Antigua named Among Best Places to Retire Overseas in 2024


U.S. News & World Report-Retirement brings with it the possibility of a new beginning. People who are no longer bound to a specific area by work may begin to dream of life somewhere else. If that somewhere else should lead them abroad, expat experts say certain countries rise to the top for U.S. retirees.

“(U.S. retirees) look for pleasant weather and rich culture,” says Laura Madrid, research lead at U.K.-based Global Citizen Solutions, a visa and relocation consultancy. “Language is also very important.”

Taxes, health care and proximity to the U.S. also matter to American retirees, according to Madrid, who recently finished work on the Global Citizen Solutions’ U.S. Citizens Retirement Trends Study.

For countries that check off these and other boxes, consider the following locations to retire overseas, listed alphabetically:

  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Costa Rica
  • Ireland
  • Malaysia
  • Mexico
  • New Zealand
  • Panama
  • Portugal
  • Spain
  • Thailand

Antigua and Barbuda

The Caribbean is the most popular destination among clients of the Harvey Law Group, according to Hoda Elamir, an attorney with the firm that specializes in immigration and citizenship by investment. And among the Caribbean islands, Antigua is the top destination for many retirees.

“We do a deep dive into what they are looking for,” Elamir says. “Safety always comes up.”

Part of the Commonwealth country of Antigua and Barbuda, Antigua meets the needs of many retirees with its flat terrain and beautiful scenery. Despite a recent uptick in criminal activity, it is considered a safe nation with no travel advisories issued by the U.S. Department of State. The U.S. is also nearby, making it easy to visit family and friends.

The Antigua and Barbuda Department of Immigration notes online that a residency permit can be granted to a “person of independent means.”


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  1. Well, that’s interesting and very well worded after the title.

    I have just returned home after leaving here as a child. I am currently starting a small business which has been my dream. However, I’m really not sure about what your studies have shown but I have lost 2 couples in the last six months that had plans to retire here from Canada and the US. The reason for this is what you pointed out, SAFETY, SAFETY, SAFETY. People today do there research, so let’s be honest this is no paradise right now nor for the foreseeable future. This is looking like it’s only going to get worse.

    In one year since I’ve been here, I know personally of 5 people that have had a gun pointed in their face by robbers and thieves. This country has 150 thousand people in comparison to the 40 million where I came from, and I have never met anyone who has had that happen to them there in my 40 plus years.

    I guess maybe the people your talking about are going to be living in private communities that are well guarded and secured. They will not venture out to see and mix with the locals or add to the local economy. Where does that get us. Or better yet who benefits but these big conglomerates that send there profits elsewhere off the island. They will only provide low income jobs, keeping us as slaves, just take a look around. Kids make more stealing because they see the arduous struggle their working parents go through with no reward in site. Accept, maybe a Xmas turkey or ham if you support the right party.

    Time to get real and start lobbying for change, and stop wrinting these nonsense stories. Give me a break!

  2. I love Antigua and have been coming here for 30 years. Recently we had friends join us for a visit and they were robbed. I was so saddened and so embarrassed that such a thing could happen here. They will never return and will likely tell all of their family and friends to never come. Crime really must be addressed.

  3. I am utterly surprised at this article.
    These are the facts: Antigua needs to double it’s population size, but it does not have jobs for 50,000 families. Only MEDICAL STUDENTS and RETIREES can live here and not need to work. Therefore, those are out target markets.
    In 2012, the 🇦🇬 government re-acquired the 🇺🇸 Panam naval base. Despite all the suggestions to convert it into another medical school, the administration at that time rubbushed those ideas. Now, that huge, self-contained facility is just a small jail for expats. It is a shameful waste of resources.
    As for the retiree market, 🇦🇬 is not even close to being considered a likely market. The big players are Greece, Portugal, Spain, Southern France, Panama and Philippines.
    Look at the Retiree D7 visa offered by Portugal. They ask only for a clean police record, a $888 USD monthly pension and health insurance. Retirees are given 6 months to procure a 12 month residential rental or Letter of Commitment to purchase a property. After that, a 12 month stay is granted. After 5 years, these retirees are eligible to apply for citizenship and, eventually, a Portuguese passport which grants them access to the Schenzen Zone of 29 countries.
    🇦🇬, on the other hand, starts off by demanding almost $1500 USD / person to get a Corporate Visa. Housing in 🇦🇬 is so scarce that the prices are ridiculously high, far higher than Greece and Portugal. Our slow + expensive internet, poor infrastructure, high cost of living, limited night life and entertainment, high cost of utilities and red-tape bureaucracy make 🇦🇬 low on the short list of countries to consider.
    I can bet my last dollar that when St. Kitts decides to compete with Portugal for that lucrative market, they will offer the same concessions or better and beat out 🇦🇬 once again.

