Antigua’s Minister Joseph Appointed Ministerial Champion at OECS Environmental Summit


On July 13th, the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) concluded its 10th annual meeting of the Council of Ministers on Environmental Sustainability (COM:ES) in Anguilla under the theme “Positioning OECS SIDS for Accelerated and Sustainable Transformation.”

In attendance were Hon. Sir Molwyn Joseph, Minister with responsibility for the Environment, and Christa-Joy Burton, in addition to other relevant Ministers, Elected Representatives and technical delegations from all eleven OECS SIDS, joined by observers from several development partners.

Some of the main discussion items included the approval of a Roadmap to 2030 for environmental sustainability, consideration for new regional initiatives, and achieving consensus on specific priorities that align with the six thematic areas of SGD 2040 in order to address regional challenges, including food security and low carbon development.

Christa-Joy also presented on the SIRF Fund as a sustainable financing mechanism for regional consideration and Minister Joseph was appointed as the Ministerial champion for Ocean Governance and Fisheries (Marine Spatial Planning, including Maritime Boundary Delimitation, Sustainable Fisheries Management, and Marine Research) on behalf of Antigua and Barbuda.

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  1. Who cares? As long as Molwyn ‘AstraZeneca’ Joseph doesn’t handover Antiguan sovereignty to the World Health Organisation, so that Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus can implement mandatory lockdowns and vaccinations in the future.


    Remember, the critical and independent thinkers watching you very closely; and we know that you are looking for a window of opportunity to allow the WHO to do so.


  2. Well said @Brixtonian. Who cares what this decrepit,incompetent old fool does or receives? While he is photo oping our health care system is in utter shambles. Clinics have been closed for months, shortage of medications, garbage pick-up, you name it. This man should just resign.
    I am amazed the people voted this guy back into office after his abject failures handling the Covid-19 pandemic. And what happened to our 2.16 million cemetery money?

  3. @WATCHING ….It would appear that You and BRIXTONIAN drink the same water. Both UPP Operatives. Hon. Molwyn Joseph is the best Health and Environmental Minister in the world. God bless you Hon. Molwyn Joseph.

    • “Molwyn Joseph is the best Health and Environmental Minister in the world …”

      @ GILES, tell that to the relatives who have lost loved ones and have been vaccine injured by taking the AstraZeneca mRNA vaccines, which by the way, has been banned by other countries except us. Go figure!

      Yet, your “best” Health Minister Joseph still accepts deliveries of this very dangerous mRNA Covid-19 drug and wants Antiguans to keep taking it.

      You are as daft as a brush GILES.

  4. Proverbs 14:30 ESV
    A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot.

    “Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don’t complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don’t bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake Up and Live!”
    Bob Marley

    • You think that only you can quote scriptures @ From The Sideline?

      Here’s some wisdom for those that seek it;

      Proverbs 2:2-4 New Living Translation (NLT).

      “Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. Cry out for insight and understanding. Search for them as you would for lost money or hidden treasure.”

      Again Sidey, the benefits of wisdom and discernment.


      Remember, actions speaks louder than words – the ABLP would do well to act on that!

      • I can name many charitable personal contributions van our Honorable Prime Minister that none other has done before. I’ll start with a gift of $50K to his church when he celebrated his 50th birthday, one hundred thousand dollars to the Barbuda relieve fund. Thousands of dollars weekly in feeding programs for the elderly in his constituency, Hundreds of thousands of dollars to the upgrade and computer lab and Music Studio at the Villa Primary School. And I will stop here cause the list of giving to the poor by this man is just astonishing. Many new entrepreneurs have benefitted from gifts to start up their company. I mean Brix, do not even challenge him when it comes to giving to the poor. This is a man that came from the very poor and therefore he more than anyone understand their plight. The PM is such a humble man, that he doesn’t even gives publicity to all the charitable contributions he makes. He lives by the creed to whom much is given much is expected. Therefore, whom God Bless, No man curse. And he is certainly Blessed.

  5. As the saying goes, a king has no honor in his own country. That is why it is a good thing that the other international agencies are not driven by political bios and make their appointments on the basis of the competent that they see in the man.
    See how Antigua and Barbuda have manage Covid so well. We even built a new special hospital just in case things got out of hand. Our healthcare service is so far advanced that many surgeries that didn’t take place here before are now done right here at home. We have given so many sights before with the introduction of cataract surgeries. We do kidney transplant, and just the other day our own son of the soil Dr. Dwayne Thwaites did the first penile implant. And with the investment in dialysis machines many more patients have been able to receive treatment. So, while the usual critics are spewing their hatred, progress is moving on. As the saying goes, while the dogs bark, the wagon moves on.

