Antigua Government Criticises Landlord’s Eviction Action Over Alleged $8M Rental Debt



Antigua and Barbuda Government Criticises Landlord’s Eviction Action Over Alleged $8M Rental Debt

The Antigua and Barbuda government has criticised a private landlord’s decision to initiate eviction proceedings over an alleged $8 million in unpaid rent, calling the move “harsh” and “not the wisest choice.”

Ambassador Lionel Hurst, Chief of Staff in the Prime Minister’s Office, said the administration remains committed to resolving the matter through negotiations but suggested that the landlord’s claim may be inflated.

“It is the landlord who is asserting that the amount owed is $8 million. Landlords often make outrageous claims before settlement is reached,” Hurst said during the Post-Cabinet Media Briefing.

Despite the eviction threat, the government has pushed back against the public nature of the dispute, with Hurst suggesting that taxes owed by the landlord could be a factor in the discussions.

He acknowledged that the government rents multiple properties from the same business entity and expressed surprise at the decision to escalate the matter.

“We are sorry that he took this extreme step. This is not someone in economic distress. We have a business relationship, and we do significant business with this entrepreneur,” he added.

The dispute has reignited concerns over the government’s dependence on private rentals, with critics arguing that taxpayer money should be used to maintain or construct public buildings instead of leasing office space.

Hurst confirmed that the government is working to reduce its reliance on private landlords, citing a planned government complex at Factory Road and American Road. However, construction has been delayed due to tenants yet to vacate the area.

The government has blamed financial constraints, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, for the outstanding arrears, prioritising keeping public sector employees on payroll over making rental payments.

While the administration insists it intends to settle the dispute amicably, the landlord’s decision to take legal action could test the government’s ability to manage its rental commitments without further controversy.






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  1. He is blaming covid for the debts? Workers were sent home wrongfully from work and hasn’t been paid during the peak of the plandemic

  2. Christopher Lee, with his spin again, Mr. Ryan should call Peter Cushing to chase his ass with a cross, damn blood sucker you all destroying the country

  3. It’s interesting how this government thinks it ok to take people’s property and sell it, keep the money and then say it belonged to the Antiguan people.
    It didn’t belong to us.
    Rent property, not pay rent, then say that owner is rich, he doesn’t need the money.
    Take and use a man’s 10 million from GBC then say we needed to use that man’s money for the People of Antigua. When the man wants his money out of the bank he is being greedy, because after all he is rich and doesn’t need it.
    Max you need to just answer the a questions put before and save all the not stop responses for another time. No one wants a history lesson. You are as bad with your responses as the lady who gets under your skin with her up front and very relevant questions.
    How dear she ask you that. Someone needs too.
    Let the truth speak for itself. I don’t know why they keep sending you to do the briefing, no one believes a word that comes out of your mouth. It’s embarrassing.
    We know you’re the keeper of all secrets, so you’re the wrong person for that job.

  4. Government must set the example and pay their bills. None of us are allowed to owe Transport Board, Inland Revenue or Customs. No one, absolutely no private individual would be allowed to owe their landlord such substantial amounts and still remain in the dwelling place. NEVER! Obviously the landlord, Sir George Ryan has been more than tolerant and sympathetic to the government position but the government cannot use the man property rent free. The government has taken him and his generosity for granted. There is a limit! Pay up or get evicted.

  5. This man is a deflector of the truth by blaming the Corona Covid-19; and here’s why:

    When this same said government made a mistake by barring Antiguans from returning home during the Covid-19 pandemic. Many of us still had to pay our taxes and our bills.


    So for this calamitous ABLP government to allow this $8 Million to accrue just beggars belief.

    Hurst needs to retire or resign ASAP …

  6. A debt is a debt and whatever financial circumstances the property provider has is irrelevant.
    The non-payment of rent for the man on the street, after 3-months, usually results in eviction.
    The presumption by cabinet to barter down the debt and then haggle a ‘lesser settlement’ of the balance is audacious.
    In the private sector INTEREST is ADDED to arrears, often compound interest.

    The cabinet tell us they have bright sharp financial & entrepreneurial minds among them, so how did they ethically think it was ok to let any sum of debt build without a written binding agreement of either delayed, reduced or other, payment schedule promise that was legally binding.???
    Would any bank allow their shenanigans?

  7. That’s the MO of this administration.
    They love using people’s things like it’s their own, same way they went after the Alpha Nero.

    Slumlords..then they come after the citizens for more taxes to pay up their dead beat debts.

    Everytime these people open their mouths, pure lies come out.

