A teary-eyed Asot Michael has been returned to the Cabinet of Antigua and Barbuda but in a new capacity. He has been appointed Minister responsible for Investment and Trade and not Tourism as he previously held.
Michael was fired by Prime Minister Gaston Browne last year after he was arrested by authorities in the United Kingdom. Michael wept as he took the oaths of allegiance, office, and secrecy.
There are four newcomers in the Cabinet, among them Dean Jonas who served as Deputy Speaker in the last term and Lennox Weston who will sit in the Lower House for the first time.
The other newcomers are Maria Browne, the prime minister’s wife and Daryl Matthew both of whom are new to the political scene. There was no place in the cabinet for Londell Benjamin who won the Rural West seat in a close contest.
Earlier today Gaston Browne was sworn in as prime minister and minister for finance and Steadroy Cutie Benjamin as Attorney General.
The most notable change is the appointment of EP Chet Greene as Minister for Foreign Affairs.
See the full list of Cabinet portfolios below.
Sir Robin Yearwood: Senior Minister responsible for Public Utilities, Civil Aviation and Energy
Molwyn Joseph: Minister for Health, Wellness and the Environment
EP Chet Greene: Minister for Foreign Affairs, International Trade, and Immigration
Samantha Marshall: Social Transformation, Human Resource, Youth, and Gender Affairs
Charles Max Fernandez: Tourism and Economic Development
Melford Nicholas: Information, Broadcasting, Telecommunications and Information technology
Dean Jonas: Agriculture, Fisheries, and Barbuda Affairs
Michael Browne: Education, Science, and Technology
Asot Michael: Minister of Investment and Trade
Lennox Weston: Minister of Works and Minister of State in the Ministry Finance and Corporate Governance
Daryl Matthew: Sports, Culture, National Festivals and the Arts
Maria Browne: Housing Lands and Urban Renewal and Minister of State in Legal Affairs, Immigration and Labour
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Well done. Congratulations to all. Long live Antigua and Barbuda.
Arthur Nibbs dem set u up and now dem a set up Dean. Yall betta come good or dont come at all!
Oh please u Barbudans are a piece of work. There is no pleasing you people.
Mr Jonas! Have ever been to Barbuda? Do you know anything about barbudans their struggle and what they Stand for, other than what you get on the news or second hand information? your leader said all they(barbudans)want is hand outs.
You were given a ship with no sails or engine are you sure you want to be the captain of this ship that has ran a ground.
My personal opinion mr Jonas,I think you are a joke and barbudans have once again being insulted when you were appointed to this portfolio.
What do barbudans stand for? Oh!! they stand for living off the backs of Antiguans. They should go independant and see how fast they start to lease off and sell off the land.
No one can beat Antiguans when it comes to living off the backs of other people….. Politicians get bribes and kick backs from investors and use the money to drip feed their constituents and create dependencies. Meanwhile the government remains the largest employer full of made up and redundant positions to satisfy the promises to their people.
The elections are over but yet you behaving like the campaign is still on. Time to move on there is life after elections.
I am quite curious to know how and when have Barbudans lived off the backs of Antiguans? I would like to point you to Hansard of 8th July 1981 in the U. K. House of Commons and Quote The Hon. Russell Johnston (Inverness) “Third , the 1200 people of Barbuda supported themselves virtually unassisted throughout the last war., and have probably done so for a large part of the last 2000 years. They have a village community, with fishing, agriculture and so on, and do not want to e told what to do by the neighbouring island, 25 miles away.
Fourth, the Antiguan Government have not kept the promises they have made to the Barbudans. They have have not allowed the council to exercise the powers that were given to it under the 1976 and 1981 local government ordinances. That fact should be recognized.”(Is this the same today, 2018?)
There is so much more that I can say, but I encourage all, get your hands on a copy of this document and read it for yourselves and maybe, just maybe we will begin to understand what has and still is being done to a people, a proud people who choose to defend their sovereignty, their land and their cultural norms regardless to what side of the political fence we sit… And when you guys want come for me.. 1. I am not Barbuda.
2. I am not Antiguan
3. I am not apart of any tribe so I speak as I see it
4. Wrong can never be right for be
5. I have done my research and I READ and think and analyse issues for myself
6. Defend your truth but I will defend fellow Human Beings like myself
I am quite sure that those of us with some of these nasty, derogatory comments aimed at the Barbudans were in their position would do the exact same as they are or even worst, then again, given the status quo I wonder?
I am so mad at my Government who on that night, late night of July 8th, 1981, pushed through this legislation in the HoC without proper debate knowing and acknowledging that The Barbudans never wanted this Union. Had they allowed Barbuda to stay out of this marriage I wonder where would they have been today in comparison to Big Brother Antigua?
A very powerful team. I expect a high performance from this team.
Congrats to all of you
We will need several Junior ministers.
Jonas will needs Arthur Nibs to be appointed Junior Minister to assist him with Barbuda Affairs.
Lennox needs a Junior minister to assist him with Public Works. Cause Finance will take most of his time.
Maria needs a Junior Minister in Housing so she can get some hands on in Legal Dept while doing her studies.
The PM needs Lester Bird as an adviser no matter what.
And I do hope Sir Gerald will be returned as Speaker of the House. If not we need to bring in Sir Clare Roberts.
Lets see if Mr. Rick James will challenge the PM again for appointing so many MP’s to the executive
What is needed ARE some strong technicians cause the new-look look very much like the ole-look: THE CHOSEN & THE CLUELESS
Smh you people cannot accept the truth. Elections done and it all has been said and done the people of Antigua has wholeheartedly choose ABLP to govern them time to move and resume life as normal.
That’s Right!
Were there strong technicians there in 2004?
Talk about a clueless cabinet then. Couldn’t have been more transparent.
Maria Browne was given these ministries so that she and her husband can do as they like with the lands of Antigua and Barbuda and bring many more non nationals to vote in the next election.
Oh stop your crying and get over it. The people have spoken and elected the lady. Leave the woman mek she do she work. If they did not want her she would not have been voted in. She beat her opponent 3-1. You people are such sore losers.
A because Antiguans don’t have no sense that they get the government they deserve.
What a sore loser you are. So cause the ABLP was victorious at the polls “Antigua people don’t have sense”. You are really unbelievable.
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