Prime Minister Gaston Browne is perplexed by Barbuda Council’s accusations of mishandled funds totaling $555,000 from Spain for Hurricane Irma recovery.
The Council demands a Governor General-led inquiry for transparency and urges Finance Minister and Audit Director to account for funds.
They express willingness to take legal action and emphasize the inquiry’s significance for government accountability and donor trust.
The government explains a $1 million donation delay due to a bank’s financial issues. The Barbuda Council persists in ensuring accountability for all recovery donations.
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The nation of Antigua and Barbuda is quickly become a country of arseholes. I guess this is what happens when grandstanding and parochial ambitions trump commonsense.
The Leader of the Opposition is the head of the Public Accounts Committee, yet the Barbuda Council and its UPP/BPM surrogate MP, Montserrat Trevor, do not think it fit to chide Pringle for not doing the job he is being paid to do. When has Pringle ever furnished the Parliament with a report as Chair of the Public Accounts Committee? Has the Committee ever met during Pringle’s tenure? If the Committee is functioning, then the information that the Barbuda Council wants can be easily accessed through the Public Accounts Committee, a Constitutional Committee that the PM nor any member of the government can stop from doing its job.
But again, they prefer to be arseholes instead of applying commonsense.
@carter : do you expect Pringle to get any information from that type of auditor general who thinks Gaston is the boss? Or for that matter an auditor general in and independent country has no teeth, if it’s dependant countries like the BVI people would be on the toilet, to fool the people about Pringle is just deflecting the government accountability.
And what you’ve written is called “deflection.”
@ Carter,
The people of Antigua AND Barbuda are led by Political Performance Artist. Some benefit from it, some are fooled by it, and some suffer by it.
GOAB received cash donations, in-kind service and Catastrophic insurance awards for Irma and Mari hurricanes a worth over USD$500,000.
As incredible as it may appear any of the Political Performance Artists are in bed with Gaston Browne.
The Barbuda Council knows very well that Sir Rodney enjoys his perks too much, to take any action which may cause him to lose his job.
If the Barbuda Council know that the Governor General choose not to investigate the human trafficking situation with the African migrants from Cameroon which involved 16 souls that met their watery grave.
Why do they think The Governor general who serves at the pleasure of The Prime Minister is going to investigate something to do with money and Gaston Browne.
@Carter, quit trying to deflect. Pringle has written several letters to Gaston Browne to provide audited reports of the country’s finances, to no avail. The dunce did not even have the decency to acknowledge receipt. Besides, the meetings have been sabotaged. The DAWG has a lot to hide and there are civil servants assisting.
To the Barbuda Council, I say reach out to the international community for assistance. Create a contact forum requesting certified documents of all cash and kind that were sent for the Barbuda relief. Rodney Williams is a dead end.
And when information is provided, publish them all for the world to see. Time we unveil what this band of hoodlums are.
@carter. Do you really sit there and blame the victims instead of the thief’s?
The only option we had, was vote this crook out of office in the last general election.
If anyone was going to investigate this crook, it would have happened with way more blatant cases than this one..case in point, the dead Africans at sea, the Alpha Nero, the Antigua Airways debacle, the Air Peace conundrum when they held up the 12 undocumented passengers, and the list is endless.
Gatson Browne signed off on those deals without the consent of anyone ( a case for impeachment if you ask me)
And here you are blaming Pringle for this crooks behavior?
We are doomed with this man in office, and that’s just the way it is. Sorry to say.
Maybe the Council should investigate the huge kickbacks that certain members have received & still receive from…. etc.
Who are you? Did you get some of the loot and are afraid of being exposed. Please name the ones paying kickbacks. Make your comments make sense and on topic.
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