Cabinet Advances Plans for New Housing Development at Louie Hill, Barbuda
The Cabinet recently convened to advance plans for a new housing development at the Louie Hill site in Barbuda. The meeting centered on ongoing preparations for the land designated for the project, which aims to transform the area into a vibrant community.
While the boundaries of the Louie Hill site have been established, officials highlighted that detailed surveys of the individual blocks and parcels remain outstanding. The Cabinet agreed that these surveys will be conducted progressively, ensuring all necessary assessments are completed before further development.
Additionally, the Cabinet emphasized that any removal of vegetation must adhere to a defined survey plan, aiming to protect the local environment during the development process.
The project envisions a total of 200 homes, complemented by a shopping mall and various amenities. The specifics of these features will be finalized through ongoing negotiations.
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Can Antiguans get one of these houses to buy. I am interested in doing business in Barbuda but lack of accommodation is my main concern.
What about the government building apartment building for hire purchase. They don’t have to take up lot of land space. They can be adjoining houses like in the USA. Also it should be agreed from the onset that no high rising buildings should be built in Barbuda.
Can Antiguan residents invest in vacation residences at zlouie Hill?
Antiguans also need to own lands in Barbuda for $1.00 too! Class action lawsuit against the government IF Antiguans are not given the same EQUAL PRIVILEGES as the constituents of Barbuda.
History will show that we fought, fought for our rights. But they are in the majority, heads swelling and chest pushed up with Authority, BUT ONE DAY it will come to an end. Only God word last FOREVER!!
Nonsense. One day what!! Get with the time. Joke you all making. It is time to develop Barbuda. That time has come.
It’s great to see the Cabinet moving forward with plans for a new housing development at Louie Hill, Barbuda. This could provide much-needed housing and improve the living conditions for many residents. I commend the government for investing in the future of the community. However, I would like to see more information about how this development will affect the environment. Given Barbuda’s natural beauty, it’s crucial that any development is done sustainably, ensuring that the ecosystem is preserved for future generations while also meeting the housing needs.
I hope this development includes a comprehensive plan to integrate infrastructure like roads, schools, and healthcare facilities, ensuring the community is fully supported.
PRESS ON!!!! NO RETREAT, NO SURRENDER!! TIME FOR BARBUDA TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE ECONOMY, not just take subvention from central government straight straight.
I am tired of hearing about the perceived notion of ..’paying 1$ for a piece of land…’ Either get on with the project or just SHUT UP about it. Tantamount to just talk and NO action.. geez man. I might imagine that the young Barbudans are thinking they are being bluffed by the authorities..
Trevor Walker is a political performer who I believe hD been promised a brown paper bag by Gaston.
The Chairman of the Barbuda Council is a dummy who follows Trevor Walker.
At the moment Barbuda Council has been desolved for a new election in March.
Both sides are monuvering for votes.
Question for Trevor Walker and The Chairman of the Barbudan Council when was the last time they held a meeting with Barbudans about any propsed project by public or private entities?
Trevor “BROWN PAPERBAG” Walker is enjoying his nice house and land in ANTIGUA at ROYAL GARDENS.
The Antigua and Barbuda Cabinet meets every Tuesday barring some superceding event.
Cabinet meetings are regurgited as news, and ABS presents news on ongoing national and Government matters. At least Antiguans get some information even thought much of it is misinformation
Barbuda Council seldom hold meetings. Public meetings are called when they feel threatened and meeting serves to curse the Government in Antigua.
The Barbuda Council’s payroll is bloated with disfunctionals. Anyone who advocate for change will be shipped off the island.
The few who truly try to bring about improvments, are looked on with suspect and disdain, as they the Barbudans slowly loose their community
This opens the door for Gaston and the ALBP to shape opinions and minds while he takes advantage of Barbuda
Louise Hill was spung in Barbuda while the Council is asleep as usual.
The Barbuda Council lacks the ability to carry out their basic functions opening the door for Gaston to do as he wishes.
The Louse Hill project is an illconceived project to satisfy Gaston’s aggrandizing. It is illegal and violated the laws of Antigua and Barbuda.
Until the Barbudans get their act together this will continue.
@ Rovi at el,
Point me to the all clauses in the Privy Council Judgenent in 2022 about Crown Land that gives Antigua the rights to sell land in Barbuda.
BTW: Crown Land does not have the same meaning and legal rights in all cases.
Barbuda lands are “Crown Land” and is covered by a number of ACT in the Constitution
The Privy Council Ruling is defined with Barbudans being the tenants of the Crown, and can be assigned land. Assignment for renewal me terns is the only legal method of residential land distribution in Barbuda. It is among the roles and responsibilities of t the dysfunctional Barbuda Council.
It ruling further acknowledges Barbudans communal rights.
The ruling contains numerous various clauses about Crown Lands in this case. But nothing in the ruling gives Antigua the rights to sell lands in Barbuda
Trevor and them sellout the Barbudans ehy did they pushed this case when the Privy Council ruled against the Barbudans in a similar case before.
The 2007 BLA expands the rights of Barbudans and Barbuda exercise rights in The Paradise Found Project.
Even though the case was lost, the 2022 Ruling illucidated Barbuda Lands Rights which is more favourable than is being postulated by The Government.
With the amateurish reaction to the clearing of land at Louse Hill says
Trevor Walker lacks the wherewithal
to lead the Barbudans out of the current delemma he has ourmt them in.
If James Comey had not forgotten that he was a man and not try to show that he was a good wholesome boy scout who had honour and was “doing his job” by going after Hillary Clinton, the world would not be afflicted and terrorized by Donald Trump today.
If Merrick Garland had remembered that he was an Attorney General operating in a highly charged political environment and that everything written in the constitution is not upheld in the same manner by both political parties, Donald Trump would have been in jail today.
If Baldwin had just called the fricking election and stop his front pocket-back pocket nonsense and waiting for Gail to say yes, Antigua would not be afflicted and terrorized by Gaston Browne today.
If the UPP had only taken its time, get other legal opinions than what they had and tightened up the 2007 Barbuda Land Act, Barbudans would not be suffering so under Gaston Browne today.
@If only
If only you had a brain!! Barbudans are living their BEST LIFE UNDER GASTON BROWNE ADMINISTRATION.
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