POINTE XPRESS- The contentious issues between the opposition United Progressive Party (UPP) and Gregory ‘Driftwood’ Athill, have escalated to the point where the former candidate has decided to ‘pack up his Georgie bundle’ and leave the party.
Athill was a candidate for the UPP in the 2018 general elections in the St. Paul constituency. He was defeated by the incumbent, E. P. Chet Greene.
“I think what pushed me over the edge was that last Sunday the party was having its General Council meeting and while that was happening, many persons at the meeting were calling me via whatsapp to let me hear the talk about the St. Paul’s branch alleging that the executive was a problem among other issues,” Athill explained.
The former UPP candidate said there were persons at the General Council meeting who stated that he controlled the members of the executive resulting in the need to get rid of him.
“If I have been there for the past six years doing the work wouldn’t it make sense for the people to be supportive of me knowing that I have been doing the work?” he queried.
Athill said he was also accused of not supporting the candidacy of Dr. Cleon Athill, who has replaced him on the UPP ticket for St. Paul.
“She hasn’t reached out to me. Why should I be reaching out to her? She is the one that needs the support,” he retorted.
According to Athill the things being said about him personally, and the executive, at the meeting ‘wasn’t nice’.
He also revealed that there was an attempt to suspend the executive, which was later abandoned after it was pointed out that this move, if executed, would have no legal binding.
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Good move driftwoox. The upp slate sucks the govt suck, @joannemassiah round up ten sensible people and you will be PM
That party is in total chaos, and far from ready for any election. They need to have new leadership. It’s a sorry mess.
We are doing very well thank you and will go forward with persons committed to the cause of redeeming Antigua.
“We are doing very well thank you”
Same mindset from last election and we all know what happened.
It will be a matter of time that more persons will leave the party….. The hierarchy of that party need to come down to ground zero and be a little more humble and respect people regardless of whoever they are….. If the hierarchy continues to behave in that arrogant manner, the party will implode…. An introspection is needed & some cleansing need to be done…… From 2004 to 2020, too many faithful persons have left the party and no one has joined… This says alot!!!
Ground zero??? Not with Gisele Isaac calling shots and wearing the pants.
Here is the thing UPP has lost it’s way and now doing desperate things to gain power rather than restructure and present themselves as a credible option.
How can you have a 20 plus year old organization and any Tommy dicky or harry can just walk in and assume a leadership role?
What happen to natural progression, training and promotion. One election the agenderist is in before the other they are out.
How can UPP rationalize Winston, Lamin, Cort, Namba, Newton, Joseph, Athil, Masiah, and all the others too numerous to mention.
This tells me the human resource within the party core is limited and incapable. Hence the in and out mayzoo appearance.
The UPP has no philosophical differences with the ABLP. If there was any difference the UPP sifter would not have allowed these just come who has not proven themselves to be any leadership role. They would have to sit and be quite and cut some cassy tree first.
I have never heard of an organization that prides itself with upward principles go outside of it’s current membership structure to seek out leaders. This is absurdity.
Imagine the Catholic Church needs a Bishop and they recruit a Satanist to be the Bishop. A rational thinking mind would conclude that Catholic and Satanic principles must be the same eh?
Drift wood sailing on the ocean. DNA say no to Driftwood he is confusion not even as a member. Just say no.
As the name implies “Drift Wood”. This man I do not know him personally. He has switched political party more often than many would have changed their under clothes.If I were the leader of the UPP.I would say to him good riddance. Let him go to the Labor Party,DNA and or True Labor.Oh no,he was with Labor Party and True Labor in the past.They found out his motives.It is where ever he gets the most crumbs,he settles.I would not want you to represent me any where.
Driftwood u just feel u oh so relevant jumping from 1 party to the next ya own relatives didnt vote for u…..u walk around behaving like u oh so great but ur no better than chet or namba u did the party a favor……u werent genuine from the start anyway…..ur carried alot of baggage n when ppl talk u get vex but the truth hurts n let it hurts when u all cant get u way u resort to the media for attention…..n u know in ya heart that primary was all a set up u know what u were doing so good bye to u the party wishes u well am sure ur nothing but another lamin so in the mean time try go n work on ya speeches
My friendly advice to you Athill is to pack up your bundle and trollent out of port…
My Mama always warned me ” go wherever you are wanted and valued bcuz dawg will be better off than you if you tap in the company of those who do not see your worth”
Of course you need not to worry bcuz more will be packing their bundle and will be off to a new & welcoming destination… ABLP!!
Two Thumbs Up
You added zero value n so your departure is no real loss!
Go align with the likes of u!
Isn’t he the guy whose mama went to nominate his then rival? Call him comrade now
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