Dear Editor,
For a significant portion of its existence, Antigua and Barbuda have been bereft of a functional system of local government, particularly on Antigua.
We have never been able to escape the binding decisions of a single central government, which has never been able to communicate with us on the same level that a local government would.
Parish councils should serve as the first and highest level of local government in Antigua and Barbuda.
A second level of local government should be based on the divisions used during colonial times, often containing groups of multiple villages and towns.
A third level of local government should be a municipal government that would take care of the needs of specific villages. Where necessary, a fourth level of local government should be implemented.
Local government would make it possible for the government to be more approachable; it would also be a more practical option for younger politicians and political aspirants who are looking for somewhere to get their careers in politics started; and it would make it possible for the government to consider a wider variety of perspectives.
Parish councils, which should make up the first level of local government, could be made accountable for the distribution and collection of funds that are to be used by the subsequent levels of local government.
The registration of vehicles, the creation of lower tiers of local government, and the regionalization of government programs and initiatives could all be delegated to parish councils.
The second level of local government could be created based on the boundaries of the divisions that were used during colonial times.
This second level of local government could then administer and enforce laws that were created by the parish council, regulate voting, manage schools, and serve as the basis for constituencies in the national parliament.
The third level of local government is known as a municipal government, and it is responsible for serving one town or village.
A municipal government is in charge of public transportation and road signage, as well as community events, emergency services such as ambulances, fire departments, and local police forces, and local police forces. These third levels of local government should have two options of a type of local government based on the population of the covered area.
These options should be a system comparable to a town meeting, which is a type of direct democracy, or an elected town council.
These options should be determined based on the population of the covered area. These municipalities would also be responsible for issuing business licenses and ensuring the safety of significant landmarks and locations of historical significance.
The fourth and final level of local government should always have a system of direct democracy that is analogous to a town meeting.
This level of government should also only be located in areas that have distinct neighborhoods or in areas of the third level that have a population of more than one thousand people. The majority of their focus would be on community affairs and the organization of volunteer police forces.
A community cleanup initiative, a flag competition, small business events, and the implementation of e-government are some examples of activities that could help residents engage with all levels of local government. Other possible activities include the introduction of e-government.
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Common sense thinking. However, our elected MP’s are not to keen, in giving up, the #Check_U_Minister Culture.
The People must demand this kind of governance which will give them better services and accountability.
You do not have to wait on the government to form Parish Councils, but you do have to get its final approval. If you think it is desirable start a campaign and demand it..Be aware, that the scope of the Council will be determined by the government unless you are sufficiently persuasive to get the form of Council that will not just benefit its combined areas materially but also becomes the incubator ot the best form of popular democracy that becomes universal in scope.
Within the structures of local government there is much vulnerability and risk for corruption and accountability the theory seems acceptable put implementation and behavior patterns of people simple boards at Banks and other statutory organizations tend to fail so the present systems of Ministry budget allocations with hard working permanent secretaries get the job done
I concur. The purpose of local government is to provide an organized system where councils exercise their power and responsibilities to work together for peace, order and good governance of their municipal districts. As part of their duties, councilpersons are expected to work toward improving social, economic, and environmental viability and sustainability for the benefit of their district. Their duties also entail promoting appropriate business and employment opportunities for citizens. Effective local governments provide overall quality of life for the people who reside in their communities.
It wouldn’t be a surprise if a Council of ordinary working class folks and others encountered birthing problems. After that period, new problems, both political and personal, will continue to emerge. These are not reasons to undermine the significance of a Council. In fact, a Council will exist partly to solve problems. But more importantly, it will be the place where ordinary folks learn to govern and give true meaning to the expression, government of by, of, and for the people. Councils should be the place from where real power eminates, and an Assembly of Councils becomes the expression and representation of authority that governs Antigua and Barbuda. If it is not this, then it will be circumscribed, constantly imposed upon and circumvented like the way in which the Barbuda Council is treated by the government in Antigua. The Council has to be freed from its colonial trappings, imagery and designation to become truly reflective of a liberated people who can govern themselves and only have to act to become free from the sociopolitical and economic integuments that hold them back. Finally, has to be genuine in its commitment to popular democracy and not not a replica of the elitist representation of power that the political parties promote.
@Alvette E. Jeffers…it’s possible with the push by the youths and now with the addition, of the INDEPENDENTS, it’s a great time to keep this dialogue doing. They’re tired of giving too much power to the politicians.
So you all are just going to pretend that this is not one of DNA’s flagship plan. They were on the roof tops speaking about local government.
And another of DNA’s plan will be rolled out as announced in parliament go ahead and pretend that the DNA did not announce a wealth tax. Watch ABLP implement it.
Thanks to DNA including Bruce, Dalso, Parker and the other dearly departed……
Pringle has got to take a back seat. Being the so called leader of the opposition party is not going anywhere
Ras Smood, I am glad you think there are people in Antigua who want changes in the way society is governed. That’s good news. You are correct in saying that this conversation must continue. It may be the case that we can direct a discussion about something which is about us and for us and not the political parties. I believe the parties will oppose the idea. UPP once promised the Council but forgot about it once they became the government. ABLP want to diminish the Barbuda Council. “Power concedes nothing without a demand.” //Ras, if you are convinced that this idea can become popular, all it requires of you is to bring one, two or three people together to develop the idea, become clear about what you will be demanding and take it from there. //Others with the same curiosity and inclination will likely join the effort. All they are waiting for is the greenlight. That is what you and others will be providing. /You cannot let the source of the idea become a distraction. An idea emerges at a certain time and gain significance because the society has lost its vigor and usefulness. People sense the inadequacy of what exist but are not certain about where to turn or what it is they require. Nevertheless, don’t be shocked if they have their own ideas too.This maybe the moment that a discussion about an alternative form of government which places all power in the hands of workers, ordinary folks and enlightened individuals might be what is required. You engage and then see.what happens after.
