BPM Criticised For Boycott of International Airport Opening


Gaston Browne Appeals for Unity Amid Controversy Over Barbuda Airport Development”

Prime Minister Gaston Browne has called for unity in Barbuda as the new international airport was officially opened today.

In his speech, Browne expressed disappointment over the decision by the Barbuda People’s Movement (BPM) to boycott the event, urging them to consider the greater good of the island.

“We’ve had our differences, but the development of Barbuda should transcend political divides,” Browne said.

“This airport is a gateway to new opportunities, and we need to work together to realize its full potential.”

Browne’s appeal came amid lingering opposition from BPM members, who had long contested various development projects in Barbuda.

However, the Prime Minister was firm in his belief that the time for conflict was over, and cooperation was now essential for Barbuda’s future.

At the opening ceremony Browne took a moment to reflect on the challenges his administration faced in completing the project.

Browne acknowledged the rocky relationship with the Barbuda People’s Movement (BPM), describing it as “difficult,” but stressed that the achievement of building the airport demonstrated his government’s determination to transform Barbuda.

“It’s unfortunate that even on this significant occasion, BPM has chosen to boycott the celebration,” Browne remarked.

He questioned the logic behind opposing a project that has already come to fruition and urged for cooperation moving forward, stating, “At the end of the day, the airport is built.”

Despite the resistance, Browne emphasized that his administration remained committed to the vision of Barbuda’s development, declaring that the completion of the airport marked the beginning of an exciting new chapter for the island.

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  1. Cool Ruler. What about the land that hundreds of Barbudans own in Antigua? Walker owns a huge mansion in Royal Gareens. I assume you are not just cool but also smart and forthright. So is it right and fair that this is one country, but while citizens can own land and property in my part of the country, I cannot own a grain of sand in their part? Stop you all crap. Codrington never owned Barbuda so he could not will it to Barbudans. Time for that myth to end. The Privy Council already ruled. Why must tax payers in Antigua continue to support the rum drinking and weed smoking of Barbudans while Walker has the exclusive right to sell fuel and get rich at the expense of Antiguan taxpayers?

  2. Walker is one of the most cunning politician I have ever met. Second to Baldwin. I say that because one can remember his constant flip flop with the Stanford Group. At one point he even said that he was willing to go back to the poll to defend his alliance with the Stanford Group. Then he would fly on the radio and say to his supporters, you see that I have given him nothing. Meanwhile he frustrated Stanford by requesting million of dollars in investment and even demanded that Stanford layed-off ALL his Blue Color workers. Cause he was afraid that by having so many people employed he would also have economical and political power, influencing how many of his employees vote. Walker would sit with the PM in privacy and say one thing and then runs on the radio and denies everything. Worst then a snake. I have warned the PM time and time again about this man. You just cannot Trust him.

  3. That good-for-nothing JIM JONES was a Cabinet Minister under the wicked, scalding “Sunshine government” and didn’t do shit for Barbuda!! All he did was cuss dem out and call them rum drinkers, gamblers and covetous people!!

    • The Labourites again. I am in complete agreement with the Barbudans. They were shoved aside as inconsequential, never consulted on most issues and disregarded as irrelevant. The idiot DAWG thinks he can just run roughshod over people then expect them to show up?
      Hypocrisy? Is there any bigger hypocrite here than Gaston Browne? Grandstanding on the world stage recently with the reprehensible Hitler mustache. Don’t trust Walker? You Laborites are unconscionable.
      What promise kept? Let’s watch this space because I suspect the DAWG is so deep in the pockets of these whitemen, he is not calling the shots. How much has he borrowed from this investor?
      When the books are opened,and the smoke from the corruption clears,we shall see.

  4. To quote Trevor Walker in addressing Barbudans:

    “…and seem to be on a protracted path of
    -UNPRODUCTIVITY. People don’t want to work
    -People badminded and just covet other people
    Council say work til 4 o’clock or 5 o’clock. You warn go home 10 o’clock
    And the last one which I find is the most profound for me:
    ~Member of Parliament Trevor Walker

  5. Trevor Walker, the man of many colors:

    ““Barbuda’s Representative Chides Residents for Dependency: (May 29, 2010, Antigua Daily Observer)
    “Member of Parliament (MP) for Barbuda Trevor Walker yesterday lashed out at Barbudans for their dependence on the Barbuda Council.
    Walker accused Barbudans of not doing enough for the sister-island while relying too heavily on subsidies from the central government in Antigua.
    “It’s so amazing to me that 1,500 people cannot get together to try and organise themselves in a way that they can help themselves, and I take blame for that too,” he said. “All that we do is to go to this broke Barbuda Council that has no money, borrow everything that we want, and the same Barbuda Council depends on the central government every week every month for transfers. It’s just not sustainable.”
    “At the end of the day, we cannot have it both ways. We cannot want to live the Antigua life and want to have the Barbuda lifestyle”

  6. Let the record reflect that Trevor Walkaway did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to advance Barbuda. He preferred to keep them brainwashed, mentally enslaved and hateful towards Labour Party government.

    History will be very unkind to him!!

  7. He is a conniving hypocrite!!!! He must benefit. His gasstation. His mansion in ROYAL GARDENS.

    His brown paperbag. His MP Salary. Everything for him. Nothing for Barbuda people.

