Antigua’s ABNCC ‘Camp Unity’ 2023 Comes to an End


The Antigua and Barbuda National Cadet Corps (ABNCC) Summer Camp 2023, fondly known as “Camp Unity,” concluded on July 21 with a grand Closing Ceremony and Parade held at Camp Blizzard.

Over three weeks, the camp became a hub of learning, growth, camaraderie, and forging new connections.

Distinguished guests, including Deputy Governor General Dr Errol Cort, attended the event hosted by CDS Col Telbert Benjamin and Commandant Maj Samuel C Roberts.

The ABNCC’s Patrons, Their Excellencies Sir Rodney Williams and Sandra Lady Williams, and State Insurance Company Ltd. were acknowledged, alongside corporate partners and citizens who supported the ABNCC’s mission.

The camp showcased cadet skills acquired in disciplines such as Drone flying, Karate, Fencing, Drums, Pan, and Wind Instrument.

Participants received Certificates of Participation, while the Antigua and Barbuda Fencing Federation recognized ten cadets for their Fencing Workshop involvement.

Noteworthy contributions from Mrs Lisa Benjamin and exceptional cadet achievements were celebrated through tokens, trophies, and awards.

The ABNCC’s commitment to nurturing holistic development in youth continues, leaving a lasting impact on participants. Commandant Maj Samuel C Roberts expressed gratitude for the collective effort that made the camp a resounding success, looking forward to its return in 2024.

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  1. Great move by the CDS to appoint Maj Roberts as cadets Commandant am sure those excadet/police no longer coming around I’ll treating the cadets

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