BREAKING: Acting DPP files appeal in Harry Josiah case


For former General Manager of the Antigua and Barbuda Transport Board (ABTB), Harry Josiah, within the  criminal justice system, when it rains, it pours.

For him the cases against him have not been all over as yet.


This news portal has been reliably informed that Acting Director of Public Prosecutions Joann Walsh has since filed an appeal in the “No Case Submission.”



It is to be heard by the Itinerant ‘OECS’ Appeals Court next sitting in Antigua and Barbuda.


Indicted on some 12 counts of Corruption in March 2015, having waited for some 7 agonizing years for trial some 7 years, the case came up for trial on 4th March 2022, before a lone judge, Justice Stanley John.



A contracted attorney, Andrew Okolo, represented and led the case for the prosecution, while Queen’s Counsel, Dane Hamilton Sr, represented the accused.


At the close of the case for the prosecution, he succeeded with the “No case Submission,” that saw his client walk free.


The trial judge appeared not to have been satisfied with the quality of evidence adduced by the prosecution. It was reported that the prosecution had not made out a prima facie case against Josiah.



Consequently, the Court upheld the submissions and dismissed the 12 counts against him.


The Crown’s prosecutor had already placed the Court on notice, that the prosecution will appeal the Court’s decision.


It was confirmed that a “Notice of Appeal” was submitted to the High Court of Justice on 21st March, 2022 and filed on 22nd March, 2022.’



It was also confirmed that the “Notice of Appeal” was served on the former General Manager on 29th March, 2022.

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        This is just a ‘FORMALITY.’

        Nat ah darn ting goine ‘appen’ (vernacular)

        PM Browne already told ‘ANR’ right at this news portal that it was ‘…DEAN JONAS’ who ‘…went behind Cabinet back’ to set up the whole thing.

        One may also recall he also said that it was ‘…MICHAEL BROWNE,’ wo did the same darn thing to ‘…GISELE AND SERPENT.’

        One good thing with this ‘PM,’ ‘…HOLDING NO DARN CAT IN BAG,’ and ‘…GOING UNDER NO DARN BUS.’

        Those possessing ‘…DISCERNING SKILL,’ may very well infer, that it was more a ‘…ACRIMONIOUS POLITICAL PERSECUTION,’ than it was ‘…CRIMINAL PROSECUTION.’ Blessed Tuesday, ‘CR.’

    • I certainly agree….. It appears as though most cases like these derive from insufficient evidence or lack of preparation from the police. Our officers need to get their act in order.


        Professionally writing;


        (i) …Based upon the evidence unearthed, the police investigate, arrest and charge:

        (ii) …The police do not direct criminal proceedings:

        (iii) …Do not order Committal Proceedings:

        (iv) …Do not function as Committing Magistrates:

        (v) …Do not commit persons to stand trial by (a) …Judge Alone: or (b)
        …Judge and Jury:

        (vii) …Do not file indictments against thpse committed by Magistrates: and
        MOREOVER, the police ‘…DO NOT’ do not stand before Judge Alone or
        Judge and Jury to ‘…LEAD EVIDENCE FOR THE CROWN.’

        Don’t think anyone, including my good friend ‘…BLOODY BLOKE’ needs to be a ‘…ROCKET SCIENTIST’ to see who ‘SHALL’ know what they need to do what they are ‘…LEGALLY BOUND, AND PAID TO DO.’

        Yah ‘…Bloddy Bloke,’ WALK……? Ah ah! ….TALK good



    • Anna,
      That is correct. Corruption is rampant in the labor party. What about Nigel Benjamin? What happen to justice for Nigel? Is Gaston encouraging citizens to forge his signature and get away with it? Where is the priority of the Government? I want to know about customs and what happen to Nigel Benjamin? The young man has a family.

      • while we talk about Nigel Christian and Circle Benjamin and shouting justice for them what about Susan Powell who was shot in killed Heritage Quality? Where are the shouts for justice for her. This was done during UPP time in office. What about the little school girl who was killed in botantical garden. Where is the shout for justice for her? Again during UPP time. What about all those women who were raped by the serial rapist again UPP time. But wait people only get killed and rape during labor time alone or Nigel Christian and Cornell Benjamin alone count?

  2. Our legal system allows for appeals by both the prosecutor and the defendant. And that up to the privy council. Thank God for that. Some legal systems do not allow appeals. And when they do it is exceedingly difficult. People therefore will stay incarcerated for many years before they have a chance of their case being heard. And that will have to be based on legal grounds.

    • Sidelines: If someone is sentenced and then decided to appeal.It is up to the Courts to grant that appeal,with bail yea or nay.If the bail is nay,the person would stay in Jail while the appeal goes through the process.Isn’t that how it works in Antigua?


    ANA , You are next with all those LIES you are telling on ANR. Hope you are brought before the court for LIES. You are a SICK WOMAN.

  4. The democratic system at work people. My only problem is that no body in Antigua going to Jail or gone to jail except minister say pay and me pay Jarvis.

    • That tells you that civil servants stand more to lose if they adhere to corrupt practices from their minister. Ministers do not sign checks and therefore have no fiduciary responsibility. Civil Servants therefore need to take their responsibility very seriously. And stand their ground when they must.

  5. If there was a No Case Submission presented by the Lawyer of the Accused. I really wondered if those Judges on the Appeals Court would see things differently. There was no case to answer. Hence a No Case Submission was presented to the Court and that Presiding Judge agreed. We are the ones paying for those Appeals. For going to the various Courts are costly.I wondered what the real DPP would have done. The same thing as this one who is the Acting DPP.

  6. Why don’t they just stop wasting the people’s resources? Focus on getting the water problems and don’t get distracted. I have not had water in 4 days. This has been going on for months. This government is a total waste of time.

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