Astaphan Says Council Has No Authority To Close Barbuda’s Borders


Senior Council Anthony Astaphan said the Barbuda Council do not have the authority to close the borders to the island of Barbuda.

“Barbuda is not a separate state. The Barbuda Council has no authority over the ports or airspace of Barbuda”, the lawyer said.

The Council announced that passengers will not be allowed to enter Barbuda as of the 26thof March 2020 from 11:59pm.

The announcement said the restrictions would last for 14 days and could be extended by the Council.

However, Astaphan, who represents the state in several legal matters, told state media the Council’s notice is “another astonishing assumption of power, which they don’t have, in my view”.

“I looked at the legislation and I saw nothing in the Local Government Act that gives the Barbuda Council the authority to restrict travel to and from Barbuda”, the lawyer said.

Asataphan pointed to the ongoing dispute between the Council and the Central government over the ownership and management of the lands on Barbuda.

“From 1999 to 2002 myself and Sir Clare Roberts had to take to court, all the way to the Court of Appeal, the Council’s claim that they were the owners of the land and that they had the right to own the land and the Court of Appeal made it absolutely clear”, he said adding, “this was a case that considered manuscripts and transcripts and proceedings of the legislative and various other institutions going way back to 200 years and the court of appeal ruled that under no circumstances could the Barbuda Council even come close to owning land”.

“We still have the dispute today about the ownership of the land and the 2007 (now-repealed Barbuda Land) Act did nothing to change the fundamental principle that the lands in Barbuda is vested at the crown”, the lawyer insisted.

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  1. Even the Council knows that. I spoke to members of the Council but they felt they had no choice since even in the face of the serious covid-19 crisis the government continued its neglect of Barbuda. The action was taken to highlight their neglect by the Central government than anything else.

    • Tabor since you are so sure that the council know they are breaking the law … what advice did you offer up as a officer of the court and a member of the legal system …. do u realize and the other radio host are only encouraging the Barbudans to break the law and disregard the constitution … guys let us all come together and live in peace…


      The news story speaks to nothing but ‘self-serving.’

      Most people may know that ‘Rawlston Pompey’ is mindful of the Law.

      But clearly, this is not just about ‘Law or Bureaucracy.’

      This is about ‘Necessity,’ and in a crisis, such as this deadly virus, this concept ‘KNOWS’ no darn Law.

      Thus, a ‘Legalistic Opinion’ from people with; (not my friend C.T. though)

      (i) ‘…Adequately resourced;

      (ii) …Living in luxury;

      (iii) …Holding privileged positions;

      (iv) …Resident in a land of plenty rivers;

      (v) …With access to plenty leguminous foods; citrus, breadfruit, bananas and plantains, avocado and passion fruit,’ the darn virus may not mean much to them.

      And why you are screwing up your darn face?

  2. For me a lone I just wish we could just be separated from Barbuda and leave them. Because these Barbuda people dont want no good no proper progress they are ungrateful set beings.

      • They have shown that they are LEECHES. They will suck the lifeblood out of Antigua, but refuse to do their part and develop Barbuda. Watta setta selfish, donkay-dam neargah dem be.

    • I wish Barbuda would separate from us. Now.
      We need them. Their sand, land, beauty. They don’t need us. They never did. They begged England not to put them with us, but England wanted to get rid of these pinheads so fast – Trinidad and Tobago, St Kitts, Nevis and Anguilla, St Vincent and the Grenadines, etc, they just offered pies when they knew there will later be aloes. I salute them for coming to their senses, kicking out the crazy labour bumpheads and restoring order to their lives. Barbuda, I salute you! Don’t let me down!

  3. Something or Someone has brainwashed the majority of the people of Barbuda to believe that the lands vested in the Crown belongs to them.

  4. Charlesworth Tabor !!!!! Please for once come straight and say when something is WRONG !!!! You are the MOST SELFISH Person I ever met. You hate the Gaston Browne Government sooooo much that You cannot say that the Barbudan Council is WRONG. Well Well You can do much better than that Tabor. For once show a side of IMPARTIALITY.

  5. When the blind lead the blind all fall in the ditch. Stop operation on feeling and get rational with facts Barbuda. Why are you so entitled?

  6. Base on the actions of the Barbudans, it leads me to wonder if they are puppets controlled by strings lead by a small group of persons……I am hoping that their brains are not filled with saw dust.

  7. Why do I need Ass-taphan to tell me anything about Antigua and Barbuda.Perhaps you should mind your Dominica business.How much money have you made over the decades from the taxpayers of the Nation.Are you an employee of the ABLU and or the Administration?Are you the mouth piece of the Administration.It really amazes me that you are entrenched in the political business of Antigua and Barbuda.Could any person from Antigua and Barbuda go to Dominica be so entrenched in their politics.I say,hell no.I am also aware why you are a supporter of the Labor Party.Marrying a “Bird” does not give you a National of Dominica that right.

  8. In adversity Barbuda people àre ignorant…out of adversity the remain the same. What ah set ah NeArGa!

  9. The more you travel the more you learn, some people are just self centered , caught up in their little hole with a myopic view to everything including life and their surroundings . Isolation only deepens the depressed mood.

  10. So, just leave the bloody place open for all and sundry, same place which has no landlines telephones, fully functioning hospital, 2 doctors, 3 R Nurse…Sounds like a great opportunity to wipeout a people. TA opinion is not needed now in this crisis, perhaps he can wait for another opportunity to get some cash from us.

  11. Shut your dumb ass up astaphan they are looking out for the well being of people/citizens of Antigua and Barbuda can you do that or did you know that?!

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