Authorities are making headway in the heartbreaking case of 15-year-old Achazia James, whose body was found on Runway Beach with severe injuries.
Lionel Max Hurst, Chief of Staff to the Prime Minister, confirmed that while details are sparse, the victim’s family is being kept in the loop about the investigation. “It’s tough to share specifics during an active investigation,” Hurst said, but he assured that leads are being followed to catch those responsible.
Tragically, James is the second teenage girl to be murdered this year, after 16-year-old Yennifer Bridge was found in June.
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Authorities are closing in on suspects. What are the Police saying,absolutely nothing.LINOHEL WURST would say and or do most anything for the ABLP. He is so lie.If lie did see him. It would run its arse to Devil’s Bridge and swim across the Atlantic Ocean,just to get away from him.LIE,YOU HEAR LINOHEL WURST.
Clown government for clown servants
Why is this information being put in the media. It looks only gives the perpetrator or perpetrators the opportunity and ability if the financial aspects are afforded them to abscund and leave the country. Like the old saying goes A Still Tongue keepeth a wise Head.
Why are we hearing from this man on this matter, is he a representative of law enforcement? I guess it’s his turn now, after his boss did the very same thing with the fabricated Gang issue.
Wharf rat. What did he lie about?
Are we giving birth to monsters in Antigua to go around taking the lives of our young people?? Who are the parents, especially the fathers, of these monsters? When we take God out of our homes and out of some schools, we are creating demonic monsters. I am happy that I was born in the sixties. Church and Sunday school were a must for me and my siblings growing up. We had both of our parents at home. My father and mother weren’t afraid to use the rod of correction whenever it called for back then.
Jamaicans and Guyanese
Her mother was no saint as a youth and unfortunately, Achazia followed the same path. Rebellious Children are making rebellious children.
Lord have mercy. I saw her mom on ABS and I saw the way she tried to use the interview to make herself a celebrity. She should be ashamed…The way she batted her eyes and smiled then faked cry. She should be jailed. She failed her daughter and I hope she understands that. This little girl was wild and her mother heavily pregnant didn’t care two hoots
Thy know kill the child
Cus it’s their friends kids that’s y it’s taking so dam long
Ppl go shock when they see whose kids that did that killing.
Trying to sneak them out of the d country secretly
I hear one child go already. They rushed one out of the country. This is what Gastin Browne needs to study. The cover up and cover down. Pure nonsense.
Yep is all friend and company .. they know how they mix up go so please leave the rest of the country out of it. The mother knew she was in the gang and what she was up too, all the dirt road people was all apart of and encouraging their kids behavior until it hits home
@raphael fernando – Why would you post such a comment here now. What good does it make?
Mr Hurst is trying to be helpful the whole nation was affected by this heinous murder and everyone wants to see justice a little support in saying things are happening help us all and we do have the confidence in our law enforcement that those responsible will be caught we as parents and guardians wants the best for all of our children even those that fall short be given second chances but the law must do its work and let the chips fall where the may let’s continue to pray for our children let’s check to see who are their friends let’s be good examples let’s sit and read the Bible let’s pray as a family let’s keep the alcohol and marijauna out of our children lives let’s be responsible parents our children grows up in these dysfunctional homes and become dysfunctional let’s change that today and not tomorrow
It’s been reported in the FAKE NEWS MEDIA that a fourteen year old of a prominent business family along with two of his friends will be arrested and charged as minors. They will get a slap on the wrist and the adults that they represent will continue operating their pedophile gang.
Dear Mama,regardless of the situation. They didn’t have to kill that child,like I said regardless. Dear Mama,you must bee feeling it and I know your trying hard. I would go Guadeloupe,St. Maarten,Dominica,you name it. When I finish oh good glory justice shall be served because if it’s not served one way it would be the other way. Parents let us mould our children into becoming good children,raised the right way and not have our kids like we are friends. Never be afraid to put licks Pon yah pickney you heard. If you see your child doing wrong or going down the wrong path,speak to them. You under my roof,your still in my care and you are my responsibility. Parents let’s be parents and put those feet down okay. Justice for Achazia and Jennifer.
Aru in this comment section sounds so uneducated and to dem ppl that a mention Guyanese and Jamaicans leave dem ppl out of this and focus on justice for achazia
I assumed the young lady had a phone and at that time of night or i should say morning, any mother would want to know the where about of her child especially a 14yrs girl, so am curious to know why she didn’t picked up her phone and make a call to find out where she at and to bring her you know what home.
It’s 9pm lock your doors and windows and do you know where your kids are?
When was this ‘…CHIEF OF STAFF’ appointed to, or took on the role as ‘…Police Blotter-Man?’
From a professional perspective, the easiest ‘…CRIME’ to solve appears to be that of ‘…16-Year-old YENNIFER BRIDGE.’
Why have criminal investigators been so slow in:
(a) ‘…Detaining: and
(b) …Thoroughly questioning:
(i) …The Police Constable: and
(ii) …His civilian Brother’ who reportedly found the ‘…Deceased’s 1-Year-old son in bushes at
the side of ‘…JONAS ROAD,’ either close to, or after ‘…MIDNIGHT?’
This ‘…FOUND CHILD REPORT’ was said to have been made by a ‘…Police Constable,’ and reportedly recorded in the ‘…STATION DIARY’ at the ‘…ALLL SAINTS POLICE STATION.’
Interestingly, the ‘…DECEASED’S BODY’ was discovered some 6-hours, the morning after by a member of the public at ‘…FIG TREE DRIVE.’
I wonder why some of you comment .. I hope you don’t have any family . Wha Mamma jus say ‘ if you don’t have nothing good to say then don’t say anything “
@RAWLSTON POMPEY seems to be alleging that somehow the police gang is eating pussysalad while pussyfooting on the YENNIFER BRIDGE murder case. Well maybe her mother is not a part of the red Labour gang who holds many red party secrets close to her bosom.
This information will be very helpful to the killers. They now know what their next move should be
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