  4. Please. Ya’ll behaving as if here is the worst place on God’s green earth… It’s just so sad to see sometimes, all we can do is speak ill… Chups!

  5. @….

    From since when speaking facts and truth is ill will?

    If that was the case, we who are outside Antigua wouldn’t want to come back and visit or live.

    I’ve been to Antigua about 10 times since the COVID travel ban was lifted, and I can tell you that I’ve seen the island progressively getting really bad.

    Crime is a huge problem for such a small island, huge problem.

    I’ve been on here pounding at the chest repeatedly for this inept government to do something and spend some time on crime and crime prevention, but to no avail.

    I’ve lived in the US for over 30yrs, and I’ve never heard a gun shot, never got robbed, not even my car broken into.
    I live here in a small town in Florida( 115k)and I leave my house wide open all the time..many times I’ve forgotten to close my garage door, and the next morning not even as much as my trash bin is stolen.

    So yes, people a very scared in Antigua sleeping at night..those are just facts sir.

    When you have a higher percentage of crime than job creation in any place or country, it’s not a good thing sir, not at all.

    So please take a stock of what you’re saying, and have your government take accountability for the state of the Island.

    Oh by the way..there is such a thing as a government working for the people, because two towns over they had serious problems with crimes as of 10yrs ago, and this one sheriff came in and clean up can’t even as much as drop a cigarette butt in that county and get away with it.

    So yes, change is definitely needed at the top. Antigua is way too soft on crime, way too soft.

  6. @The Wire…You wrote:

    “I guess maybe the people you are talking about are going to be living in private communities that are well guarded and secured”.

    So? What’s wrong with that? Communities like those exist all over the Caribbean and obviously in the US so if they have the money for that, good for them. Safety is important no matter where you live. Do you think that an average retiree from the US is going to move to or build a house in Gray’s Farm or Villa?

    Additionally, you wrote:

    “They will not venture out to see and mix with the locals or add to the local economy.”

    So they will live behind their walled fortresses 24/7 and won’t go out to shop for groceries, dine at restaurants, go to pharmacies, visit beaches or otherwise contribute to the local economy? Nonsense!

    Personally, I know (or have been introduced to) several people who have retired to Antigua in the last two years or so and plenty more before who are more than comfortable and while the increase in crime is obviously a concern for everyone, it is not a significant deterrent to US tourists in particular who have visited in large numbers this year (if you believe the A&B Hotels and Tourism Association figures). Currently, the US State Dept. has a normal travel advisory for A&B (Level 1: Exercise normal precautions) unlike some other countries on the list such as Costa Rica (Level 2: Exercise increased caution) and Mexico (several states are listed as Level 4: Do not travel or Level 3: Reconsider travel) but that is not stopping US tourists or retirees from going there in large numbers.

    Sooner rather than later though, the government needs to make some examples of this new breed of criminal running around the island with guns for the sake of everyone that lives or visits here, regardless of their skin colour or ethnicity.

    @Islanman26… Funny, I feel much safer in Antigua than in some areas of Miami. I guess perspective is everything.

  7. Yeah! Y’all Come on down. We’ve got a lot of gated apartheid enclaves to offer; with paved roads off the beaten pathway of the horse and donkey-cart main roads, and a cheap servitude labor force in waiting, who will fawn, swan and cuddle you from cradle to the grave: in the noble vein of your contribution to their glee for Colonization By The Dollar. And the Governance loves it just like that; with their mantra of: it’s all about money-and not a damn thing funny, while offering Alms to the poor for Christmas feast.

  8. @Westside…The #CLASSISM which these gated and guarded communities are enhancing is developing a Culture of, #Da_Haves vs #Da_Have-Nots which will definitely create more street thugs and increase criminality all around, since, street thugs and their criminal activities are ALWAYS aided, and abetted by those white_collar criminals who live in these [gated] and guarded communities.

    The illegal activities which have caused areas like Villa and Grays Farm to be undesirable for expats, retirees, visitors for the most part are due to DRUGS(legal & illegal), which are imported into the Nation by those who have the means(yachts, private jets, control of private ports of entry). Communities like Villa & Grace Farm are simply the conduits which the drugs/dooe flow to those upscale/gated communities.

