(Dashboard Update for January 4, 2022)
The Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment apologizes for the delayed publication of the dashboard. This was due to unforeseen circumstances that were experienced by the Ministry’s Epidemiology Unit.
The Ministry expresses appreciation to members of the public for their patience during the delay.
In this regard, the most recent reports received by the Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment covering the period December 27th through to December 31st 2021 at 6pm revealed two hundred and three (203) new laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda.
The new cases are as follows: twelve (12) on December 27th, sixty-seven (67) on December 29th, forty-nine (49) on December 30th and seventy-seven (77) on December 31st.
There were thirteen (13) recovered cases recorded during the same period as follows: three (3) on December 27th, one (1) on December 29th and nine (9) on December 31st.
Consequently, the total number of persons with laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda is four thousand four hundred and eighty-six (4,486); which is inclusive of two hundred and ninety-one (291) active cases.
There are seven (7) hospitalized cases; four (4) moderate and three (3) mild.
The dashboard has been updated to reflect these changes.
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When government held us back covid was in check…now the shackles are off its like all hell bruk loose.
The Dashboard should be updated to include #VAXXED or #UNVAXXED! Boosted – 1st or 2nd or 3rd shots.
Welcome news for the opposition
@ Dot Brain you are truly an idiot Never anything of substance Playing with your phone again?
I guess this person that is writing under the pseudonym dot ,ythinks the virus only affects ABLP supporters. Your brain is as big as the dot.
The Disturber
😇😆😆you’re a MADD mofo! You should be written into the MADD Cartoon series as a Psychologist.
It looks like you have your own
Movement rising up.
Personally, I think that they should be more alarmed, at the shenanigans which they’re swimming in rather than your ‘Tongue In Cheek’ comments.
The omicron variant is obviously here, and also likely the tourist influx made overall infections worse. It will be very difficult for many businesses and government depts to keep functioning now as more staff go off work with covid. The government needs to plan for this. It is already occurring in the US. All schools need to go back to remote learning and all employees who can should work from home. Essential workers must be given adequate safety conditions.
Note: the omicron variant is MUCH more infectious in children than delta; Both adults and children are many many times higher risk for infection and severe disease if unvaccinated.
I agree. They should have not reopened schools…should have waited at least two weeks after the Christmas season to observe the situation before sending the children out. Lord help us all.
“… Both adults and children are many many times higher risk for infection and severe disease if unvaccinated.”
Arnold, can you please show me any scientific facts and peer reviewed figures to back up this statement?
Mat 15:14 – Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
Note: Putting the phrase “Note: ” before a statement adds validity to it.
Brixton Ian now asking for peer reviewed studies, after spending months spewing absolutely unsupported be.
What a joke you are.
Everything I have ever reported on this thread was factual and backed up by medical experts and in the main peer reviewed … I SUGGEST YOU GO BACK AND PLEASE CHECK AGAIN.
Check the UK daily figures from the BBC.
Daily new cases are more than twice as high as the worst of Delta but hospital numbers are not escalating as fast, ICU numbers are also lower.
Deaths to the unvaccinated are still very high.
The CDC is moving goalposts again, changing the definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ to include a third shot. In its recently updated guidance on exposure to COVID-19, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) treats double jabbed individuals that have not received a booster shot the same as unvaccinated ones.
Unvaccinated refers to a person who does not fit the definition of “fully vaccinated”.
Ken PLEASE, quoting from the BBC who received a portion of the $319 million given to Main Stream Media (MSM) outlets and journalists from the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation.
I would suggest that when you are ‘quoting’ figures in the future that you pick an independent, reliable and UNBIASED source. THANKS!
Shhhhhhhh. Dont say that too loud.
Seems like you’re saying that fully vaccinated tourists are bringing COVID here? How can that be? I thought vaccination was supposed to stop the spread. Oh dear!! I hope the vaccines they handing out here are not the same ones they using in UK and ‘merica cause they obviously not working.
You don’t seem to grasp how a vaccine works. It does not specifically stop you from getting an infection, although you are less likely (around 5x) to be infected if you are vaccinated. The vaccines are very effective at preventing serious illness. Since people can take a test 4 days prior to departing for Antigua, they could certainly be infected during that time, or even before, as the test won’t show positive for a couple of days.
People don’t get it. COVID is not a relatively deadly disease…no I did not mistype, the survival rate is 99.8%. The only reason we have so many deaths is because it spreads very efficiently. So in a misguided effort to decrease the transmission they have come up with experimental treatments that at best decrease the already low death rate while doing very little to decrease transmission (Don’t believe me? Just read the latest local headlines). This is like cutting the small pincer off a crab and calling it safe. It’s the big one you need to worry about. So now we give persons a ‘vaccine’ and tell them they can now move around because they are ‘protected’. This just gives the virus free reign because they are now potential carriers (in some cases even moreso). The worst thing about it is that the corporate and financial interest have demonized both preventative and early treatments, that have been shown to produce results. I’m not just talking about IVM and HCQ. There is big evidence that vitamins C, D and Zinc are very vital in fighting this disease.
