My fellow residents of St. Mary’s South… Let us reason together for a few minutes.
This by-election gives us the opportunity to send an even stronger message to Gaston Browne, that we will NOT be taken for granted.
The Gaston Browne Government neglected St. Mary’s South for over 9 years, and a new candidate has NOT changed their old habits.
The Bolans clinic is still closed, 6 months after the “grand opening” and the pharmacy at the neglected Johnson’s Point Clinic has also been closed for months, limiting healthcare access for our most vulnerable residents.
We are still waiting on a proper Bolans police station and fire station.
Our sports facilities were left in a sad state.
Our roads were left in a poor state, with little concern for our safety.
Our farmers and fisherfolk were completely neglected and our Antigua Black Pineapple was overgrown with bushes.
Too many of our people – especially our youth – remain unemployed AND underemployed.
Our families struggle to make ends meet, crushed by the sky-high cost of living.
And we are still suffering without a regular water supply.
Now, only because of this by-election, Gaston Browne and his Government are rushing to address all of the issues that I have raised.
They think we will forget their 9 years of deliberate neglect.
But we will NOT be fooled and we will not be bought!
We Deserve Better!
That’s why you voted for Leadership You Can Trust on January 18th.
And that’s why Gaston’s new candidate voted for me, and endorsed me up until the other day.
It’s been my pleasure to serve our community over the years and I will continue working to earn your trust every single day.
We cannot accomplish anything unless we work together. Community is more than proximity. It is a commitment to lift each other up.
Here are just a few of my plans to improve our community, working together with you:
- We will empower our youth with job and life skills through short courses and training that will help to make them more employable.
- We will advocate for the revival of the vocational school in Urlings as an extension of the Antigua and Barbuda Institute of Continuing Education.This will provide easier access to training for our youth and other constituents.
- Wewill work to develop co-operatives which greater support to farmers and fishermen in the production and marketing of their produce.
- We position sports as a generator of new jobs and opportunities for education and entrepreneurship in our community.
- We will create effective sports clubs and provide professional coaching and support to help athletes secure scholarships.
- We will mobilize community support through fundraisers to upgrade all sporting facilities with modern equipment, changing rooms and more seating capacity.
- We will also use community partnerships to ensure the proper maintenance of the Johnson’s Point Clinic.
- We will mobilize community support to construct vending stalls on the main road outside Bolans Primary Schoolto increase opportunities for community small businesses.
- We will also work together to implement programmes that improve both the physical and mental health in our community, including health screenings, preventative care and programmes which strengthen family relationships.
You can learn more about my plans and policies to uplift St. Mary’s South on my Facebook page or on voteupp.com.
I humbly ask for your vote so we can continue working together to achieve a brighter future for St. Mary’s South and our nation.
On election day, mark your “X” by Kelvin Simon, for Leadership You Can Trust.
Thank you, and God bless you.
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the people deserve honest member of Parliament. GOD-FEARING man who dont turn he back on God………respect God respect the people, love the people. ex-Apostle Kelvin he changed for the worse….used to serve God now dancing with Satan kingdom
nazarene dont mess with Alcohol dont gamble dont jump up in carnival…..pray he change he ways. he dont suit politics. he living for the flesh, not good. very bad example for youth n other ppl
“No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.” Luke 9:62
ABANDON church for fete
ABANDON constituency for fete
ABANDON God for fete
This guy is so afraid of being confronted by questions he cannot answered that he declined even going on the ABS TV morning show to relate his message to the people of his constituency. What a thing. And that wants to represent people? Give me a break.
@From The Sideline
especially ever since that infamous viral video of his “SUPERFICIAL” reading skils
Mr. Simon the PARTY ANIMAL you had 6 long months and $12,000 worth of CONSTITUENCY ALLOWANCE to start do something in the constituency, but you prefer to PARTY. Only since Dwayne George was announced you hustle and pretend to care. Too late, too late is the cry. all you do is criticize the PM instead of presenting thorough plans for SMS. Your time is up!!!
All Shugg do ah party and traveled
But he should be ashamed to go back to run for the seat because he broke the constitutional law. He ran illegally. BACK DATE the flimsy “resignation letter”. that Trinidadian guy on JoJo sports show summed it up perfectly:
“and people are actually gonna vote for this guy”??????????????
SHUGY SIMON go back to barbering. You are a loser. According to ERIC ( THE RED ) polling DWAYNE GEORGE leads SHUGY SIMON by 14 points.
Kudos to you, your Honourable Kelvin Shuggy Simon, for not going anywhere near the government’s mouthpiece, the ABS television station.
It was a one-sided love-in with that Judas, Dwayne ‘The Muscle’ George.
