Antigua in Gigantic Investment Firms Merger


Antigua in Gigantic Investment Firms Merger

by Aviator

Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP) with portfolio of Gatwick, Edinburgh and Sydney Airports, and Signature Aviation, has agreed to a purchase price of US$12.5bln to be concluded in cash and shares in BlackRock, making the merger into one of the largest infrastructure investment companies.

Oncemore Antigua investment and upmarket platform makes a first which could open doors for Antigua & Barbuda.

It is these visionary niche markets on our paradise of small islands which allow for introductions to other highend investors and chain investments, which bring first the vacationing wealthy, who see opportunities, resulting in more investment opportunities for the island.

Antigua’s Aviation started with Mill Reef, and now, post pandemic and the collateral damage of war on the world has renewed travel interest in the peaceful Caribbean, bringing yachts and bizjet of the wealthy and high-end corporate world.

This merger of GIP and BlackRock is a unique opportunity for Antigua to engage BlackRock in financing the entire airport repair, reform, setting in place a properly run, revenue generating, technologically grounded and proficiently placed in the International Aviation space which Antigua occupies. T

his is what they do!

Of course, the Government will have to take a hands-off approach as the cultural intrusion into international airport administration is surgically removed in total.

When Signature Flight Support was introduced to Antigua in 2014, St. Kitts & Nevis were also involved in their welcome into the Caribbean, as they quickly expanded throughout the region buying up Handling Companies on the islands.

Their experience and stature was expected to lift the region to the next level, and having been sold in 2021 to GIP, Blackstone & Cascade, they will now be incorporated into BlackRock.

After ten years the time has now come for Antigua to be incorporated into the high level competence and execution of which both GIP & BlackRock boast.

For further information on the sale agreement in progress, Bloomberg News/Articles/2024-01-12/ blackrock-buys gip.

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  1. Brilliant news! They’ll be joining the ranks of Air Peace and Nigeria Airways. Yippee!

    Antigua soon to be the economic powerhouse of the WORLD. Gassssston, thinks he’s the best there is, the best there ever was, and the best there’ll ever be.


  2. @ Aviator
    There is a big difference between a merger and a buyout.
    GIP and Signature Aviation, has agreed to a purchase price of US$12.5bln to be concluded in cash and shares in BlackRock. That’s a buyout.
    The Financial Times dated 17/1/2024 says its a merger but when one company hands ovr cash and shares and control of its board its a buyout: period
    The rest of this article in ANR reads like a poorly written Gaston Browne promo piece as he and Asot did in Times yars back.

    We are already being such dry. Now here it is these guys have been called vultures and you are hoping for them to come in. I can’t believe the writter is wishing we become like Argentina where Elliot plus Blackrock and other bond holders are holding them by the balls.

    Paul and Bonnie Mellon of the Mill Reef Club had their private plane before the concept of FBO came about. The Mellons are gone and the world has changed and will continue to change. Hope fully Antigua and Barbuda will not continue to bury itself in debt to the vultures as you are proposing.

    Ask yourself why is Signature an American Company not at the Ceril E. King International Airport

    After being given a golden goose and then selling out to Signature the goobly gook written here is meaningless except you seem to be angling for another piece ofthe action which you can quickly sell out.

    Are you suggesting you sold out to an incompetent firm? I don’t know where this is going;

  3. BlackRock money has US military seriously involved. Better to have our airport which is haunted by drug & money laundering (US inspired), funded by money we know will not be questioned, than to go through a Chinese takeover for loan payment failure. The U.S. from whom we get our highest tourist figures, owe us the upgrade for the years of occupancy.

  4. It is also important to know that the majority shareholder of GIP is a Nigerian, Adebayo Ogunlesi, who once headed Credit Suisse and will head the new BlackRock initiative.

  5. Notes From A Native Son Of The Rock! “Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance. And because it is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, ignore and even deny anything that doesn’t fit in with the core belief.” ― Frantz Fanon, Black Skin, White Masks! What utter Madness!

    Who is this “Thatcherite!” masquerading as a new age and enlightened saviour!

  6. Consistent with the writers past as an opportunist political operator; this article is a feeble attempt at news which is of little relevance other than to make a feeble case for Antigua and Barbuda to do business with a group who have a reputation as vultures.

    I’m not going to knock Adebayo Ogunlesi; in some ways I admire him as one of the few blackmen who has been able to climb to the top of the global financial market; and when he got knocked down, he brushed off the mud and is clawing his way back up.
    Its unfortunate that our young men; many of whom are semi-illiterate are not aware of the possibilities for their own successful rather than FB, Youtube and tic tock.

    We leaned of the attempt to borrow $100 million ostensibly to upgrade the Airport, as a result of the spat between the Prime Minister and the former CEO. Later we learned that most of the proposed loan was going to be diverted for other purposes.

    Some people like Aviator don’t care how much Antigua and Barbuda is buried in debt, so long as they get a piece of the action along the way. It is the selfish reason for this dribble drabble after she has already sold out and is looking for a new payday

  7. It is the U.S. or China seeking to rule, and even though we know the control of the U.S. the contempt of the Chinese is awaiting us.
    At least the U.S. has black people, China has none – no loop hole for us!

  8. Gaston just keeps on digging the hole deeper and deeper. Eventually Antigua will become like Argentina and Venezuela where nobody has any money to buy basics. It is encouraging to see that at a few people here already know that Larry Fink and Blackrock are vultures of the first order. Together with Vanguard they rule over 90% of all the money in the world. They didn’t get all that money by being nice people. They are likely positioning themselves to establish a stranglehold over the government of Antigua to compel us all to become their digital economic slaves. In partnership with the self appointed World Economic Forum they will force YOU to accept their digital id Mark of the Beast along with their CBDC digital money. Then the WEF will decide who can eat or travel. Outspoken dissidents will all be financially squashed like bugs on a whim and a few key strokes at the Treasury. It’s an Orwellian nightmare if we allow it to happen.

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