Cabinet Notes: The Cabinet agreed that a moral obligation exists to pay severance to former LIAT employees throughout the countries where LIAT once operated.
The Government of Antigua and Barbuda will make a special plea to all regional governments, through the Administrator appointed by the Court under the amended Bankruptcy law, to make payments to their nationals after negotiations with the several unions that represented the LIAT workers.
In addition to payments in cash and other systems of value, the Antigua and Barbuda Government will be offering scholarships to UWI Fourth Landed Campus to nationals who once worked for LIAT here, in order to enable them to re-tool.
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So…at 60 years old a LIAT employee should go back to school for 4 years to get an education? Then go out into the workplace with a basic degree to compete in a stiff market with people 40 years their junior? How are bills and food to be paid for while that former employee is studying? Where will he or she live after bank seize their house for non payments?
Please Mr PM! You guys owned LIAT, used it at your convenience and whim and fancy then shut it down without making any arrangements for employee WHATSOEVER! Me no warn fe study no book. Just give us what we have earned and what is legally due to us. That is: UNPAID SALARIES, NOTICE PAY, SEVERANCE, VACATION PAY etc…!!
What you so called “Leaders” are doing to former workers is outrageous, heartless and criminal!
So if I read this right, PM plans to pay Liat Antiguans severance with a mixture of scholarship value, other unspecified ‘systems of value’ (? Govt bonds? WIOC shares? Land? ???) and a little kash.
Ummm interesting to see how that flies! Pun intended.
Antigua, you took over LIAT so you have to pay all workers their severence pay. The other share holders have no responsibility as antigua had objected to the liquidation of LIAT.
LIAT will always have money problems. The PM has a Trini Flight Attendant paying her almost 20 000 a month for doing Jack Crap..yes, you read that right, almost 20. What really is her use to the company or value she brings other than how to serve hot beverages? Where are all the young black educated Antiguans with masters degree? Why not employ one?
Then you have another Trini who manages schedules who chnges the schedule more often than he changes his briefs. Really? You book today for a flight tomorrow, show up at the airport the schedule is changed and your flight is now next week,
Mr PM, them Trinis partnered with the Bajans to take LIAT down. There is the dishonest Lying, failed Lawyer who have not won a single case for LIAT being feed with all LIAT’s information and instructing the Trinis at LIAT what to do. Your head hard. Don’t say you were not informed.
Watch out for March…
Antigua govt always begging. But they won’t take a pay cut or give back to Antigua.
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