Browne Sisters and Government Resolve Booby Alley Land Purchase Dispute


The Browne sisters, Desiree and Dawn, have formally agreed to sell their land parcel in the Point area to the government of Antigua and Barbuda, marking a significant milestone for the Booby Alley Social Housing project.

The agreement comes after the Lower House of Parliament passed a resolution to acquire the 0.05-acre land for $144,000.

During a Senate session, Samantha Marshall, Leader of Government Business, announced that both parties had reached a bilateral agreement, effectively putting an end to further Senate proceedings.

The Booby Alley Social Housing project, initially planned for construction in 2018 with 150 two-bedroom units valued at EC$100 million, can now proceed as planned, thanks to this resolution.





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  1. wonderful news! Time to PROCEED with the Housing Project!

    • Time to PROCEED with the thievery. We were informed that the easiest way to THIEF money was through construction. Is it any surprise why there is such an urge to build Houses and Reverse Osmosis Plants?

  2. Well well well. people really cashing in on this government boy. I wouldn’t even give five thousand for that little piece of dirty shitty piece of land. But as they say if you are in the dessert and your thirsty, you would give everything you have for a glass of water.

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