It’s not about stopping transmission, it’s about stopping death and flooding the hospitals all at once (meaning people that have heart attacks die)
All you anti-vaxxer freaks all spout the same nonsense
…and for comparison, 1 dose of measles vaccine is 93% effective at PREVENTION. With 2 doses it goes up to 97% and lasts for LIFE. It may also protect against measles if given within a couple of days after exposure to measles
I think you meant to say, higher risk for the vaccinated – https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.12.27.21268278v1.full
That’s not what this article says lol
That’s not what the study concluded. Read it again…
please don’t blame the government,I think we should blame ourselves, because the government put every measure in place,so we can well protect ourselves….
There are too many “Bush Scientists” in this World. I am fully Vaccinated,with 3 Moderna Shots. To this day,I have never been sick and or tested anywhere for any Covid Variants. Thank God,for my good daily,HEALTH. I eat well,excercised daily,wear masks,wash and sanitized hands,wipe down handles on shopping carts,wiped and washed groceries,avoid large crowds. Protection of self is first and foremost, all of the times.Be safe Antigua and Barbuda, continued best of HEALTH FOR ALL IN 2022.
“We’re seeing breakthrough cases in people that are fully vaccinated and boosted” – Dr Anthony Fauci
Not all batches of the ‘vaccines’ are the same. Some batches are safe and others will kill or disable you. There is a website that shows which manufacture’s and batches are good and bad.
NOTE: They couldn’t have all the people dying at once from taking the jab or their true agenda would become too obvious.
website: https://howbad.info/
After excellent control of new cases, NO HOSPITALISATIONS and a stable death rate before the Christmas & New Year TOURIST season. Is anyone really surprised that since the entry of the fully vaccinated travellers into Antigua, that this is happening now?
Those fully-vaxxed tourists spreaders are now on their way home after the Christmas & New Year festivities, and have now left Coronavirus on our island.
After all the good work in containing Coronavirus, it now looks like it is on the rise in again … I TOLD YOU THIS WOULD HAPPEN!
The A & B Dashboard figures in the next few days/weeks/or months are going to be crucial – our politicians are utterly useless!
Lol the gullible will surely gobble this up as they’re so in love with their COVID variants and lockdowns that they refuse to see this for what it is. Everybody knew they were going to do this fake shit in January. How else would they justify locking people down again? It all scare tactics and fear mongering. Wake the hell up and see what they’re trying to do to you smartass people
Of all comments I have read you seem to be the smartest by far. At this point I am getting into survival mode because these people will walk to the slaughter house and drag you along while you trying to stop them. Be kind and smart. I realised there is no reasoning with some people these days so I dont waste time. Lock into your survival mode and may God be with us.
Maybe because most of the Caribbean were vaccinated with the NON mRNA Astra Zeneca. It’s already proven that the Pfizer and Moderna Jabs are killing more and more people.
mRNA also seems to be causing the breakthrough cases and mutations. Majority of the 1st world countries rejected Astra Zeneca due to ‘side effects’. Something to think about.
How else are they going to control you if you don’t take the mRNA vaccines. Notice that you never here of the rejection of these vaccines because of side effects? One you take the mRNA jab, you will be jabbing until you dead.
Remind the general public again how many cruise ships were anchored in harbor. Remind us again how many passengers disembarked. Remind us again how many passengers traversed through VCBIA. Get the picture! Give a RATTA a way into your house and he/she will find it!
Exactly Freetownson/ And that’s knowing they had COVID cases on the ships. They were denied docking in the other islands but shit bag Gaston Browne let them come in. However, unvaxed negative tested citizens are not allowed back in their country.
Continue voting for shitbag Gaston Browne.
– “Measles vaccine protects against becoming infected with measles.”
– “The smallpox vaccine was the first vaccine to be developed against a contagious disease.”
– “Mumps vaccines are vaccines which prevent mumps.”
– “A COVID‑19 vaccine is a vaccine INTENDED to provide acquired immunity against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‑CoV‑2), the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‑19).”
Source: Wikipedia
If you do”t know how to protect yourself by NOW, then blame someone.
Gaston Browne only allows fully vaccinated people and cruise ships (with many COVID cases onboard) to enter our country. Yet the douchebag Gaston Browne won’t let unvaxxed but negative test results Antigua citizens back in the country. This is proof what shit bag Gaston Browne doing is not working.
That piece of shit allows cruise ships to dock all the the sake of money to replace the stolen funds. Antigua citizens need to sue that asshole for stopping their rights as citizens to enter Antigua.
But keep on voting for this asshole and make sure you are happy with the way our island is.
Absolutely correct! Many citizens of Antigua could see what was going to happen when the cruise ships and flights came to our island.
I presume, that our politicians are very highly educated people; and they could not foresee what was going to happen, BUT WE COULD? TAL!!!
I am watching in EXILE, and cannot believe the government isn’t being held to account by the people of Antigua for this farcical and dangerous situation … has the price of Kool-Aid been reduced?
CDC Withdraws Use of PCR Test for COVID, Says Test Can Not Differentiate Between the Flu and COVID Virus
After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives.
In preparation for this change, CDC recommends clinical laboratories and testing sites that have been using the CDC 2019-nCoV RT-PCR assay select and begin their transition to another FDA-authorized COVID-19 test. CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses. Such assays can facilitate continued testing for both influenza and SARS-CoV-2 and can save both time and resources as we head into influenza season. Laboratories and testing sites should validate and verify their selected assay within their facility before beginning clinical testing.
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