    As you speak of America and the Americans, there is a CRISIS in those rich, gated Communities known as The Opioid Epidemic.
    Question for you, #who’re responsible for this epidemic in Surburbia?

    There’s no doubt, that Antigua and Barbuda is a good place to retire. However, once the development(s) keep using the same template which you’re touting, crime and criminality will definitely keep increasing in the Nation.
    In order, to create a more balanced society, the Powerhouse Nation touted by some of those charged with managing the People’s affairs, the need for more MIXED INCOME Communities is paramount, whereby, they’ll support each other from education to business development.

    Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
    De’ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Garrat Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

  9. @Ras Smood… Unfortunately, classism and the haves verses the have-nots has existed for centuries or longer everywhere and while it’s nothing new in Antigua either, the bottom line is that people live in communities like Galley Bay Heights, Sugar Ridge, etc. because they want the peace, quiet, privacy and supposed safety that those places offer. They are the same reasons people live in gated communities in the US and elsewhere.

    You are right, the opioid crisis in the US has been devastating but it has been the poor and middle class that have been hit the hardest. The rich, providing that they don’t overdose and die, have the financial needs to address their addictions at places like the Crossroads Centre in Willoughby Bay. Whose to blame for the opioid epidemic? In the US, first and foremost were the pharmaceutical companies/executives. They knew exactly what they were doing and the huge profits that they expected to make. Poor oversight by the FDA and overprescription by physicians who saw the dollar signs all contributed to illicit drug dealers observing what was going on and jumping in to get a piece of the action.

  10. Growing up in Antigua in the 50’s it was a nice place to live. Crime was negligible as respect and tolerance was abundant. Yes there was poverty but hunger was rare. People grew provisions and had a bartering system in place .
    Then in the late 60’s and 70’s people from
    Other larger islands invaded us and brought their guns, drugs and lawlessness. The whole structure of the community was changed . I recently saw a documentary made by a guy from Miami about Antigua and he was asking people at the market where they were from . He interviewed about 12 people and of the 12 there were 3 Antiguans and a few 2nd generation Antiguans. I rest my case.

  11. @Westside…and, you too are correct.
    #CLASS_ism (classism) has being with HUEmanity for centuries, and so too are many other #social_constructs, which through their indoctrination(s), molding of the HUEman thought process have caused mayhem and havoc in this Universe for centuries, just like CLASS_ism which in many ways is the root cause(s) for establishing such social norms as the #have_nots and the #haves.

    Without any doubt, in my [opinion] the Caribbean Nation to include our Quasi_Independent Nation of Antigua, Barbuda & REDONDA is the best region in the world to live, thrive and retire. Is this the case for many of the indigenous inhabitants whose lineage, bloodline and DNA goes back for centuries, yes and no.
    I say, “yes and no” because as you have admitted CLASSISM which deals more with perception and status, of an individual versus the HUE of their skin which is more [rooted] in the more politically correct term, of RACE_ism (racism).

    While, I also agree with you, that individuals have the right to choose where they live and retire, this percentage of HUEmanity is very low, thus as molders of Society in Our Culture, in particular in Antigua MUST pay better attention to their development of Communities, since, regardless of where one resides the basic staples of life food, shelter & clothing still apply.

    This is why, I know for a fact, once and if better infrastructural development were put in places such as Villa and Grays Farm, many retirees would not hesitate to invest and live in these COMMUNITIES.

    It’s pointless to be critical and not offer some form of a solution to the situation.
    Example…there should be more multiuse/mixed used development, in Villa, Yorks, Ottos, Green Bay etc. which serves the elderly, seniors, children, families which can all assist each other and thrive at the same time. Everything from SAFETY to Daycare to Health to Education are all incorporated into these Community Enclaves/Green Spaces.

    Again, your honesty regarding the issues is well noted. I do hope, that you can be just as honest by admitting, that many of the #have in our society who’ve refused to live in certain communities were actually #have_nots at some point too, that are themselves criminals who were never caught or are living off the proceeds of criminal activities.

    In a nutshell….

    …habits, become #Norms!
    …norms, become A Way Of Life
    …a way of life, defines a People!
    …a people defines, A Culture!
    …this culture will predicate!
    …said culture, shall dictate,
    …the direction’s said PEOPLE take
    …for, as time is left in its own wake!
    ..,nothing, as in #no #thing
    …’tis, the only thing which happens by mistake!
    …all others are by
    …#design! #default! #destiny!

    Jumbee Picknee aka Ras Smood
    De’ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

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