Cabinet Notes: Two experts who have been charged with developing the bracelet tracking devices, provided the Cabinet with a display of the capabilities of the bracelets.
They are intended to ensure that those men and women who are placed in quarantine, remain within the perimeters of the home or bio-secure building to which they are assigned, by wearing the devices.
A dashboard which is displayed on a monitoring screen, sends an alert warning whenever the person wearing the device goes outside of the restricted area.
It has been reported that persons placed in quarantine sometimes leave the property and can be found mixing with the general population.
In order to contain the probable domestic spread of the coronavirus disease, returning nationals entering into Antigua are required to spend fourteen days in quarantine; that period is intended to prevent anyone who may have the virus to be detected and treated. Four hundred and three persons are currently in self-quarantine.
Nationals who live or have been abroad, upon their return (for weddings and funerals, especially), are to add 14 days in quarantine before the event; there can be no exceptions. Every effort to keep the resident population free from the virus is being made under the emergency regulations which now prevail until October 31, 2020.
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This Draconian rule is unconstitutional. Will tourists also be tracked and tagged too?
This policy makes no sense. Returning nationals are not criminals, but are being made to wear a tracking device as if they are. Secondly, all arrivals have to show a negative PCR test, but only nationals have to quarantine, whereas tourists are allowed to roam and mix in the community as they please. Why are tourists less likely to spread the disease than nationals???? Of course we know the government and their corporate backers had to allow tourists to roam freely otherwise none would have come here, but then the rules should be the same for nationals as for tourists
Who will be making the money off the bracelets?
You know most things this government does has a back end of scampishness?
Complaining just isn’t going to get the job done. The people need to sue the government to get their attention.
Are there any constitutional lawyers wanting to make a name for themselves? If you will stand up in support of the people of Antigua & Barbuda you will earn the love and respect of all of us.
Bring a Pro Bono class action suit against the government for these unconditional violations of our civil rights.
Are there any patriotic lawyers out there?
Change our minds that lawyers are all a bunch of money grubbing parasites.
Only black Antiguans must wear these new shackles. Not the white tourists. They can do as they please once they foot touch ground here.
There are plenty of black tourists and white Antiguans.
Yes Mary, I’m glad you pointed that important fact out. The black majority in Antigua seem to forget about Antigua’s white citizens. We have been here as long as y’all been here and we are just as much citizens of Antigua as everyone else.
People of Antigua your rights is slowly eroding in front of your very eyes .They pass amendments in Parliament then it becomes law . When does it becomes too much Anyone with a half ounce of brain hàve to know it shouldn’t just be returning Nationals who live or don’t live in Antigua. We are free .Real talk why do we still have this YES MASTER MENTALITY with white folks
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