Barbuda Member of Parliament Trevor Walker has put Prime Minister Gaston Browne on notice that he intends for Barbuda to become a Federation.
In a letter dated 22 August, 2018, Walker states that, “I take the opportunity to warmly accept your recent public offer of discussions to redefine Barbuda’s status.”
“In the Antigua and Barbuda state; I know that you made that offer in the context of possible secession, but I believe that most Barbudans would prefer to explore the option of federalism, which would preserve the unity of our state.”
The Barbuda MP went on to provide a possible template to be used in the Antigua and Barbuda system of government going forward: “We do have a precedent right on our doorstep in the St Kitts/Nevis constitution. I believe, PM, that now is a most opportune time for us as Antiguans and Barbudans to deal with the problems in our relationship in a mature, restrained and mutually sympathetic way.”
Nevis has its own premier (Mark Brantley) and its own government, the Nevis Island Administration. It collects its own taxes and has a separate budget, with a current account surplus.
“Strengthen Barbudan local government, not make it redundant,” said Walker as he went to suggest ways by which the newly formed federation would benefit the twin-island state.
“Help us take full advantage of the uniqueness of our history of cooperation and community solidarity.”
Nevis has considerable autonomy in its legislative branch. The constitution actually empowers the Nevis Island Legislature to make laws that cannot be abrogated by the National Assembly.
“Provide training for Council members and officers on the best way to manage our affairs,” said Walker.
“Use our communal land system to build an economy for Barbuda based on our excellent natural resources and potential for a different kind of tourism; make the people happy by sharing the proceeds of our endeavours equitably between all Barbudan residents, whether they originate in Barbuda or in our sister, Antigua.”
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With who as leader lol not ever
Oh yes Trevor Walker
It was obvious all along that you wanted to become PM of Barbuda. First you wanted to “divorce” now you want to remain married but “separated”. Are you aware that the people of Nevis want to secede? Ask them and they will tell you. Sazam Hull for example recently renewed the call for Nevis to secede.
Are you sure you know what you want? Is this a “power trip” for you at the expense of the EMOTIONS of the people of Barbuda? Btw the people of Nevis are free to buy land in SK and VICE VERSA.
Next week we will hear you come with something else.
Nevis’ treasury does NOT have a surplus. They beg St Kitts for millions every month just to keep its civil servants paid.
The idea of Barbuda being self sufficient is a noble one and one that I would support, there is nothing wrong with them taking onnthe responsibility of truly running their own affairs as an island administration….. The problem with us is we do not like change and only accepts it when it benefits us!!!! Kudos Mr Walker that is an idea…. Its better than seceding and not having enough to sustain your people
You can keep your one man and his opinion to yourself,its usually a pile of crap anyway..
That’s ok, at least you have read it and continue to do so…. Thank you for the support…..
This guy is out of his mind . It is all about power. Don’t hold your breath.
Changing to a federation will fix the existing hurdles caused by the councils reluctance to embrace investors? Walker seems to forget, the BPM’s very manifesto argued for major changes in terms of the Barbuda counsel. They argued that membership needed to be reduced to 4. I argue 4 is still too much. For such a small population, they have too much representatives. The old saying too many cooks spoil the broth, is shown by the messy governance arrangement which exists in Barbuda. PM, you were elected to lead our nation, stop allowing especially persons who refuse to take responsibility to create roadblocks
The Pm seems to have a soft heart for Barbuda. I thought he had seen the light after the last election. But he keeps saying he is committed to these people who kick him in the butt time and time again.
here comes two of the king’s horsemen—tenman and sidewine. lol!
So how come I am against anything the PM does when it comes to Barbuda. I so wish I could shake him out of his sleep or trans whatever it is he is in. We can better use the monies we spend on Barbuda here in Antigua especially when you see where it is the Barbudans are on things. You guys don’t even seem to read my comments properly and understand them. I AM NOT WITH THE PM WHEN IT COMES TO BARBUDA. BARBUDANS ARE A SET OF UNGRATEFUL PEOPLE. AND UNGRATEFULNESS IS WORST THAN WITCHCRAFT. Do you get that now.
Mister Prime Minister, please stop wasting Antigua’s scare resources on these people. Barbudans are ungrateful and you really not have to be committed to them. It is not worth it. After all you did for them they will still kick you in your butt.
What the hell has Gaston Brown done for Barbuda but tried to take their land from them I am a born barbuda and not a shame to say it all he has done is try to put barbuda. And its people down …tell me the only time he brings his mouth on Barbuda its only when there signs of land for developments. And Hes only doing it to help himself. .A lot of you dropping your comments why don’t you all take a week. And live over there now and see the conditions. The people are living in to say they have a PM WHO governs the place..I stand by my comments
Hey cuz..it lakka we ah guard we door aggen🤣🤣😂😂😂😂
This is exactly what I am talking about. ungrateful set of people. Having evacuated them all from the Islands in a herculean task, brought them over to Antigua, given them shelter and fed and clothe them for months, while still paying them for work they have not done. That alone should have caused them to be grateful.
But as the Bible says ungratefulness is worst then witchcraft.
PM was your hands and move one. You do not owe them a thing.
@ Gdlvharris-How can someone take something from you that isn’t yours? When will you people get it through your thick skulls that Barbudan’s do not own the lands on Barbuda,never did and still don’t.. Walker is looking for a Dynasty with his Slaves to control-he realizes that secession is a dream so he is trying another Tactic.He want’s Antigua Treasury money but do not want to be controlled by Antigua..It doesn’t work that way Walker..Your obsession and bad minded attitude is turning you very ugly on the outside..Have you taken a good look at yourself in the mirror lately? Your dirty heart and mind is reflecting on the outside,get over it,you will never be a Prime Minister in this lifetime,maybe you can try in the next.. IDIOT..
Forget federation!.. go for full secession there is no shame in borrowing money IMF if you can show them a feasible plan for Barbuda every nation borrows from the funds.. We have a greater advantage over most island with our low density population it can and will work I’m in full support for secession!..
Is this guy Alex Deazle supposed to be a teacher? Anyone whose child he is teaching must be really dense.. Just saying..
One of the brainwashed Barbudans. Cannot bring it into their head that Barbuda land is Crown Land. And Crown Land is Government Land
It’s is a reality they do not want to wake up from. They will take it to their graves that Barbuda is owned by them in common.
And we Antiguans need to start demanding access to Barbuda lands
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