‘Burger’ Caught


The man wanted for the October 2018 double killing has been caught.

Calvin Burger James was apprehended by police overnight.

He was found in the Pearns Point area reportedly by a ex-police officer.

The former cop reportedly saw the man walking along a concrete road, recognised him and held the fugitive at gunpoint until police arrived.

More details to follow.

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  1. TIME’S UP

    Alas! Time is up.

    Burger ran out of luck.

    Based upon
    (a) …Law enforcement training and practical experience;
    (b) …Good powers of observation;
    (c) …Courage; and
    (d) …Commitment in performing a civic duty, yet a dangerous duty, a ‘…dangerous fugitive from
    justice has been nabbed.

    A very highly commendable act by a clearly devoted ex-police officer.

    • Good policing, you investigate crimes, you act proactively and another Hero retired assistant Superintendent of Police. If more officers were like Hero Francis, crime would be down greatly, instead of the high crime number of crimes per year. Drop all charged against the HERO retired police officer who stopped the Burglary, rape, Murder, and robbery attempts.

      I am so proud. The police took the word of a criminal over a retired officer. The police took the words of a criminal over neutral-witnesses who corroborated the actions of a Hero Police officer.

      Then my Hero retired Commissioner of police advise me, someone who took the bar exam and passed, that looking at evidence prior to trial is premature. Evidence is used to determine probable cause and reasonable suspicion. An officer must have evidence to have probable cause, and without probable cause, you can not arrest and charge. No prudent and reasonable officer could have charged this officer for any crime base on the 72 hours of investigation, if any, that the inspector was performing while unlawfully detaining a retired officer beyond 48 hours the law provide. Only after being informed that constitutional rights have been violated charges were filed to mitigate the error. Those types of cases are nearly impossible to prosecute with clear and convincing reasonable evidence.

      If the retired officer had shot this wanted man, they would have charged him too. Because Antigua say if you hit first, you are wrong. If you hit harder, you are wrong. Just ignorance, evidenced by the citizen’s arrest that was just published, where the persons made a proper, arrest and appropriate force.

      I guess our female will continue to be raped and murdered by criminals. While criminals are protected and retired officers are charged.

  2. Whilst I am glad that the accused killer is now in police custody, the story of how he was caught sounds bizarre and hard to believe. This looks like a set up and plan to ensure that this “former cop” gets the reward. It could he that Burga was being sheltered by the same “former cop” and the poor accused is tired of hiding so thy both come up with this scheme to turn him Burga in. Burga was supposed to be armed and extremely dangerous and a single man with a gun was unlikely to get him to surrender without a fight. This story needs careful investigations and time will prove that my concern was right.

    • There’s always an idiot in the bunch. Whether they planned it or not, the most important thing is, he’s in jail and will face justice. They will and always will be conspiracy theorists. How you come up with that one is beyond me SMFH

  3. Out of everyone that pass him walking only an ex-police man that saw him…WOW. Congratulations to the ex-police…Burger sister and family can rest peacefully at night now.

  4. Good news, commendations to that x-officer I home he will not be dealt with like x-Officer Everyone Francis. Like the x-Officers are working more than the Serving Officers

  5. Hold up, now why does a man who is no longer part of the police force have the ability to carry a gun with no repercussions whatsoever?

    • Bullshit you’re chatting. Anyone can carry a gun providing that they’re responsible and capable of doing so within the jurisdiction of the law. This man was a police for years one would believe he would be afforded the priviledge of having a license firearm to protect himself and family base on that he was a crime fighter and may be a target now reintegrating back into society.

  6. Thought the youth was a bad man! Had no problem in gunning down your victim, but when on the receiving end of the gun, you freeze and behave?

    You know what? I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, and that you thought not to fight for you were tired of running.

  7. Whats going on here? Seem like we need to re-hire all these ex-police officer. They doing a better job than the current officers.

  8. It’s very sad ehat he has done….however my heart do bleed for him. I went to school with him and a brother of his, and i would have never dreamt this. It’s unbelievable….. I know he’s over, however…. I’ll be praying for his soul. I pray that he will repent and make peace with his higher power.

  9. That is stupid. You could have lost your life. You should have shot him and then called the police to come and collect a dead body. Now we have to treat him humane otherwise those human rights people will accuse us for violating his rights.

