Bird Considering Exit from Politics, Cites Concerns Over UPP Direction


Sean Bird, the United Progressive Party’s representative for the St John’s Rural East constituency, is considering stepping away from active politics, which could lead to his departure from the UPP. He expressed concerns about the party’s direction and emphasized his desire not to impede its progress.

He also stressed that politics should be about contributing value rather than causing division.

Bird, who joined the UPP to run in the 2023 general election against his relative, Maria Bird-Browne, is reportedly exploring a potential shift to a role within the public service.

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  1. upp NEVER wanted you. They only wanted access to ZDK! now dem done use you and abuse you, you talking about exiting? What a fool you are!!!


  2. Elder I support your decision either way. Thanks for been a Christian leader in the midst of all these issues. We know that u will do great either way

  3. UPP needs to show this man some gratitude. At great risk to himself, he took a bold step and joined the party and filled a role for them when they needed someone bad.

    If I was him I would not resign. I would just wait her out. She will be gone shortly.

    • wait WHO out? You think the Lipstick Hag is some weak pushover like lovell and Baldwin??? You have underestimated the length to which she will go to have it her way!!!

      She wears the PANTS, BOXER, BRIEF….everything!!!

  4. Wait a minute! Another one? What is this Lord? And we are still of the opinion that UPP is going in the right direction. Why is everyone leaving if there is GREAT leadership within? I guess there are many of us with scales on our eyes, but 60 million french men can NEVER be wrong! Even Ray and Stevie can see something is not right here! Anyways, me gorn dis side.

  5. Sean waisted all these years in the UPP camp to say what? To be a rebel against a party you have birth right. It doesn’t mean you had right to the throne, but surely your grandfather’s labour, your father’s labour all of which you can take credit for and have a seat at the table. UPP never considered you as one of them.
    Come home to the house that your grandfather and father built. That is where you belong. And remember, ABLP is like a church, but the majority rules.

  6. According to the gospel of Justin simon….ebrey bady a jump before DEM get PUSH…the UPP is melting like Ice 🧊 they are dissolving.

  7. The U.P.P. will be just fine.

    A few more ‘major’ ones to go and U.P.P. will begin to rise again.

    Com on guys, resign and let the boat float again.

  8. This traitor ought not to be given any publicity at all. This hobo expects to live big on the legacy of his grandfather, the Rt. HON. Vere Cornwall Bird . Alas! He has. not heard! No one sent him the Memo. The Father if The Nation, not even Sean’s father, is and will always be Antigua and Barbuda’s National hero, arguably the ONLY one deserving of this accolade, with the possible exception of Dame Nellie Robinson . The Hon. Lester Bird, not even Sean’s father, was remarkable, despite his many personal flaws, largely responsible for the successful transition of Antigua from the sugarcane dependent economy to the vibrant tourism based economy that has benefitted this country immensely. Sean’s dubious claims to pedigree have been seriously diluted and questioned, not taken seriously except by an inept, desperate UPP – the country’s OFL – Opposition for life . As the older generation would say, Sean, “you’re all washed up in this town, pink pad!”
    Meaning? (Open to interpretation)


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