The government has given those in charge of the Antigua Department of Marine Services (ADOMS), instructions to improve the company’s revenues.
The ADOMS Board, accompanied by Captain Liestmann, the Representative of ADOMS in Germany, made a report on the state of the ADOMS focusing primarily on its annual revenues.
The ADOMS is responsible for registering ships that choose to fly the Antigua and Barbuda flag, as permitted under the 1986 Merchant Shipping Act, and its various amendments.
During the ten years since 2008, when Lehman Brothers Holding collapsed, the demand for goods declined with a parallel decline for foreign flagships globally, the Cabinet was told.
The state was also told of the impact, especially for the types of vessels and the German market which Antigua and Barbuda serviced, was adversely affected severely. Further, the European Union has provided incentives to ships bearing the flags of E.U. countries calling on E.U. ports; the competitive offerings have reduced some of the benefits which a foreign flag vessel enjoyed.
The Cabinet says it gave the ADOMS instructions to begin exploring other markets.
The Representative in Germany has reportedly indicated that exploration of the viability of other markets, in other jurisdictions, has already begun. A number of fixes in Antigua were also proposed, in order to make the Antigua and Barbuda jurisdiction as efficient and as attractive as any flag in the world.
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Do you think Global Port can assist us in this area as well. It would be nice to have a cruise ship carrying the Antigua and Barbuda Flag.
Anyway I don’t know why the PM hasn’t fire Dwight as yet. He is not work the money he gets.
Lol are you referring to Ambassador Dwight Gardiner? What about Dr. Clarence Henry? Is he worth his paycheck?
Dwight is a tried and tested second generation comrade, unlike you blue belly rattas, flipfloppers, and political opportunists who sing for their supper.
Dwight has done a pretty good job so far and just need to refocus on repositioning Antigua on a globally competitive footing.
I see GPH is the new Stanford so lets hope we don’t end up down that road.
You seem to forgot what a thriving ship registry we had before the UPP and Dwight. Its revenue is now down to almost nothing. And how do your evaluate a CEO’s performance? By the performance of the entity he is the head of. We have had enough excuses. Since the board was sacked for their incompetence in the building of the new head quarters they had to include him as well, since he was part of all the decisions that were made. Sorry but he is a total waste of time. Does not lead anything and anyone. He is just a show horse when there is fame to get. And hide when there is accountability to take.
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