Billy Benjamin – Member
A letter has been prepared advising the Govenor General to appoint these individuals to the Commision next week.
The Prime Minister will consult with the Opposition Leader on these appointments and invite him to submit his nominee to the Govenor General.
“The priminister will consult with the leader of the opposition” but persons have already been announced before the consultation.
Anyway let’s hope we can get some equity with the constituencies without any gerrymandering to favor the ruling party.
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