  10. So ah man driving at whatever speed and happen to see ah man working an say to he self “wait an ah burga dat”. Then the said man must have reversed and burga who was on the run thought what? (1) someone had stopped to give him a ride to go to the one nation concert; (2) Said to himself he too tired to even try and run? Sorry I am trying to make sense of this arrest so I can know what to do in the event I see thug life!


    Many comments here have prompted the famous Martin Luther Jr. Quote ‘…The greatest danger to man is sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.’

    How a dangerous fugitive is caught is really of no discussional relevance or evidential value.

    What is of grave importance to those whose tasks include to prevent and detect crime and apprehend criminals, is that when dangerous criminals are apprehended, they neither poses further threat to society, nor danger to terrified relatives.

    As usual, a ‘…humorous Duncy Bat Comment.’ Apart from his humor, some of the comments here, are as mind-boggling as the evasiveness of ‘…Burger.’

    Well my good friend ‘…Duncy,’ you may wish to consult with retired Superintendent Francis, more fondly called among colleagues, ‘…Gaddafi.’

    Well, hiding out in bushes in the hot sunny days and cold nights without food to eat for so long, who knows, the fugitive probably came out to fetch himself a ‘…hamburger.’

    Seemingly, ‘…Gaddafi’ was also going to get a hamburger too. Clearly, he may have thought that to a hungry man, irrespective of danger, a ‘…burger is a burger.’ He probably decided to grab the first one he saw. Just happened to be Calving James.’

    Not sure what advice he might give in leading the life of a ‘…Thug.’ However, if you are not duncy, you may learn something that may cause you to keep away from the dangers posed by ‘…Thug Life.’

    Before consultation, for your own safety and protection, in the event the one wanted by the Police for ‘…Armed Robbery’ and deemed to be ‘…Armed and Dangerous,’ is seen by you, call Gaddafi.’ How about that Duncy Bat?

    • @Mr Pompey I disagree with your professional point of view on this one.

      The man was on the run for months surely the circumstances surrounding his capture is not only relevant but is material to how he avoided capture.

      Certainly an investigation must be had on how he was captured. What if the person who claimed to have captured him was involved in aiding him?

      Couldn’t that person be charged and sent to prison for his roll. SO YES MR POMPEY IT IS VERY IMPORTANT HOW HE WAS CAPTURED.



  12. Good job by this former officer!!!We now have a dangerous criminal off the street, and we should feel a sigh of relief to the public, instead questioning the motives of this brave former officer! You just can’t please everyone!

  13. The retired Officers still have their eyes out for criminals, that’s how we the older ones were trained, once a police always a Police. I know a certain retired Gazetted Office wished it was him who did the capture (not for the reward) for the FAME. Big up Cadaffi regardless to how it happened he is off the street and now turn to ‘hot dog’ not burga’.

    Firstly, to ‘…Kcapp and Wicked.’ Believed you have an understanding of what is evidentially critical and what is not;…what is important from what is insignificant.

    It boils down to simply this; whatever transpired before, during or after the capture, that is a matter for the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).

    What remains unchangeable, is that a dangerous criminal has been caught and removed from normal societal life and waiting to be made amenable to law.

    Why must you think that way ‘…Rastaman?’ What sensible man would aid a fugitive, and then one night, say to him ‘…I am going to capture you; …pretend we don’t know each other; …fire a few shots in the air; …I will do the same; …then lie face down so I can place the cuffs on your hand; …then I will call the police and turn you over to them.’

    No one really knows what criminals are thinking until they have acted it out.

    Do you expect the ‘captured’ to say this is the man who was helping me to evade the police?

    Position someone as a ‘…wanted dangerous criminal,’ you would have been listened to very keenly and watched with a hawk’s eye.

    You may even inadvertently say something to arouse suspicion. What do you believe a fugitive would do, run or put you to sleep? Seems the latter is more likely.


  15. Not satisfying enough,my greed is very high for this mtf,my island is still moaning of the young girl who life was way a head of her,he doesn’t mean shit to this community not even his family,get rid of the waste! A people tax money ago feed him rass!πŸ˜ͺπŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜

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