He wasn’t challenged by the ‘partisan’ ABS interviewer.
I had to force myself to watch it to the end – as tough and difficult as it was. Absolutely nauseating!
Not quite vomit 🤢 inducing, but close enough …
shoggy decline the interview because he DUNCE! Even with a SCRIPT he fumble big time!
where is shoogy WIFE? she lose the baby fat yet? Only then he might go back to she
SMS don’t want representative tht can’t even read properly….🤦🏿🤦🏿🤦🏿🤦🏿🤦🏿…where’s the pride…🤦🏿🤦🏿
Party animal, jet-setting using constituency allowance $$$ SHAME & DISGRACE!
@Brixtonian…I guess feeling nauseated is a step up for you from always been in the gutter!
Never underestimate the use of a GOOD gutter @ bertaboi 😉
By the way, did Prime Minister Gaston Browne 🥸 stay in the country during storm Tammy?
Or did he step-out again?
The Judas in this whole by election is shuggie and the UPP
Look what they did to Cortwright Marshall…..you all are going to pay .
I am going to have a good laugh at all u guys with these ridiculous statements about Shuggy tomorrow. Can’t find anything substantial to be crictical on.. u guys are so sad and pathetic!
A the way with Kelvin Shugy Simon💙💛💙💛💙💛
I can see a lot of people singing for their supper. Some of you are so selfish.
Liat former employees dying from cancer and Gaston Browne won’t give them their severance. A vote for Dwayne George is a vote for Gaston Browne and the wickedness
Interesting ideas. Just wanted to suggest that farmers should team up to make their produce more easily available in different communities and villages. In some areas, it’s hard to find fresh produce. They could have a truck going around selling daily or weekly or work out deals with neighborhood shops to drop off produce and collect any unsold or consistently have a minimarket in each community every two weeks with lots of advertising so people know what day to expect or create a chain of “market shops” in different communities that sell fresh produce daily. Unused produce can be turned into deli items etc. or sold at a discount to restaurants. There are many people who would buy, but farmers need to make it easier for people to access their produce I believe. Or, some of those unemployed youth can go into food distribution of farm-fresh produce businesses.
One man stop Shuggy from going to Miami for Carnival this year is Senator Dwayne George 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
allegedly shuggy was telling that cortwright had cancer. he joined upp in 2017 and begged lovell to put him on the slate for 2018. Can u imagine? Shuggy tell Alison Bramble on ZDK that he tried SEVERAL TIMES to become the candidate. He badplay Cortwright Marshall and de no-good Lovell used the infamous “VETO POWER” and blocked Cortwright. No wonder lovell cant meet good. And just watch the confusion that follow the party animal since then and worse he turn his back on God, preaching then winking up for insane mas troupe…….Anyway even tho he wont publicly endorse Dwayne, best believe Cortwright Marshall and he family WILL NOT VOTE FOR BACKSTABBING SHUGGY!!!!!!
All you negative commenters are so useless and dunce. U church speaker where was the church when innocent ppl was tear gassed? Some of allu get paid to comment and like the dunces u r, allu type shit 💩. Allu negative ppl need fu go back to sleep cause allu sleeping with the devil. Allu no better than Mr. Shugy who is looking out for the ppl. Allu selfish and bitter all u negative commenters. If allu na have nothing good or positive to say r u need fu shut allu stinking sour sewage mouths like the sewage water that a run in front a post office!!!! Me sick and tired a r u rotten spoiled hand out rh, allu beggars all r u negative commenters but gwarn work fu de dollar that r u na go stop beg fa. Low life ingrates, r u need fu fix allu life and stay away from commenting and STOP BEG U LOW LIFE ASS 🕳 church hypocrite shut ya scunt! GYPG all a r u!!!!!!
You’ll sitting here actually believing that this current administration is the best thing for Antigua, really? This government has failed on so many levels,and me as a returning resident has seen it over and over each time I come to Antigua.
This leadership in Antigua needs change,,and it starts with Shuggy.
I don’t even know how people can be so absolutely blind to this failed corrupt government?
Shugy all the way. Dwayne George made a total fool of himself on ABS. I was waiting for this Dwayne to say he build tamarind tree. His discussion was so ludicrous he took the crown from Lamin. At least Lamin got stumped on one question as he stumbled to “gather his thoughts.” But Dwayne George was a total buffoon from start to finish. Burford was more comfortable with the economics terminology than George who is an economics lecturer.
Anyway this guy is not only a traitor, he is also a fraud.
He say he ask Barrett for 100 jobs at Jolly. Which hotel is going to hire 100 people in October? Telling people to apply. This is the off season. Jolly Beach does not even have 100 rooms in operation.
Dwayne George is joke!!!
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