@Alvette E Jeffers…things such as fear, apathy, status quo, rapid changes in the cultural norms have to be faced head on, if the People really want to change the ways central government manages their affairs.
It’s a hard road to travel, and a rough, tough way to go.
Vere C. Edwards
Go back to Jamaica with this local government nonsense. See how it is working in Jamaica.
A decentralized system of Government means nothing, if there is not a culture of honesty competence and efficiency that is dominant in the public’s mind.
There is a Barbuda Local Council, which is an example of Local Government gone bad.
Both the Central Government and the Barbuda Local Council are dysfunctional. They both lack the ability to provide the simplest of Government services, while graft runs rampant.
When the public votes to for integrity in Government consistently, then there might be a case for a decentralized governing system.
In a country where buying votes through special Favours and handouts is the order of the day; and is somewhat part of the culture. Please explain how Parish Councils makes any difference.
There is an on-island population of approximately 110,000 with 300,000 in the diaspora whose lives are, and financial wellbeing is not dependent on the vicissitudes of day-to-day life on the island. Bringing that population who has no political dog in the fight except good government into the elections; offers more to the discussion of integrity and efficiency in government.
The Barbuda Local Council should be sufficient to illustrate it’s the same thing on a smaller scale.
And those of you who have no “street creed” on Barbuda; most of you have never been there or visited for a day or two; have no knowledge of what’s going on over there.
Vernon is right to say that a new political consciousness and culture have to accompany the introduction and development of rule, of, by, and for the people in their own Councils. Old attitudes can imperil a good idea. Many of those delibating ideas and practices are fostered by political parties in their pursuit of power. The last election revealed the extensive corruption imbeded in party politics. Much harm is done to the consciousness of the population. Thus, there is, indeed, much to overcome. // All of the epoch making events that have taken place in the world – from the American revolution through to the French, Haitian, Russian ,Cuban, Hungarian and Grenadian revolutions were face with huge social problems and even hostility from some sectors of their society. In the interim between the passing of the old order and the emergence of the new, these countries faced unpredictable social problems that required innovative solutions. //You can see problems as an opportunity or a hindrance to succumb to. This is such a moment, a point in time that you could look back on and glad you threw caution to the wind in pursuit of a new way of existence that is individually and collectively impowering. //The good thing about this juncture of our history, is that we can find examples of what work and do not work all around us. We will have to be innovative to preempt some of the problems alluded to by Vernon and others. More importantly, the democratic process, popular involvement, participation, rotation among selected representatives who will be subject to instant recall, will strengthen the democratic processes that will ensure a method for working out of daily problems. // This endeavor portends a new beginning. For the first time, people will be deciding what is good for them. They will direct the process and have direct control over the implementation of programs, along with the ability to evaluate their success or failure. Thus is what power to the workers, ordinary folks and farmers will look. For the first time, they’ll govern their own and not delegate to a corrupting and corruptible polical elite that get elected by the people but govern like oligarchs. For once , the distinction between those who govern and those who are governed will be eliminated. The people will become one and the same. //That is my idea of the whole matter. Others will have theirs. We will meet at the rendezvous of self emancipation and communal liberation.
Correcttion: (a) empowering instead of “impowering.”
(b) This is what power to the workers, ordinary folks, and farmers will look like.
@Alvette E Jeffers
I take no issue with your thoughts ” the democratic process, popular involvement, participation, rotation among selected representatives who will be subject to instant recall, will strengthen the democratic processes that will ensure a method for working out of daily problems.” Those processes require the updating the boiler plate Constitution handed to V.C Bird at Landcaster House.
While other delegations had the opportunity to negotiate a constitution that was applicable to their circumstances; The Antigua and Barbuda delegation was bogged down with the Barbuda independence issue. (More to say on that at a later date)
The Antigua and Barbuda Constitution gives the Prime Minister absolute power in few other places that level of power exist except among autocrats and dictatorship have the type of society of which you write.
The most powerful man in the world: The President of the United States has no power to fire any member of Congress or the House of Representatives.
As such the Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda ends up with a bunch of yes-men and yes-women in his Cabinet. any Cabinet member who doesn’t like where the Prime Minister puts his hands and say anything publicly about it; is simply shown the exit door of the Cabinet.
With the system in place and only a majority of one; one would expect in any other society one elected member of the ruling party could topple the government. NOT going to happen the graft and bubbull is too sweet.
I like what you had to say, and this is just a different perspective. Its discussions like this that can begin to yield the thoughts for a new beginning
The fight to reform the constitution can take place along with the efforts to establish direct democracy through the creation of the Councils. A 1946 Act, if not repealed or invalidated by the Constitution, allows a type of Council, that has very limited authority. //The 1946 Act is inadequate for what is being imagined. Therefore, a new law or laws will have to be enacted to be consistent with the new forms of political governance that is being contemplated. The legal demands will be triggered by the political and democratic struggles for the type of Council that will demand more authority than what is presently allowed. The democracy that is being contemplated,and has no parallel in Antigua and Barbuda. Direct democracy, which had its first appearance in Athens in 5BC, evolved the notion that every free citizen could participate in governing the state bases on a system of rotation. //This set the stage for competing notions and practices of democracy. The law comes after we have settled on the notion that every citizen can govern. These will be some of the things all of us have to think about.
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