Attorney General says Antigua is the safest country in the Caribbean

Sir Steadroy

Antigua and Barbuda Boasts Low Murder Rates, Defying Regional Trends

Public Safety Minister Sir Steadroy Cutie Benjamin this week tackled concerns over safety and security in Antigua and Barbuda, highlighting the nation’s remarkably low murder rates compared to its Caribbean counterparts.

Minister Benjamin emphatically declared, “Antigua and Barbuda is on the path to becoming a haven of safety once more, where our people can live with open doors and our streets can be traversed without fear. Our commitment to safety and security is unwavering.”

To substantiate his stance, the minister presented a comparative analysis of murder rates across the Caribbean.

According to his statistics, Antigua and Barbuda has witnessed 10 murders to date, while other nations grapple with significantly higher figures. Barbados reported 40 murders, Grenada 19, St. Lucia 77, Dominica 17, Guyana 100, St. Vincent 50, and St. Kitts 29.

Minister Benjamin acknowledged that exact figures for Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica were not provided but stressed that they were in the hundreds, underlining the substantial disparity between those nations and Antigua and Barbuda.

He addressed the nature of crimes in the country, attributing a majority to revenge or substance-related issues. “Crimes of passion or retribution, where individuals seek revenge or are entangled in substance-related problems, characterize most of our cases,” he explained.

Contrary to assertions from critics suggesting a surge in crime, Minister Benjamin asserted, “Antigua and Barbuda remains the safest country in this part of the hemisphere.”

Responding to skeptics who question the validity of such claims, the minister encouraged a closer examination of the data, emphasizing that the country’s low murder rates speak volumes about its commitment to safety and security.

Minister Benjamin reassured the public that the government, under the guidance of responsible ministers, is dedicated to prioritizing safety and security.

He pledged continued efforts to uphold Antigua and Barbuda’s reputation as a safe and secure nation, urging citizens and residents to remain confident in the ongoing measures to safeguard the community.

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  1. Safest place in the Caribbean? That’s laughable!!! Stop lying to yourself and others. Antigua might have a low murder rate compared to others, but that doesn’t mean it’s safe. Antigua has an alarming number of sexual assault on women, break ins and burglars and robberies. The scariest part about this is that in many of the other countries, the murders are gangs and drugs related, but in Antigua, these robberies and break ins are random, which makes anyone a target.

    Also, are you so blind and full of yourself that you’re going to skip over Nevis, and especially Montserrat as the truly safest place? Come on now.

  2. I just knew that the Attorney General would not address the current rise – I knew it!

    Steadroy Benjamin and this government is soooo predictable.

    They talk down to Antiguans, as if we can’t see the bigger picture and the rising tidal wave of crimes and misdemeanours.

    Here’s some FREE advice for you AG, why not contact your Swedish 🇸🇪 counterpart and ask him (or her) how they are stemming their rising crimes.


    • … We would respect you more if you just informed Antiguans that we just don’t have the resources and the financial acumen to fight crimes in Antigua.

  3. Tell that to the murder victims whose cases remain unsolved and the robbery and rape victims who remain traumatized.

    • Another idiot. I tell you these ALP hooligans live in some virtual reality. Notice that all he focused on is homicides. He never touched the broad daylight robberies, the sexual assaults, the break ins. This same clown knew all the “Hotspots ” and had all the answers when in opposition. Now the responsibility is squarely on him, he comes up with some stupid, glossing over of the scary conditions here.
      How did this man ever become a lawyer?
      Don’t forget. He has security details at his residence so he just doesn’t give a damn. And they knighted this incompetent,corrupt waste.

  4. Please outlined the measures that are taken to combat crime is Antigua, Mr Sir Knighted Attorney General, please do.

    This man is a 🤡.

    In Montserrat right now as we speak, you forget your cell phone in a car or a bar somewhere, and I guarantee you, that all you need to do is call the radio station and someone has turned in your phone.

