Antigua Records 2.5 Inches of Rainfall


Antigua experienced substantial rain showers over the weekend, resulting in an estimated 2.5 inches of rainfall in certain areas.

Dale Destin, Director of Meteorological Services, highlighted regions such as Cobbs Cross, Orange Valley, and the Stadium as the most affected.

Reflecting on the data, Destin stated, “Maximum totals for the previous day across Antigua peaked at around 2.5 inches.”

He anticipated a gradual reduction in precipitation for the upcoming week, with today’s expected rainfall ranging from one to five millimeters.

Destin also reminded residents of the ongoing hurricane season, foreseeing increased activity from August 20th onward.

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  1. Thank you Jesus for your showers of blessings on Antigua. You send your rain on the just and the unjust.

  2. and Government determines when we get water in our pipes so these truck men working for them privately can continue making a killing with these big treasure cheques

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