Attorney General Steadroy ‘Cuite’ Benjamin is in hospital.
Reports say he is currently under observation at the Mount St. John Medical Centre.
The cause of illness is not yet known but the minister is said to be doing well.
More details to come.
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ANR why someone that is doing well is under observation at a medical facility?
Everyone will fall ill at some point why hide or minimize that fact?
Why is it necessary for these public figure to portray themselves as invincible.
Mr Benjamin I wish you a speedy recovery.
Good observation. We will keep this in mind for future reporting on similar subjects.
or something else?
They will never tell us.
With so much on your plate right now, Sir, I sincerely wish you well.
Anon the 1st: How do you the size of his plate.Is it the size of an Aircraft Carrier?
@Anon the 1st…
…sickness, is the Shadow
…that, knows no grave!
…as, it knocks on each and everyone of Us doors!
…enters, without permission
…leaving Us, with untimely decisions.
…while, empathy abounds!
…to any, and all; at such time.
…there are many others which will inevitably come to mind.
…#Pressure buss pipe!
…even, in the light of night
…whilst, the conscious
…unwittingly, gives way to the unconscious!
…as, the blood flows from capillaries through veins
…sending, and receiving messages from the brains!
…And! In these time stamped messages
…the action, with its partner in crime
…shall cause, many reactions; that’ll blow the mind.
…even sending, shockwaves of a mental kind,
…even to the point, of destabilization
…similar, to what is happening in the Nation
…due to, uncouth decisions!
Now, could you enlighten Us, as to what is on his “plate…”
1…PM’s forged signature
2…Assassinations and attempted murders
3…Alleged Rape by his colleague
4…Embezzlement and Fraud
5…The Death of John Ashe
6…The upcoming sentencing of Leroy King
7…Mamasita! Mami! Mami!
8…Chinese loans
9…Pork chops, Rice Pudden, Souce
10…#All of the Above!
I already got two(2) holes dug @ 8′ × 7′ x 3′, and working on the third…
Oh shit the blue pill has strike again, they need to invent a red koolaid pill.
@ the Ras…
Why waste my time since in your own corkscrewd mind you”know” the size of the Hon. Minister’s plate.
I trust that you are the owner and occupier-in-waiting for one of the holes you boastfully claim to have dug. Hopefully, you won’t be around to see the other holes filled. KARMA is one helluva bitch!
@Anon the 1st…anger is very stressful, to one’s thought process, so before you have a seat🌵🌵, to cool off, take a look in the #Mirror, 🛡🛡; and, please do not scream to loudly, the pitch could shatter the mirror, when you realized, you’ve just being hit, by a #boomerang with said #KARMA written all over it.
@ the Ras..
You give yourself far to much credit. Anger? Hahaha. So much for your own diminished thought process! As for your boomerang reference? Bwoy, right back at you. KARMA, as I said, is one helluva bitch!
@Anon the 1st…listen up, and feel this.
There’s no doubt, that the “vibe” you put out, is #ANAL in nature, and that’s cool too! I’ve learnt how to live, and thrive amongst hybrids. So, feel this S.H.I.T.(some high intensity training), as the shit your putting out, reverse course, from your #ANAL to your mouth.
I’ve met the #Bitch karma, since, she baptized I, #Bastard at the rear doors, of those WHO’RE of a religious persuasion.
Nature naturally took me to the Crossroads of, in, through life, to confront her, and that I did; to the point whereby, I’ve learnt how, to freak the bitch whenever, she shows up.
Therefore, you can send her, Karma to my door at anytime, henceforth, and she’ll definitely be in for a good spanking from Mr. Dick!
Unfortunately, and rightfully so, Mr. Dick is very, very, very prejudice and bias when it comes to, performing his natural duty, bestowed upon him by nature; as in, he could sniff a hybrid from the next universe of, an #ANAL nature, and stay clear of them, since, the only cure for S.H.I.T(some high Intensity training) SHANKERS, is a hammer to his head, and as the Omnipotence power, of the Univese taught him, such will phucking kill you!
Have a seat🌵🌵, in the SHANKERS HOTEL, as you wait to be escorted in, to perform your duties!
Keep it above the belt.
Keep it clean.
No foul language.
You know the rules.
Now act consciously.
@Melchesidec…🤔😅😄now hear this. In the “#RingOfFire,” when you get up close, don’t throw no #Punches, that you can’t take.
Jumbee dun skool me, pan dat; not, even the inevitable #Death scares me. Even if, I’ve got fight #Death, to the Death, muchless #StankingSHANKERS.
… dem SHANKERS, be Stanking!
@Anon the 1st…listen up, and feel this.
There’s no doubt, that the “vibe” you put out, is #ANAL in nature, and that’s cool too! I’ve learnt how to live, and thrive amongst hybrids. So, feel this S.H.I.T.(some high intensity training), as the shit your putting out, reverse course, from your #ANAL to your mouth.
I’ve met the #Bitch karma, since, she baptized I, #Bastard at the rear doors, of those WHO’RE of a religious persuasion.
Nature naturally took me to the Crossroads of, in, through life, to confront her, and that I did; to the point whereby, I’ve learnt how, to freak the bitch whenever, she shows up.
Therefore, you can send her, Karma to my door at anytime, henceforth, and she’ll definitely be in for a good spanking from Mr. Dick!
Unfortunately, and rightfully so, Mr. Dick is very, very, very prejudice and bias when it comes to, performing his natural duty, bestowed upon him by nature; as in, he could sniff a hybrid from the next universe of, an #ANAL nature, and stay clear of them, since, the only cure for S.H.I.T(some high Intensity training) SHANKERS, is a hammer to his head, and as the Omnipotence power, of the Univese taught him, such will phucking kill you!
Have a seat🌵🌵, in the SHANKERS HOTEL, as you wait to be escorted in, to perform your duties!
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