    That’s what you call safety and community awareness and togetherness.

    Get back antigua halfway as decent as that, and you have accomplished something Mr Sir Knighted AG.

  5. Mr attorney general you need to take your Meds and leave that drug you are sniffing or smoking.You seem to be living under some Rock in Antigua and don’t read Caribbean news.For my knowing we Don’t have these kind of disappearance of young men so common, no gas station Robbery in high day Light, not these Raping, No home invasion, Breaking and larceny not so common in my county. We walk any hour of the nigh from poin A to point B without fear,no high jacking of Cars at nights, and i can go on and on..We do have a few crime issues here but not to the extent as in Antigua.I am a citizen of Antigua living in Dominica and is because of the High crime Rate i refuse to live in Antigua.The Pay here is less but i am not living in Fear.Mr.Benjamin , please check your Doctor to have your Head examined with this Rubbish.

  6. Inspite of the recent surge in murders and crimes, it is true that Antigua remains one of the safest place in the Caribbean. Montserrat and Anguilla perhaps tops the countries that are the safest. I laugh when I see countries talk about they being the safest country. I recently read a piece where Jamaica bragged based on a gallop survey that they are the safest country in the Caribbean. On its current trend, Jamaica would finish very close to 1400 murders by year end.

  7. As the expert in this field, with more authority in this field than the Attorney General, who have studied criminology, social science and criminal justice at a Bachelors and masters level, what the attorney General stated is only 5% of what is needed to determine safety of the country.

    The more accurate way to determine safety of a country is to compare its previous years numbers in crimes that are inherently dangerous.

    These crimes must include Burglary, arson, rape, robbery, kidnapping (Barrk), I also would want all part one crimes included, and qualifying crimes.

    Using just murder alone without looking at the most common vicious crimes will give you a false sense of safety.

    We need to know the statistics of the vicious crimes that actually affects people more frequently. Let me know about rape, robbery, assault, battery, unlawful criminal restaurant, kidnapping, unlawful sexual contact, stalking, harassment, extortion, solicitation of crimes listed here, conspiracy to commit crimes listed in these categories, attempt of crimes listed in these categories.

    Then I will need statistics for the last 5 years and I can tell you if the government is making any progress in making the country safer.

    There is only one Antigua and Barbuda, you compare the country to itself to determine its progress, not to completely different countries. That frankly is sign of incompetence in this area, my area.

  8. How on earth is it relevant to say that the other islands are worse! Antigua’s crime rate is increasing and IMO the special forces need to be given the authority to use their weapons whenever and wherever they deem it necessary without having to answer to the few who like to bellyache about excessive force. We don’t seem to hear much if any outcry about excessive force when victims are either shot or beaten with a gun butt or attacked and robbed. Using “excessive force” when necessary, usually sends a very clear message to criminals. This minister needs to retire and security and cleaning up the constituency needs to be handed over to someone who is capable of handling the job.

  9. This man is as stupid as they come. Like someone said the murder in other countries are gangs and drugs related. Also the amount of murders in Antigua that are unsolved is also frightening. As an Antiguan I don’t feel safe at all.These days feel so unsafe that I am using additional bolts at night. Any day you could be in a gas station , supermarket or shop and gun man can pull up and your life is at stake.
    I guess these politicians have top security, firearms , big gods with security fence and alarm system and live amongst the rich. The average Antiguan is feeling very unsafe.
    As for the other countries you Neighbour house is on fire wet yours. See all those violence taking place at school amongst the youth. Gun shot firing out of school bus. Schools football had to stop because of violence.

  10. This man alike the Antiguan hero Sir Allen Stanford is a stranger to the truth. Where did he get his stats? Antigua does have a low murder rate so too does Barbados with 16 murders for 2023. On a population basis Barbados murder rate is lower than Antigua the home of Allen Standford. Our wish is for murders to cease in the Caribbean zone of peace. Are Antigua politicians all liars?

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