Booby Alley Cleared, Setting Stage for Point’s Social Housing Program

Final home in Booby Alley being moved

In a significant development, Booby Alley has been successfully cleared, marking a major milestone for Point’s social housing program.

After years of dedication and hard work, the objective has been achieved, and the community expresses its gratitude to the displaced residents for their patience and cooperation.

The area is now ready for the next phase of the housing initiative.





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  1. Has anyone listened to the news last night? Barbados plans to do the same thing for two of their slums. Relocating the residences and putting them in temporary fabricated steel buildings from China and demolish the areas and rebuild new homes and then relocate the residence back. But I don’t hear the opposition and the people in Barbados going on so bad as here? Why is that so?

    • There’s for transparency and accountability. They’ve had consultations with the affected persons and everything is above board. After almost a decade, we still don’t have any information on what was spent by National Housing. Maybe Lennox weston knows because he told us that they are burning money. Mia Mottley dare not try to be a dictator in Barbados.

    • @From the Sideline
      Let’s see how much of the lands facing the cruise ship port government ministers keep for themselves. For them not to take some, they would have to be like Saul. You are a bible reader, right?

  2. Because it probably was done legally in barbados, not the like the gangsta government on antigua that just do as they place tek what they want and make people mpve out without a clear plan as to how there livelihoods will be protected. Point ppl were treated badly like they were a bunch of wild animals being moved.

    • @Upset DUNCElectual
      what money??? de KICKBACKS that John Ashe said he give Baldwin Spencer and UPP?? you mean they didn’t pass it on???

      “Spencer implicated in UN bribery scandal”

      Ask he when last he go on U.S. territory if you feel you bad. The HON. GASTON BROWNE went to NY the other day for UN General Assembly. Notwithstanding the UPP LIES about FBI coming for him, why de FBI didn’t arrest him at the UNGA in NY?

      Are u too damn LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  3. @Really, I dont know who you calling dunce. I probably have a way higher education than you. I dont usually comment but the situation is just getting worser by the day with this pappy show government. so there is a right way to do things and a wrong way. The end doesn’t justify the means. Since the beginning of this project there have been many questions (still unanswered btw) and the way in which the point people were victimized was cruel. They were arbitrarily moved without clear legal protection everything being “word of mouth.” This government is a disgrace just bulllying people to get what they want. They really treated point people like they were less than human. Some of the houses that they were move to are leaking, some were not in a state that the dog himself would not accept. Damaged windows, improper construction and poor design. Houses were moved and damaged and havent been fixed. Some people are living in homes and have no idea how long they can stay there, cause they were no clear paper work plan. Some were forced to get lawyers to get a clear plan of how the moving would go. Point people deserved better treatment. The dog constantly ranted about point ppl didnt want to move when for some they had no where to put them no talks was held just painting the poor ppl in a bad light. He advantage them, He dont love point ppl, the only thing he do is give out money election time and on the block, ($200 rap up in alp shirts). Look at the youth the police shot with rubber bullets and bruk down thier back fence. Ive seen it myself people fighting one another to get close to him to get the shirts and money. Reminds me of a man throwing scraps to puppies. This man treat point ppl so bad and they dont see it. He uses his economic wealth to control the poorer ppl that is a fact. I dont care what you say sir ive seen these things myself you are a brain washed zombie talking out his rear. This country is run by thugs. I pray that this government lose power so we can arrest and persecute these criminals running the country into the ground.

  4. @Upset DUNCElectual

    BLAH BLAH BLAH trying to puff up your chicken chest and toot ya rusty horn. no time for your long boring copycat epistle. Fact remains that:

    “the United Progressive Party (UPP) has acknowledge receiving monies from opposition leader Baldwin Spencer, that was donated by former president of the United Nations Assembly and former Ambassador of Antigua and Barbuda (Dr John Ashe)”

  5. @Really i havent mentioned anything ablut Upp learn to read before you respond. Im done. Look at they our government does things, they move like gangstas, you have no idea how deep rooted the corruption of alp is, the dog was also the leader of the red shirt gang, he funded them, and all the gangs brought were drugs and violence in point. They have hired these ppl to do there bidding, you dont know whats really going on behind the scene. This man is a wolf in sheep clothing, ive been very observant these past few years and this man only cares about himself. This regime is failing the antiguan ppl bawling, they are suffering and your empty ignorant words will never comfort them. Our current government dont know how to run a sweetie shop. The only successes is thier personal wealth. Some boasting how much land they have and how they can build house without taking mortgage i know ppl who have applied for land more than 10 years now and cant get through. #STOP ADVANTAGE POOR PEOPLE!

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