Leader of the ruling Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party Gaston Browne has realised his dream to construct a headquarters for his party.
Browne said the ABLP made history last night when it opened the first headquarters of a political party in the country.
The ABLP leader said it was a promise he made and kept when he contested the party leadership in 2012.
Browne who is also finance minister says the 15 thousand square foot building would have to pay for itself as only 20 percent of the space would be used by the ABLP.
The “People’s Place” began construction shortly after Browne took office in 2014 and funded mainly through donations from private individuals and companies.

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Looking like #The Peoples Republic of Antigua, Barbuda & REDONDA.
Government: 2020 has made the me realize how much the people obey instructions well so heck why not give this dictatorship thing a shot…Sieg Heil GASTON!!!Mein Führer
ANR you all actually allow someone to print this.
Ahh STHU I’ve seen way worse on here…Moustache plus the uniform looks alot like the Nazi Germany dictator….Lemme guess ur upset cause u think I diss World Boss?? Would u feel better knowing the English Translates Hail Victory GASTON!!! My Leader…….Feel better learning that?
The cult continues!!!
I thought it was a Chinese building opening. Those costumes look like those of the Chinese Communist Party.Take a look at COMRADE GASTON BROWNE.In the very top picture.LOL
Is this real or is this a comedy spoof?
Definitely comical
Here is a question to Gaston Browne.Only 20% of said building would be occupied by the Party.Would the remainder be rented by your Administration? Just asking,not accusing.Because I do know how you operate.
Comrade Gaston:While you are wallowing in your Party’s Building being opened.What about the poor Pensioners of the Antigua and Barbuda Social Security Administration.When would they be paid for November.Those at ECAB have not been paid to this day 12/10/20.This has been going on for far too long.Way before Covid-20 came into Antigua.I am looking back to the middle 2019.
Between LIAT and this new building, the people have been Royally screwed by the ABLP. Apart from the pensioners – WHERE UNUSUALLY THERE IS NO PENSION FUND – it is my understanding that ALL other benefits are either late or unpaid because that comes out of current revenue.
How do you spend a billion bucks on a building while your people are starving – don’t tell me, go and make tea with widdy-widdy bush heated with burning rotten wood.
You may worship VC Bird, but between him and this generation of worthless thieves and liars they have stolen billions of EC dollars out of General Fund for their own purposes.
You sound so dunce trying to sound intelligent.
How did Gaston become a millionaire when all he’s done is work in a back and be a politician?
Congratulations are in order. Vere Cornwall Bird would be delighted. This a great honour to the memory of the People’s Champion, Comrade Vere Cornwall Bird and his vision of a social democratic and democratic socialist society. It is also a monument to all who were part of this glorious struggle for freedom from the early years until now. Peace and Justice. The red flag flies proudly today. Solidarity forever.
I am neither one party or the other, but this bunch look like complete idiots!
First styled by a german dictator, and now looking like the communist party! SMH!
CONGRATS on the achievement of this goal. May it truly remain THE PEOPLE’S PLACE.
It’s so pathetic that you haters and ignoramouses cannot give credit when it’s due. Continuing with your Political Tribalism and Diatribes clearly indicates your anger and bitterness. At least have some Class and decency…
In the best of times, according to them, this years this building stood unfinished; no money to finish it. Then, in the worst of times: no pay for penshioners, COVID, etc, poof! The building done. How come? Where did the money come from? Did its proximity to the supposed COVID hospital play a part? Who were the contractors/builders?
I guess that doesnt matter to the ‘comraids’
Keep on voting for this lying dictator.
Some of the comments are quite interesting and typical of the crab in the barrel mentality commonly displayed by people who believe their neighbors should not flourish. Very saddd…
From robbing the country blind
Couldn’t have opened it on a better day. Papa and his team mates would be very happy of this accomplishment. Long overdue. To all those overseas folks who running up their mouths….Take care of your business in the USA where you all pay taxes and vote and the president is asking courts to go against the people’s will and make him have a second term. All may not be well in our little bit of Paradise, however you guys have a bigger fish to fry in your neck of the woods. Some ah unnu lie and poor boast like chigger an tink because unnu day ah Merica unnu know wha bess fuh Antigua and Barbuda. Some ah unnu dum like TIHS!
All that you are hearing are the hollow, envious sqelches of the crabs at the bottom of the barrel. They will never seek liberation nor allow òthers to. Hatred and envy will eventually eat their stomachs out leaving behind them the sour stench of their miserable existence.
Sad but true. Badmind will NEVER become scarce.
Well well the bitter ones are out in full force. Watch aru blood pressure!!!😂😂
First thing came to mind: the red army?
Subliminal message?
ABLP far above the rest. The People’s Place. What a lovely building.
What is the headquarter of the UPP called?
Please guys don’t get jealous.
UPP Supporters must learn to appreciate PROGRESS. All UPP SUPPORTERS COMPLAIN COMPLAIN. No wonder UPP will NEVER FORM Government in Antigua again. UPP Loser Party.
BIG UP Hon. GASTON BROWNE ( WORLD BOSS). ZACKIE , TABOR ,BLACK MAN and Others eat your heart out. ABLP best Party in the WORLD. This PROGRESS.
The party General in full battle attire. His lieutenant E.P. needs some military training. Maybe that would bring him around to reality. They have no idea what war is all about. One night on the battle field. They would be crying for mommy!
Why the quasi military uniforms?
This is chilling.
Be alert Antiguans – there seems to be plenty going on. Do not write this off as comical.
Banana Republic? I fear international headlines following this visual statement.
International diplomats, aid agencies, media will all make judgements based on these visuals.
I thought Saddam Houssain was dead
Saddam Housain IS dead, but V.C. Bird is alive and well, and his spirit walks tall among us. His body may be gone, but he lives, and his influence guides us still.
@Conrad the Red
it is time we banish the VC spirit to rest. The mentality of people like you and a lot of labour supporters is so backwards that you have remained in a time capsule. The other Caribbean countries whose first leaders originated in the labour movement have moved on and are doing a lot better than Antigua. VC was a man for his time but certainly not for the present and the future.
What the…….??? Are these people serious?????
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