A female bar worker will likely face charges for breaching COVID-19 protocols after going to work after testing positive for coronavirus.
“I want to highlight specifically a case where a young lady was, should have been in isolation, she was positive, but yet she left her home and went to work in a bar”, Health Minister Molwyn Joseph told reporters at a press conference on Friday.
Over 100 patrons reportedly visited the bar during the period and police were said to be investigating the matter.
“We want to see action taken against individuals who act in such irresponsible ways as to jeopardize the health of the wider society. There is no excuse for it, there is no need to dance around the issue, people who are irresponsible should pay.”, the Minister said.
Joseph said the government plans to increase fines for breaching quarantine rules and police officers will assist health workers in keeping track of people in quarantine.
“I spoke with the Attorney General this morning and he has agreed to assist the Ministry of Health with dedicated police officers whose assignment would only be to assist the Ministry of Health in keeping strict surveillance of people in quarantine”, he said.
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The minister of health has been marking it sounds like is bars alone the virus can spread in and continue to do it just to kill bar business in antigua. Now i operate a restaurant and bar and i act very responsible plus i have lots of space for social distancing i provide my customers with a safe environment so i am offended if the bar on kentish road doing shit well let them pay but dont use them to kill my business. From the time the minister open his mouth on bars my business drop big time people start to get frightened thats not right. But he dont talk about the tourist them in sandals who dont where mask. Hodges bay hotel with they big birthday party fire works at 1am in the morning people come in for the party never quarantine they can come my country doing as they like but is curfew and state of emergency jail for me to much double standards in this.
What does this have to do with an Infected person risking the life of othere. How about we just she should have been more responsible and not make it harder for other bartenders and more so Owners adhering to the correct protocols. We blame government for everything and seemingly not wanting to take responsibility for our actions.
What is this bullshit ? She went to work tested positive ? No excuse for that and why compare to Hodges bay were a closed group that all tested negative for Covid before boarding a flight, have a birthday party ? You can’t compare apples with pears… her behaviour was wrong going sick as a spreader to work. Full stop
People on vacation don’t have to quarantine. That would make no sense. If guess come in with a negative covid test and are here for 5 days and pie for hotels, tours etc … why would they quarantine. You think people are leaving their home to come down here and not go to the beach … makes no sense my friend
I think they ought to name the offending establishments so ‘legit’ like yours don’t suffer. Further, we the public are aware of the danger places.
If you do not pay the fine what happens?
This is where the government will have to finance a new jail.
What bar? People need to know if they went and when.
Molwyn Joseph should have name the bar and the period the bartender was working after tested positive for covid so people who patronized the establishment during that period can come forward.
And our numbers will continue to rise, much to the delight of a few psychos, because some of us are just too ignorant, too selfish and don’t give a rat’s behind about the health/well-being of others. Really pathetic.
@Anon the 1st
What is REALLY PATHETIC is how willfully ignorant everyone is being.
You are all pretending to be ever so virtuous. In reality I think y’all are just lazy and don’t want to go back to work.
Hello, Reckless Bartender!
He doesn’t need to make it public … he doesn’t need to say who and when .. they are suppose to have contact tracing and they would personally contact those in contact. If they don’t have contact tracing too bad
It is full time for the hammer to come down heavy on those persons who should be in quarentine but for their own personal gain, they choose to violate the quarentine protocols. Clearly, they dont give a damn about anyone else life….. In my view that’s an act of 2nd degree murder! Don’t they realize that one lit match stick can burn down an entire forest? The same applies with this virus. A single infected person can reap havoc throughout this little nation.Come on people wake up & smell the coffee
@Bluddy Bloke
You’re right. Infected people should be executed. Shoot on sight orders given.
What does this have to do with an Infected person risking the life of othere. How about we just she should have been more responsible and not make it harder for other bartenders and more so Owners adhering to the correct protocols. We blame government for everything and seemingly not wanting to take responsibility for our actions.
You think the people who buy Virgin ticket go tap home if they start to feel unwell before they flight ?? Dem ticket non refundable boss. Now you see how this thing go spread. Only take 1 on a plane with 300 seat.
What is this bullshit ? She went to work tested positive ? No excuse for that and why compare to Hodges bay were a closed group that all tested negative for Covid before boarding a flight, have a birthday party ? You can’t compare apples with pears… her behaviour was wrong going sick as a spreader to work. Full stop
Name the bar and when she was there so that people can take the required precautions!
Dre’s bar
She was wrong for going anywhere after testing positive. But why should people who tested have the opportunity to free movement? Why aren’t they quarantined in a facility? Or at least be watched to ensure they are not running around infecting people. Didnt the government refurbish old hospital specifically for that?
I agree that the young lady should be more responsible, but wasn’t it the job of the ministry of health to inform her employer that she was Covid positive since she worked at a bar and to have that bar closed for contact tracing? The fact that she went to work and was accepted to work tells me that her employer knew nothing about her Covid status let’s not blame her alone. I agree that she should be charged for knowingly putting other people’s lives at risk .
Dre’s bar
Where is that?
Same street where roasted salt fish is now sold.
You would also think family members and work relations, owner, operator, fellow workers, would also be informed of positive test
” knowingly putting other people’s lives at risk”. Have y’all gone insane?
CDC PUBLISHED FACT: Covid-19 has a 99.997% survival rate !
What are y’all doing that makes you so fearful? If it weren’t so sad, your infantile behavior would be funny.
