Prime Minister Gaston Browne of Antigua and Barbuda has expressed dissatisfaction with the Ministry of Tourism’s handling of the appointment of Hollywood actress Angela Bassett as a tourism ambassador-designate.
Browne accused the tourism authorities of acting prematurely and without proper planning, leading to controversy over the use of Bassett’s name, images, and personal information.
Lawyers representing Bassett sent a letter to the Ministry of Tourism, demanding that they immediately stop using her name and image in connection with their marketing or promotional efforts until a formal arrangement is made.
The letter also expressed concerns over the absence of a formal agreement, including details of Bassett’s duties, responsibilities, timeframe, and approvals.
The Department of Tourism has been given until May 15th to acknowledge receipt of the letter and remove all uses of Bassett’s name and image.
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Oh so it is ambassador-designate now by design lol lol
I drove through Booby Alley a few times in the last 2 weeks and observed the Gaston larger than life campaign billboard which states World Class Leadership.
Observing the physical state of Booby Alley; it’s more like world class failure.
After he and his wife took pictures with the two actors; Is Gaston trying to lie his way out of this, by suggesting he did not know what’s going on by throwing Max under the bus. We know better. This is being done based on his Washington DC based political strategist.
This is another slam dunk for UPP who as usual will lose the ball and let Gaston score.
After smiling like a Cheshire cat between the two actors with his wife on the side; Gaston wants to pretend he was not aware of what’s going on.
Wake up UPP!!! Get in the game.
Are you notice when the $hit hit the fan this man conveniently wing himself out? I hope you people are realising that and hope this serves as a continuous lesson that you all must not do dirty biddings for politicians.
And I can bet that none of them from the ministry of tourism will come out and defend themselves against that evil wicked demon called gaston clown, always know how to slip out and throw other people under the bus
Look dey, Gaston Browne throwing Charles ‘Max’ Fernández under the bus 🚍 No wonder he wants out 🤣🤣🤣
And here’s another issue where the Prime Minister says it’s nothing to do wid he!
I guess max have to put up with the abuse afterall he get 8million dollar in lieu of no abuse
Max, Chet, SirRobin and ColinBrown need to rise up and show the world boss that all bosses must first be leaders
Wait, Molwyn still salivating to be PM? He and Gaston gats to go!!
Hopefull now, Max ‘Soon Gone’ Fernández will do an “Asot Michael” and reveal all about the “real” Gaston Browne, and also his input into the African smuggling fiasco.
Not long now … Tick tock, tick tock 🕒
A wha the hell yah….. Gaston Browne haffu be one classic. This joke nah sweet nah mo….. i dont know how his ministers tolerate his B.S…. time enough you guys stand up for something and stop taking his disrespect…..
More gross incompetent, internationally embarrassing, totally asinine, and hare-brained actions coming from the witless ABLP administration. Dont they know how the real world works?
Can’t they properly strategize, research, verify and wisely implement anything? So sorry for my country led by such hapless “leaders”.
Wait this is the same Charlie Chaplain Browne of the infamous AH moustache seen all over the place cutting style posing btween Bassett and another yankee actress. Man get a life you is PM and dont know the woman didnt give permission to use she name/image . What kind of leader are you? You not aware what going on in your own government? Bassett should sue you for everything you own. What a joker!
That’s the problem in this damn country. People are either compromised or just reprehensible cowards. Come on. Gaston Browne is just a wannabe dictator always shooting of at the mouth. Stand up Max or the tourism people. Tell us what went wrong . If there are legal proceedings to be had here like contracts and such, wouldn’t others be involved? Who appoints ambassadors, isn’t it Gaston Browne? The worst PM ever. Never taking responsibility for any screw up. Be warned you a$$kisses and opportunists, this man is loyal to no one. He will sell you out to save his own neck. Be warned.
This is a dilemma for the usual sympathizers and defenders; they can’t the government’s decision after Gaston spoke on the issue and they can’t support Gaston either because the know that he’s a prolific liar. Their tongues are glued to their palates, Tenman et al.
Hold everything! Lionel “Lie no hell” Hurst is saying that the Angela Bassett decision was a spur of the moment decision, BY THE PRIME MINISTER, Gaston Browne. How come this fool is blaming tourism. The effects of a clown who thinks he is a dictator and is involved in everyone’s ministry and cannot handle his. All the more reason for the tourism people, including Max Fernandez to condemn him for his criticism. But…… I will not hold my breath.
@Rovi the set of people who you are referring to are not just the usual sympathizers and defenders.
There are reasons why they do what they do
These people are under the table crumb snatchers and nepo-babies.
They are among the very poor (the turkey and ham ones). They are destitute and vulnerable who thinks what ever little seasonal handout they get from ABLP is God sent blessing from ABLP.
When politicians keep a population poor and stupid they can be easily manipulated with a Turkey and ham
The more fortunate ABLP die-hards are The Nepo-babies: those that got scholarships and other benefits where they were moved to the front of the line because their families have gotten the same and similar benefits by supporting ABLP. They return and get a favored job in the overburdened public sector.
To the degree they go into some type of small business, their business are not saddled with the bureaucracies of the archaic government processes and regulations. They move to the head of the line or their business issues get addressed through a political back channel
They see their family members educated; and thrive in their careers of no show jobs and they are not subjected to the inconvenience of an outdated system
@watching… Please don’t hold your breath. Max Fernades might grumble when he is made a scapegoat. Remember bailed him out by purchasing the Fernandes family asset.
The other Tourism officials are nepo-babies who dear not say a word or lift a finger.
We live in a country where competence and merit is of little value It is the reason why people’s on the Government payroll who observe graft keep their mouths shut.
There are no sources that enable the local journalists to build stories that informs the public and puts pressure on the politicians.
There are civil servants who know the back story behind the debacle and tragedy with Antigua Airlines. None will secretly tell a journalist what exactly was the deal. The fair is they will loose their jobs and are not competent enough to get another job for they are mostly nepo-babies.
@Winston Southwell … WELL SAID.
Who is going to be the brave calypsonian to sing a song about Gaston entitled “IT WASN’T ME” or “I DIDN’T READ BEFORE I SIGNED” or “WE WERE DUPED”
@Winston Southwell, an excellent summary of what gives in Antigua. Immigration officers were handpicked to violate all sorts of laws to let the Africans in. How come they are able to work? Were they issued work permits? The companies that hired them are complicit. Every country in the world has whistle-blowers, except Antigua.
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