  8. I must tip my hat off to the Gaston Browne administration for accomplishing this great feat. Which small island can boast of having two international airports amongst a collective population of 100, 000 people?
    Breaking barriers is what the ABLP seems to be doing at every turn.
    LIAT 2020
    UWI Five Islands
    Scotia Bank acquisition
    The Fifth Berth
    Reconstructed Port
    Sir Novel Richards Academy
    Home Porting
    New Resorts
    SIDS 4 Conference

    The list goes on and on…

    They might not have gotten everything right or completed but they continue to forge ahead with delivery an economic powerhouse at the Next Level. Promise made, Promise kept.
    Leadership matters.
    God bless Antigua and Barbuda 🇦🇬

  9. Gaston, you cannot do whatever you want, ignore the concerns of everyone then call for unity. That is the wrong approach and will eventually backfire. To the rest of the country, get ready for more taxes.

  10. Hypocrisy is a funny thing. Comes in all colours, especially red. It’s strange that the BPM were actually invited. I know of many instances where the Opposition were disrespectfully and badmindedly not invited. That was all well and good. Don’t understand the reason for them being invited, but the BPM decided that they won’t attend. Now the character assassination and the red hypocrisy begins. And people can post quotes of comments made by The Honourable Trevor Walker. Never heard his name mixed up in anything and I am sure he has not been in power since the 1990s. Now there is just one. Anthony Smith has multitudes of negative quotes that he made about the ALP, yet I have NEVAH heard one of the red people criticize him. As a matter of fact, he was welcomed by the same red people as a king and saviour. Where is the shame? No wonder our youths are so confused and misguided. The hypocrisy plays out Infront of their faces EBRYDAY, by adults – their fathers, mothers, pastors, ministers.And whilst they grovel for some scraps at the political trough, ebry baddy else ah Tek ovah antigua. Lord help us.

  11. @tenman: the whole problem with Barbuda is black people bad ideology inculcated by white religion and love of all things colonials or white, we appreciate all the formalities of colonialism that the white man institutionalized, so when the black leaders become leaders of the lands they emulate their colonial masters and keep the black people poor and dispossessed, barbudans or council continue to heard the people in the Codrington estate area or environment and don’t allow them to go near the beach fronts, and to some degree religion play a role in this, by conditioning the mind of the people to believe that up in the cloud is their lands, just keep the people superstitious and scared so they don’t go for beach front lands, Barbuda council should have but did nothing over the decades to create a small business institution and financing of small boutique hotels built and least to own by barbudans, generating wealth, Barbudans should be very rich, just like now white people will be very rich from Barbuda lands, you see Gaston brown being a black coconut ( a coconut brown outside and white inside) like any potential leaders of Antigua who has been condition to work assiduously to empower white monopoly capital domination, whether opposition or government these OAS meetings they attend to be infantillised has immasculate them mentally, so they only tout more hotel construction or foreign investor. the council is responsible for this future land thief in modern history where you watch the children of former slave master return and take what they want on an sparsely inhabited island. Modern day economic slavery done with the complicity of Gaston money greed and the council black leader who don’t have any ideology or love for their black people, so we are economically handicap and subjected to continuation of an ethnic race that produce wealth for other race by our hands, working as gardeners and maids.

  12. @Blackcrapmentality & @Eldread
    First, the opposition members have never been not invited to annually event. There’s a protocol office that sends out all the invitations for the necessary parties. The staff is not aligned to one political party or the other
    So, get your facts straight.
    Second, you preach about the white folk who come to invest, referring to them as the offsprings of the slave owners. It’s a sad way to look at economic development. Offering the land to locals who have no formal education and financial support to do market their boutique hotels is easier said than done.
    Do you have any clue what it takes to market your investment abroad? Do you know the logistics involved to make it all work by maintaining a staff complement that is required to be employed all year round?
    Have you tried to run one of these operations to know what is entailed or you’re simply speaking from the hatred in your heart for anything foreign?
    Think about what you’re thinking… it’s not prudent.


    They don’t care about Barbuda or Antigua. They want to keep the people in subjection. They want to perpetuate LIES, FEARMONGERING AND HATE. They are a sick bunch a cult lickers

  14. Yes Eldred This made my day!!!>>

    Eldread October 4, 2024 At 7:33 am
    @tenman: the whole problem with Barbuda is black people bad ideology inculcated by white religion and love of all things colonials or white, we appreciate all the formalities of colonialism that the white man institutionalized, so when the black leaders become leaders of the lands they emulate their colonial masters and keep the black people poor and dispossessed.

    Am glad ppl are waking up. This defines 90% of ex-UK colonies in Africa and Carrib. 3Cs- Christianity(culture), Commerce and Cannons need to be retaken for true blk freedom.

    And then the icing …..
    a black coconut ( a coconut brown outside and white inside)

    What a wonderful quote. Never heard this before. It is so succint, anyone can picture it. Matter of fact, can I use this quote? It really deserves more mention. Also notice these thick black coconuts are hard outside exterior, but easily devoured once figured/cracked open.

  15. @ Eldread, you are on point once again. As the great Marcus Garvey once said: “A people without knowledge of their past history, origin and culture, is like a tree without roots…”

    Hence your erudite point about:

    “… when the black leaders become leaders of the lands, they emulate their colonial masters and keep the black people poor and dispossessed”

    You’ve correctly described Gaston Browne sir.



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