Baptist Academy Student Secures Top Spot In CSEC Exams


The Ministry of Education, Sports and Creative Industries is delighted to announce the names of the most outstanding students who wrote the 2021 CSEC examinations.

Pia Nichols, the first place student, swept up 17 grade ones, Avein Joseph, the second place student,was awarded 16 ones and one grade two; while Kofi Brown, the third place student, gained 15 ones and 2 twos.

All three students are from the Baptist Academy of Antigua. Miss Nichols, Mr. Joseph and Mr. Brown have demonstrated that hard work and consistent support lead to success.

They have done themselves, their families, and their school proud and we take this opportunity to extol their accomplishments.

Against the backdrop of the many challenges to education, and the social and emotional hardships that were created by the COVID-19 pandemic, their achievements are unquestionably worthy of applause.

We are extremely happy that both genders are represented in this roll of excellence. In a context of ongoing concern about the academic performance of boys, we are particularly happy that Mr. Avein Joseph and Mr. Kofi Brown have excelled at the 2021 sitting of the CSEC examinations.

The Ministry also wishes to highlight the complement of subjects which these students wrote at the regional examinations.

They tackled and excelled at the Arts, the pure Sciences and Business subjects. Indeed, they are embodiments of what it means to be academically sound.

We encourage all three of them to maintain their high academic excellence as they go on to higher levels of academic pursuits. We expect to hear greater and greater things of them in the future.

We are keenly aware that the success of these students is the product of visionary guidance and the consistent efforts of parents, teachers and everyone else who invested their time and energy in their development.

We commend all of those persons and encourage them to continue to provide support to these young people and all other children in their charge.

The Ministry of Education, Sports and Creative Industries would like to challenge these students to motivate younger students.

We also challenge all the students in Antigua to see Pia Nichols’, Avein Joseph’s and Kofi Brown’s achievements as assurance that they, too, can excel even under difficult circumstances.

Once again, congratulations to the Baptist Academy of Antigua, the parents of these high flyers and these three studentswho have made us proud.

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  1. Drive, drive, drive your car
    Gently down the street.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
    Life is such a treat.

  2. Dis yah World really strange bad!!!! How come none are you ah say a Senator Collin O’Neil Browne pickney dem be, at least one? No because dem three youth yah achieve. Aryou find all kind ah manna and evil fi chat bout de Senator and now him son achieve aryou nah have nutten fi say? Wicked set ah nearga aryou be, nasty, dutty hooligans.

    • Thanks for letting us know. Probably most people didn’t know who the parents are. Could you provide the names of al the parents for the three (3) children.

  3. When you write an article like this, how do you think the students who wrote fewer subjects and achieved all ones and twos going to feel? Instead of challenging students in Antigua to look at the top three students challenge them to look at all students who were successful and or did great. For example let’s say a student wrote 10 and got 9 ones and 1 two, or all 10 in ones, that’s not good enough to write about? I’m not from Antigua but happen to see this and thought I’ll and my 2 cents, because it seemed as though the other achieving students don’t exist for you. I say congrats to all students at this school who wrote fewer subjects and did outstanding!

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