Barbudans are refusing to leave the Sir Vivian Richard Cricket Grounds where they have been sheltering since Hurricane Irma ravaged the island last September.
Sports Minister Paul Chet Greene announced last week that they would have to move to prepare the stadium for an international cricket game later this year.
At the time he did not say where they would go. The government later announced that they would be moving to the old nurse’s hostel, the Barrymore Hotel, and facilities on Barbuda itself.
But the Barbudans say they won’t leave until they know where they are going and to be assured that the accommodations are suitable.
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So why are they REFUSING to move???
I guess they have gotten used to being there, and their entitled mindset continues unabated.
Assure the people of a place that is proper and accommodating.
How many more times are they to say that the nurses hostel and Barrymore hotel are being prepared. How many more times?
Hon. Gaston Browne need to take serious action.
They did not ask him to come here in the frist place
*first….people still with this crap….so where di ass they wanted to go
Dunceness and Ignorance. I guess he should have left them on a devastated island with the possibility of being hit by another cat 5 hurricane. He could have left them there and the other cat 5 could have hit. Hmmmm. He wouldve been able to claim all the lands unhindered.
@Jay LMAO. Guess he did the wrong thing. Hindsight is 20/20 Lol lol lol
@Real Talk LOL.
They don’t want to leave their luxury hotel
Sleeping on the floor is luxury?
Yet they don’t want to leave and go sleep in beds, strange isn’t it?
very strange indeed
Well I guess they got real comfortable living there and now to pack up and move would be a real hassle. Aren’t they scared that someone will run away with their lands while they remain in Antigua??
My point
So they did not want to leave Barbuda police was called in to pry them out several hid in bushes and abandoned structures…..Now its time to go back to Barbuda they do not want to go back? People really hard to please eh?
where they going put them when they put them out i wonder if that hurricane had hit antigua what would have been the outcome?
People would be rebuilding their own homes…that is what would have happened.
Antiguans would have gracefully picked up the peices of what was left and move on , not depending on any government to build them house and put them up in hotel.
Thats what Antiguans have been doing and always do…..not depend on government……we picked up the peices after Hugo, we did it after luis, we did it after Lenny, Jorge and all the others. THATS WHAT ANTIGUANS WOULD DO.
Like I say and won’t stop saying ungreatful hags… Lmao
*ungrateful …but yh I get wat u saying
If the Barbudans are soooooo against the amendments to the Barbuda land Act why are they refusing to leave the stadium.
I thought they were willing to die for their periciuos land
Please leave the stadium so that Antigua can host the test match vs England
Their land is their god.
Barbudan’s have been living with a false sense of security.
They are the only ones not rebuilding their Island.
All the land talk about who can own land is a joke.
This is reality.
They want to have the BEST OF BOTH WORLDS: Sponge off the gov’t and people of Antigua, while having UNTOUCHABLE land all for themselves (Antiguans cannot own land there)
Wow I know they said Antiguans were assholes but this comment thread is ridiculous lmao!
If these comments happened 3 months ago, I would have agreed that Antiguans are horrible people. But now, after the Barbudan elders accused Antiguans of capturing them, after they accused Antiguans of treating them so badly, after they went to the media and accused Antiguans of trying to stall development in Barbuda to keep them from their lands, after they accused Antiguans of trying to steal Barbuda land in front of the international media, after all this happened and NO Barbudan groups stood up to say that Antiguans are not the devils that the Barbudan elders are making them out to be, NOW, I completely understand the comments.
Once you live here u an asshole too.
Antigua people please now is 2018 you all need to live up and erase the Bad Mind and Corruptions and free-up yourself, remember Barbuda is the sister island and natural disasters can strike anywhere at anytime. So Live and let someone else Live. It’s all about togetherness people. Don’t forget the Caribbean is Captured LAND.
The Lord help those who help themselves
Time for the Barbudans to get their lazy bums back to their island and rebuild it
Not lay down and expect Antiguans to rebuild their houses for free
So sad that some people cannot for a minute walk in another’s shoe. Barbudans are not lazy nor ungrateful. Most have lost everything! They have not been assured of a new place to live and to suggest otherwise is a lie.
They owe no one for their previous homes and just like some homeowners in Antigua have no insurance because it is expensive so too they had none. Tp deride a people who are suffering may seem funny to some of you but life is funny and Karma is a …keep laughing, may you never know what the pain of being homeless feels like.
You obviously do not know how insurance works, else you would not make that statement.
Between 1995-1999 Antigua went through 8 storms to include 2 catogary 4 hurricanes (Louis and George) a lot of homes and gov’t building were damaged and what did we do we rebuild insurance or no insurance we did not lie down and belly ache the gov’t not helping us we helped ourselves mek them ass get up and go rebuild them damn island on the precious land
Rubbish rubbish while a few barbudans are trying to rebuild a lot sit at shelters taking Red Cross lil money and generally unwilling to help themselves. Why aren’t they In force rebuilding why did govt have to offer work to Antiguans to go over there to build because the Barbudan turn out was so low. They need to stop waitin for handouts and go help themselves.
I agree with you. Antiguans should have compassion as Barbudans and Antiguans are one people. However, the Barbudan leaders were the ones who drew first blood this time. While Antiguans were opening their homes and donating supplies, Barbudans were on T.V. accusing Antiguans of forcing them to come to Antigua so that Antiguans could steal their land. They went out of their way to insult Antigua internationally. Are you really surprised by the harsh attitudes you see here ?
Well damn! This situation is really exposing the archaic and backward mentality of the Caribana people. They really do think drastically different from the people on the mainland. What have they been doing/reading all these years?? Are we not in 2018???
First off I am not an Antiguan or Barbudan, so I am just an outsider looking in. And from reading these comment threads it seems to me that Antiguans don’t like Barbudans. Am I missing here or just getting the wrong perception from reading the comments?
Its not really about Antiguans not “liking” Barbudans. Its more of hurt and ungratefulness.
I could bet you if Barbudans (not one, two, three) thanked those willing Antiguans n Government (those who offered shelter, clothes, help, food, everyday supplies, education, etc) for the efforts and comfort, Antiguans wouldn’t have this much to say about them. Brings it all back to hurt. Hurt especially where they bad talked Antiguans on INTERNATIONAL TV.
You are certainly are having the wrong perception. A disaster occured in Barbuda. As the sister island Antigua tried to comfort them , evacuated them while another system was pending , it was not certain of where a direct hit may take place, but based on the damaged that was already made they couldn’t survive over there after Irma. NOW tell me if this isnt love? Do you humanly think we would have left them over after such a disaster. BARBUDANS HAVE RIGHTS IN ANTIGUA. WHEREAS ANTIGUANS HAVE NO RIGHT IN BARBUDA so enlighten me on your thoughts. We antiguans accept it as antigua and barbuda but we cant say it the other way around.
Wow, that’s deep. I didn’t realize that Antigua and Barbuda were that divided. I am from St. Kitts and Nevis and all though we may have our political divisiveness. Our bond still goes way back for several decades. I can guarantee you that each household in both islands is connected through bloodline and we both can move, work, and live freely on both islands. I thought that it was the same for Antigua and Barbuda, I’ve always admire Antigua and Barbuda for being established so long. I am sorry to hear that the challenges between Antigua and Barbuda runs so deep and divisive.
This has nothing to do with Antiguans hating Barbudans. Antigua when over and beyond the call for not only Barbudian but all the other islands that were affected by the hurricanes
Now its time for the Barbudans to go back and rebuild what do they do
Shows Antigua all their thanks by going to the international media and cursing the gov’t
And now spoiling our chances of hosting an internatiol test match
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