  8. When is not UPP is Covid. YOU take the responsibility for nothing. People there who still never got paid for that 2 months when you sent them home saying……….. NO JAB NO JOB!!

    People there who still no get BACKPAY from 2018. What they say Antigua debt pool is reducing I wonder who getting the money???

  9. Nothing new here. Its always deflect and degrades.
    Don’t just blame Max Hurst. There has never an admitted instance of a failure or mistake.
    If the people did not love it they would long gone.
    In any other place this man: Max Hurst would have no credibility and would be run out of Town.
    But the media continues to cover him as a credible source.

  10. The way things are going, Gaston may have to sneak out at night on his airlines LIAT20
    30% ANTIGUA and Barbuda and 70% Air Peace.
    Only fools and idiot thinks that is the split

    After Gaston makes it to the EAU, and the Russian lady moved in LIAT20 will be part of her portfolio.
    Read the tea leaves folks

  11. It is very disingenuous for this to be the government line. The point stands that Ryan Group Antigua has, for years, attempted to settle this debt with the Government of Antigua and Barbuda. We have tried to do exchanges with the government to leverage debt against corporate taxes/duties levied and have been told “the government needs cash,” so that cannot be done.
    To say that “It is the landlord who is asserting that the amount owed is $8 million. Landlords often make outrageous claims before a settlement is reached” is to besmirch Sir Ryan’s character. If the government would like, they can see the ledger for themselves and note that rent accrues — not paying one month doesn’t mean the last month’s balance goes away, and that $8M figure is ONLY for that property. Let’s not count the amounts the government owes to other sections of Ryan Group.
    To say that the landlord owes taxes, which is the reason for the public nature of the dispute, is doubly disingenuous, as Ryan Group pays millions in duties and corporate taxes. If any amounts are owed, debt exchanges, which have been done with many other businesses on the island, have been attempted to no avail.
    To say, “We are sorry that he took this extreme step. This is not someone in economic distress. We have a business relationship, and we do significant business with this entrepreneur,” is another disingenuous stance. Does the government consider the economic distress of whomever they enter business with before they decide to engage? Is owing somebody okay because you think they can do without it? When they pay their rent on time to other individuals, is it because they believe they need it more?
    This is not a political thing. Sir Ryan is a patriot and loves Antigua to his bones; regardless of who is in power, he engages with the government with the best intentions. But the best intentions do not go both ways.
    We are not asking for concessions or special treatment, though the government does divvy it to whomever it pleases. We ask for fair treatment, what is owed, or at least constructive discourse in settling debt.
    If the government did not want it to escalate to this point, all they had to do was engage in good faith.

  12. Covid 19 still???? Covid 19 became a thing of the past since 2021. The government has been boasting of record tourist arrivals. Where is that money? They are boasting of record revenue at the port. Where is that money? They are boasting of record ABST. Where is that money? When will government start taking responsibility for its mismanagement of the economy and stop blaming covid. You cannot on one hand want to emphasize record taxes and on the other hand we cannot see where it is spent. Something is wrong. How much money is in the CIP kitty? Why don’t you use it to settle some debts? We must be having the worst finance minister and technocrats in the world at this time of so much revenue.

  13. This guy is such a blatant liar. After badmouthing the landlord, he expects to negotiate with him. Max is closer to 90 than 75 so he should be sent home and save us the more than a quarter million dollars that he accrued annually. They could’ve paid Mr. Ryan and still able to dole out the EC$19 mil that’s left from the US$10mil. between them. BTW; who at the Transport Board inspects and give a passing grade to that fossil that he has on our roads? My vehicle was, sometime ago, rejected because of a blown park-light bulb but someone who thinks like he does, has the nerve to blatantly lie on that document and then affix his signature and government seal. There needs to be an investigation.

  14. Tell STONE to pawn that BIG BANG HUBLOT time piece on his wrist. The Executive Professional can take of his Rolex Oyster Perpetual as well as PIXIE and do the treasury a favor by handing them over.


  15. Help me understand please. Ryan group has a credit of 8 million and that’s why it is considered “ harsh ”? What kind of world do we live in?

  16. Paid Craig and Astahan with alpa Nero money for what? Gwan go pay the Ryan’s for their building.

    No body can nah pay rent out at south mall, sandals must pay taxes, drives get I increased feeds but you nah want to pay.

    Ryan was more that reasonable because he waited 5 yearszzzzzzz

  17. Max Hurst seems to think because the landlord is a man of means, that government should pay how and when they feel like, funny people who work for a pittance get cut off as soon as they owe APUA a little change but the big businesses gets as much time as they want. This is really a shitty administration


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