223,000 plus deaths in the states alone. How can there be 99% survival rate?
Close the bar. Place the individual in quarantine, follow the respective Covid-19 protocol and fine this person an amount that will teach a lesson.
99% is the CDC’s number.
223,000 deaths is WITH covid not FROM covid.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a report late last week showing that just 9,683 Americans, or 6%, died with only COVID-19 listed on their death certificates. The other 94% of deaths were listed as having at least one additional medical condition linked to their death (already sick people).
Antigua had only 3 covid deaths. Doesn’t that tell you that covid isn’t very deadly for healthy people?
Absolutely! My daughter is an RN here in the United States. It’s no joke except to the idiots that listen to tRUMP a the orange asswipe
It’s amazing that people can find excuses for poor and reprehensible behavior of someone who knowingly have rested positive for a dangerous virus. Goodness… Gracious…
@Colombo Thomas
Goodness Gracious, where did you get the idea the this is a “dangerous virus”? Only 3 people have died from covid-19. There have been 4 deaths due to car accidents.
Sometimes is better not to say anything but if you believe your Trumpery. Go ahead and be my guess. Ignorance + foolishness = casualties all over the world. The good book says, the wages of sin is death. Blessings and prayers.
@Colombo Thomas
I’m sorry but for the good of the nation, stupid people need to be confronted with the errors of their irrational beliefs. Ignorance + foolishness = casualties all over the world due to superstition.
There is ZERO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE that masks protect anyone. In fact more and more medical doctors are coming forth and saying the same thing.
I know we all want to blame the young lady and she is to blame for her irresponsible behavior but are we going to exclude and absolve the Ministry of Health who didnt contact her coworkers and employer for contact tracing? They operate a bar so they come into contact with a bunch of people. I would think the minute you know she is positive you contact all of them and let them know.
There are so many instances like this and no ones points out the inconsistencies from the ministry of Health. The ministry has done a poor job of doing proper contact tracing. Calling some, avoiding others. It seems they call a few and if those test positive then they widen the scope and that’s a dangerous game.
yes. Granted pretty irresponsible, but them she had very few choices: not go to work and not get paid, or go to work and risk it. There is a problem here in the lack of sick pay for employees and a difficulty for some in getting government assistance. Before the governement starts trying to shift the blame to locals for this, ask why employers are not providing sick pay and why the government and the large corporations are not proving any financial assistance to all those affected by the covid impact, other than making a big show when they give out a few bags of food.
Covid? What Covid? There is no Covid-19 Virus in Antigua. The Virus is afraid of Antigua, ask Professor, Dr. Joseph. That Bar should be named and be closed. It should be fully sanitized and all employees checked before re-opening.
Some of you are too political, the bar has been closed and by now everyone knows the name of the bar. Yes I believe if a person is positive they should be held in a gov facility but Antigua is adapting the actions of the bigger islands/states world wide, once a person is asymptomatic and doesn’t require ventilation their sent home to recuperate with observations from a health official.
Can you be so scared to drink in the comfort of your home? Ya’ll cusss straight about bar this bar that, the man has a point because that is where most persons gather and socialize in Antigua!
Also there’s a surge of antiguans traveling during this spike in low airfares and are indeed transporting Covid to Antigua so stop the blaming of tourists (not saying they can’t or aren’t transporting the virus either).
Sandals Employee spread it to female bartender
Female bartender spread it in the community
There is rampant COVID in the community because the government let in THOUSANDS of tourists who they did not test, the did not quarantine, they do not require them to wear masks at the resorts and they let these people mingle amongst us.
WTH did everybody think was going to happen?
How the hell would you know.Who did spread the Virus to the Bar worker.You are in fact impugning a Tourist and a Hotel.Do you have the facts to support that argument.Did the Medical people tell you that in Antigua.I do not know why ANR allowed you to do that with such a cavalier attitude.You cannot go around and say things about anyone and or any businesses without proof.
She is not Spanish so the tone is completely different
You all making noise about the girl and where she work You know she got it from a sandals staff Why don’t you’ll make noise to close down sandals
Getting it from a sandals staff,doesnt neccessarily means that particular staff contracted it in the hotel, the staffs not living on the premises.The bartender knowing she has it should have inform her employer,same as the min of health must contact the employer so that the safeguards and protocols can be strictly enforced to keep business going,communication is key and her responsibility is to self quarantine and not to risk the life of her coworkers and patrons.Too much ignorant and corrupt minds in this sick society,common sense is definitely a scarce commodity.
Too addicted to tourist dollars to protect the people of Antigua
On Facebook tourists are bragging about not wearing masks in Antiguan resorts. So if course tourists are spreading it to staff.
Tourists also aren’t tested or quarantined.
And they go anywhere they want on the island spreading disease as they go
This government is a massive fail
I’ve read every post. Some are blaming the lady. Some are saying that the county has adopted the position of the larger counties where they send you home to recuperate.
My simply submission is this: Antigua does not have 50 million people. And we do not have 20 thousand cases. Having that that, with less than 20 positive cases, the government should have been taking the initiative to contain those who are positive and house them in a secured facility. It’s a terrible idea to allow people to stay at home. I’m surprised at this approach.
If anyone is to be quarantined at a government facility surely it erotic be the people who have the highly communicable disease.
Also, what in the world was this woman thinking? She will likely be directly responsible for the deaths and/or long term illness of her fellow citizens.
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