REAL NEWS: Prime Minister Gaston Browne appears to be blaming the Opposition for the recent spate of break-ins and vandalism at the Nation’s public schools, suggesting that these incidents are politically motivated and meant to gain political mileage.
Browne claims that this is the same playbook deployed by the Progressive Labour Movement (PLM) to bring down the Labour Party Government under V.C. Bird in the 1970s.
He claims that, while government schools continue to be the target of thieves and vandals, this is not the same for private schools.
It appears that Browne is unaware that several private institutions have also been broken into and robbed, including the Baptist Academy, which has burglar bars installed on its buildings, and the St. Peter’s Academy, from which the thieves stole money.
Even churches have fallen prey to thieves, as well as scores of businesses and households. In fact, many residents have accused the Police of failing to report the extent of the situation in order to give the impression that the incidence of crime is low.
Meanwhile, Browne says his government will resist any excess coming from his opponents, and he is prepared to use the Police and Army to patrol the Nation’s schools and bring the perpetrators to justice.
He says he is confident that someone will be caught and will reveal the names of the politicians behind these nefarious acts.
Commenting on the Prime Minister’s accusations, a woman notes that when crime spiked under the UPP Administration – with one year recording 19 murders – the Antigua Labour Party rejoiced and used it to their political advantage.
However, she says, at no time did the UPP publicly state that the opposition Labour Party was behind the increase in crime, although many people believed, then, that politics had, indeed, played a part.
She says the Labour Party is familiar with that playbook; this is why Prime Minister Browne, the head of that party, is making the situation political. “As a man speaketh, so does he also think,” the woman says.
In the meanwhile, UPP officials say that Browne’s unfounded accusations show that “desperation has set in” and, as usual, he is “trying to find scapegoats for his Administration’s failures.”
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This man is sure like Nebucanazza , He is seeing The Writings on the wall.ABLP is desperate and holding unto Straws.Get Rid Ah Them!
Then take your evidence to the appropriate authorities Prime Minister, just as you should have done with the – ongoing – Nigel Christian case.
Simple really sir, because if you don’t, then everything you continue to tell us just comes over as MORE bluster and hot air … as usual!
… How did this self-enrichment man come to prominence in Antigua?
Was this a legacy from Lester Bird’s awful governance that brought him to office?
It seems like Gaston Browne has picked up some similar traits … not good for the country at present – we need a clean sweep!
No Gaston Browne, the UPP is not responsible for the break ins. Hunger, unemployment, and desperation are responsible. Gainfully employed people don’t have the time to commit crime.
And allowing all kinds of people in the country who have no means to support themselves, some of whom are probably criminals in their own country, only increases the crime rate. You labour people don’t care about who comes in the country as at election time you grant them amnesty for their votes. Why do you not protect Antiguans by deporting all the illegals?
My sentiments exactly!!
God knows who living in antigua!!
Father save us from this wicked and greedy government😒
I agree with the PM 100%
The evidence don’t lie
@ Iman: What evidence? So you are saying that the bandits have been caught ?
Un and the pm obviously living in a cave on an off shore Island… some many other private school have been vandalized as well as many homes….so wa the pm a say go break more private. Schools…. r u lso full a S%^/% fix it and stop putting bame on others….
Gaston is becoming delusional and living in La-La land. Next he will be seeing unicorns.
This is a low even for you, Mr Browne. You know many people have said that you are your worst enemy with that running mouth of yours and that your radio station will be your down fall
This just doesn’t make any sense.Mr.PM please think before you speak .
This is NOT leadership.
This NOT solutions providing.
This is cheap, finger pointing, blame game, hot air.
The teachers are correct to either work to rule or strike.
As clearly the Ministers of Education & National Security are missing in action, and the PM shows no care for their, or their pupils saftety, ability to have a secure learning-centric, positive environment.
Very Sad that the next generation is being treated so maliciously by the PM.
Gaston, the only people who believe you are your diehard foolish supporters. You think UPP supporters are like the labour criminals who burnt down Ottos School and Girls School when PLM was in power. During that time they were setting fires all over the place. You think UPP supporters are like the ignorant labour people who destroyed all the sidewalk grids so people would fall in the gutters. Shame on you.
You know, this is actually not far fetched given the type of desperation we’ve seen exhibited by the pm in recent times
Yes @ Rita, seems like somethings afoot … 🤔
The bones of Mami_Wata and Papa_Elegba are screaming 😱 #frustration and #desperation by these Despots running the Nation like a Despotics, and it stands to reason, this is pure #despotism!
…these bones of Mami_Wata
…and, Papa_Elegba
…are #screaming 😱frustration
,,,plus, 🙀 desperation
…by, these #despots running the Nation
…like a Despotic Game
…driving the People #Insane
…please, we can’t take no more of this Insanity!
…so, it’s time! High Time!
…I know you can feel it in your mind
…to get rid of the #Despots of ABLP
…to save the Nation, from⁉️✝️✝️✝️
…further, calamity and destruction!
Mr PM , i think u might be onto something there, im thinking they started the war in Ukraine too. they are responsible for the war crimes , we cant have them here, declare them persona non gtata and put them on a raft in the ocean.
Gaston your problem is that you think that you are so popular and that you are so well loved that you cannot believe that people are sick and tired of you.
This POS Gaston always running his mouth and spewing pure shit. His creative enrichment scheme coming to and end and he has gotten more than desperate.
He and his entire cabinet living the high life while the rest of struggling to put food on the table and feed our families.
This coming election, remember all this and vote accordingly. Vote for the person who will take care of you and our country not their bank accounts and personal creative enrichment schemes.
The burglars must have doo-dooed in Gaston’s mouth because that is what coming from his mouth
Gaston Browne as you have taken the time to blame the Opposition for schools break-ins.I am taking this time to blame your Administration for the break-ins at the Churches and drank the Wines.You would open your Hitler mouth and toory jumped out.
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