Bowen:The announcement of a 2,000+ acre Willoughby Bay Development after zero public consultation with the residents of St. Phillip’s South is a grave insult, which raises more questions than answers.
Why were residents of the constituency – especially Bethesda villagers – left completely out of the loop during the so-called “weeks of discussions” held on this project by the Economic Recovery Committee (ERC)?
Who are these 5,000 new residents who are being targeted for the housing development?
Will the pricing be affordable to the residents of St. Phillip’s or is the ABLP catering only to a certain category of people?
Has an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) been conducted to justify the proposed radical changes to such an environmentally sensitive area, including the impacts on fishing, coastal protection and tampering with the reef system, which reduces the effect of storm surges on the low lying village of Bethesda?
Who are the investors being targeted and what safeguards will be put in place to avoid another YIDA and to ensure maximum benefit to grassroot people?
MP Lennox Weston has been predictably silent on all of these matters, having no regard for his constituents’ right to be kept fully informed.
The residents of St. Phillip’s South demand answers and it is my intention to fight on their behalf for transparency, fair benefits and adherence to our environmental laws.
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Chups… was there any consultation for the Car-Park?
So the car park was a disaster and you want to repeat it?
In what way was Shirfield Bowen responsible for the car park?
Glad that you raise your head . You should be the last Person to talk. We DO NOT want You in St.Phillips South. The Reputation you have you should NOT be running for Anything. I will NEVER see my Family again. So SHUT Your DAMN MOUTH.
How about responding to the comments made in the article rather than a personal attack? Then we can address reputation and let’s start with those you support.
Steve ..GO suck an EGG. You FOOL
Eggs are nutritious. How about responding to the article?
Did You consult when you PERFORMED that ACT ? So please go back in your HOLE.
What ACT are you speaking of? Please share with facts.
Stop behaving like a FOOL. You the ACT that was performed. Stop being a NOVICE.
You are quite emotional. Now put that aside and respond to the article.
One of those seeking to Invests at Willoughby Bay.Is the Founder/CEO of Air Peace,Nigeria.That is according to Melford Nicholas from the Cabinet Notes.I did my look up of Air Peace,Nigeria.The results did show.The Founder/CEO/Chairman was indicted for money laundering and bank fraud in Atlanta,Georgia on November 22,2019.Just hoping this so called Investor is not treated with kid gloves. One more thing,no CIP Passports are to be given to that person to be sold to others.Due diligence please.Do your due diligence on all potential Investors.If you have to checked their blood types so be it.
Jack Daniel this country will never progress at the pace that it should since so many of us are imprisoned by the mentality that “two wrongs make a right”.
We see progress ,your just a liar Tabor
Are you saying that you DO NOT see progress in Antigua ??.Tabor take off the BLINDFOLDERS. You are a very DISHONEST man. SHAME on you Tabor.
@Charles Tabor
What was done is done and cannot be undone.
We should not spend the rest of our lives dwelling on something that cannot be undone.
The UPP however is further traumatizing the public by introducing that killer as a potential leader in the society. This must be viewed as an intentional cruel act.
This must be overwhelming rejected by the people by with holding their votes from the UPP and give support to the DNA since ABLP is not an option.
We have control of the now. The UPP must suffer for this conscious deliberate disrespectful act
Bowen, should not talk, he should not be running… Harold should be ashamed of himself to let that man run. it makes me sick every time I hear his name. Shame on you Mr. Bowen, shame on you! You Mr. Tabor shame on you to to defend this man. Would you be so righteous if it was your daughter! SMH!
I feel the same way. To hell with Sherfield Bowen.
I feel the same way. To hell with Sherfield Bowen.
I am so disappointed in the UPP to have BOWEN running.I am PISSED.
Do share why you are pissed?
TABOR …..You should SHUT UP !!!!!!!
Tabor this Country would die under UPP. That is why next election ABLP 16 UPP 00
Do you really believe the UPP Team can do Anything for Antigua ? Tabor you must have a BAD NIGHTMARE. This is the WORST Team UPP put together. No way that UPP will WIN one seat. Tabor wheel and come
Mr. Tabor I hope You listened to Beef tonight.Beef played the recording with Harold Lovell before and after the sale of Bank of Nova Scotia. I came to a conclusion that Harold Lovell is a NOTORIOUS liar. Tabor I am surprised that You keep defending Harold Lovell.
@Born Antiguan: Just a question for you and only you.If he was running on the Labor Party ticket.Would you be saying the same things? What ever happened. He was vindicated in a Court of Laws.
VINDICATED my BUTT. The ACT performed .So shut your DAMN MOUTH.
Is the parents of the young lady still live in Antiigua??? Thats what i want to know!!!!
Antiguan yes the parents of the young lady still live in Antigua and like Jesus Christ they have forgiven Bowen. Maybe you need to do likewise.
@Charles Tabor
What was done is done and cannot be undone.
We should not spend the rest of our lives dwelling on something that cannot be undone.
The UPP however is further traumatizing the public by introducing that killer as a potential leader in the society. This must be viewed as an intentional cruel act.
This must be overwhelming rejected by the people by with holding their votes from the UPP and give support to the DNA since ABLP is not an option.
We have control of the now. The UPP must suffer for this conscious deliberate disrespectful act.
I AGREE WITH YOU 100 %. TABOR AGREE WITH UPP WITH THEIR CRUEL ACTS. Bowen should not be running in a DOG RACE. This is crazy.
Would be interesting to guess what the UPP would be saying if Bowen was running on a ABLP ticket. Would they point out that the judges (2 of the 3) in the matter argued that the DPP should gove serious thought to reopening the matter? One was quite adamant it should happen in order for justice to be seen. They both agreed its up to the DPP, but the suggestion was clearly there that this matter is not closed. The DPP should at least tell the public why in his estimation there was no need to pursue the matter further, especially since he was the one, in the first place who argued Bowen was guilty. What changed his mind?
I heard Sheffield Bowen interview with Knight on Observer Radio. Bowen sounded NERVOUS and Scared. It was an AWFUL interview. Bowen did not know what to expect. He thought that He would be asked certain question including involvement with the LAW.
On the other hand KNIGHTwas an AWFUL Host as usual. I would advise anyone seeking office DO NOT go on Knight program. Knight is the worst Radio Host in Antigua. Knight only know how to CUSS. He does not have the slightest notion of interviewing. Knight MOT an ASSERTIVE Person.
I also heard the interview and i laughed all way through the interview. KNIGHT did no what question to ask. It was ABOMINABLE.
It’s time all govts and members of govt become totally transparent.
They work for the people not vice-versa.
I am getting so ANGRY when the UPP present certain Individual such as HAROLD LOVELL,BOWEN ,SERPENT. CLEON ATHILL and Others. These Persons mentioned such turn my CRANK and the manner in which I would like to answer I cannot in this medium. I have never seen a bunch of HYPOCRITES than the members of the UPP. So I will just observe from the sideline.
ANR editor why my response to Mr Tabor not posted?
I am at a loss why Bowen feels there is still room for him to run for public office. I mean he really doesn’t need that stress. What does he has to proof. Revenge to the ABLP? Just like the two young Birds. I mean VBIII had a similar situation where he caused the death of a young lady while driving allegedly under influence. Anyway the court got him off, but the public court still holds him accountable. And when you have burdens like that on you, you should not be running for public office. That is my opinion. So Bowen you are from what I know a very intelligent guy. Perhaps the brightest of the UPP pool. But you have too much garbage. Some people will never forgive you.
Sorry I meant to much baggage not garbage
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