    • … Meanwhile the Gastonites and acolytes do not hold the ABLP government to account with their lies, falsehoods and broken manifesto promises.

      And while the country continues to suffer bad bad bad, and terribly bad under Gaston Browne’s weak economical tutelage, the wheels on HIS “wagon” have fallen off …

      Your hatred of your fellow Antiguan is astonishing Sidey. How come you enjoy seeing Antiguans suffering so. Wow!

      What a weird SUPER SPIRITUAL you are @ From The Sideline – you’re mind is truly SEARED. Look it up if you don’t believe me, in 1 Timothy 4: 2.

      Once again, you think you can quote scripture better than Brixtonian?

      Never! Pick any topic – especially Biblical -, or even finances (that you claim to know so much about, yet I’ve yet to read such evidence) -, you don’t stand a chance!!!


      • You really sound like a stuck record. Always the same allegations without presenting any proof. I guess that is all you can do. Making baseless allegations. Try something else for once.

        • Please highlight ANYTHING that I have mentioned incorrectly on these ANR threads @ Sidey?

          I’ll back EVERYTHING I’ve said about the ABLP’S broken manifesto promises; the inconsistent payments to hardworking Antiguans and pensioners payments; the TWO Nigerian airline disasters (where live were also lost at sea); we still await the completion of our roads and island-wide water infrastructures; St John’s is in a real mess and turning into an eyesore; also tackling our rising crime rates: accountability for NAMCO and CIP (what has the money been used for to benefit Antigua & Barbuda?); we also need answers to the World Health Organisation’s move to remove our sovereignty regarding future lockdowns and mandatory vaccination programmes.

          Your silence on ALL the above has been palpable and calculated – has it not?


          Remember, anything you respond to with me, I can easily pull down and tear apart. Not difficult whatsoever … please try harder and give Brixtonian a real test!

          YOU CAN DO IT!

          • Making baseless allegations is not the same as presenting facts. You either not smart enough to understand or you are deliberately misleading.
            You are asking questions from the government that your UPP representative are doing in Parliament and they are being answered. If you still have questions ask Pringle to ask them for you.
            I always present you with facts. Which I do by going to websites that have the facts. Like when you say the Economy is not running good, I go to the ECCB, ECAC or even IMF or WORLD BANK website and present you with the data. Antigua and Barbuda is the fastest growing economy in the Caribbean safe from Guyana. But you will continue to ignore the fact. Pretend it doesn’t exist. And what you don’t realize it makes you look very very stupid in readers eyes. When you talking about Gaston doesn’t care about the poor, I again present you with facts of him giving from his own money to Church, Barbuda Hurricane Relief Fund. Just the other day he pledged $50K to the Team Antigua girls charitable project. Did you see or heard any other politicians make such a public commitment? You have a hatred that makes you blind and it will kill you. Cause whom God Bless no man curse

  6. Brix you have to admit, Gaston Browne is a typical example that in Antigua every thing I’d possible if you work hard. He comes from the poorest of the poorest amongst us. Grew up in a single parent home, in abject poverty. Mother was mentally ill and he and little sister had to fend for herself. Being electrocuted at one time in his life, and was it not for one Rasta he would have died. Was hospitalized because of malnutrition. Yet he stayed at the right side of the law and live. The first time I saw and met little Gaston Browne was whe I used to visit my friend Mr. Fisher the manager of Swiss American. He had just come from school and was given a job as a loan officer. He was like a little nerdy boy with pants tight and reaching his ankles. I remember he didn’t even had a firm handshake. And that is how I form my opinion on people’s character. But when it came to Gaston I was completely wrong. I would have never thought that that little boy could one day become the prime minister of this country. That is why when I see little school boys and girls walking these days, I say yo myself who knows this one can become the future Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda. I have children his age and seeing what he is doing for this country and the region. The leadership he is showing. Such as his fight in the Climate Change, Reperation. His fight for LIAT, which is vindicating him in from your very own eyes. The stand he took against the sale of Scotia Bank. The stand he took against Sandals not allowing them to continue the arrangement they had with the UPP. Allowing them to keep part of our ABST. You name it. Gaston has made history in so many ways that when his biography will be written he will be vindicated from critics such as you. And of all his achievements I treasure the establishment of the UWI FIC the most. That is an achievement for the next hundred years to come
    So my friend Brix, continue the hate

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