The Government of Antigua and Barbuda says it has asked to be excluded, for now from implementing measures under Caricom which would see free movement of more classes of people.
Foreign Affairs Minister Paul ‘Chet’ Greene who represented this country at the CARICOM meeting in Trinidad last week reported on his trip to the Cabinet.
Among the most important items was the reiteration of the freedom of movement aspiration among certain categories of professional workers within the CARICOM states.
“Antigua and Barbuda
The minister reportedly told Cabinet colleagues that Antigua may soon have to fall in line since the rules may not permit any further derogation, compelling Antigua and Barbuda to become a recipient.
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So how is Antigua a SOVERIGN COUNTRY again?
In reality Antigua has no soveringty. This entity ultimately MUST transition to the dictates of it’s owner.
Antigua cannot perform capital punishment as it see fit.
Antigua cannot make marijuana completely legal with no restrictions as other plants.
Antigua cannot transition into a communist country.
I agree with you on your points, although I think we should withdraw from CARICOM to become a more capitalist and free country. Anyways, I agree with you on your general points.
CARICOM is hurting Antigua and we are going to continue to suffer the longer we stay in it. Seriously, there is ZERO benefit for Antigua to be a part of CARICOM.
From my 22yrs living in Antigua as a citizen of Decent it has been the practice of The Labor Party to allow caricom nationals especially the Jamaicans,Dominicans ect to boost their chances of wining elections to this day..They complain where it is affecting them but happy when it benefits them..Mr.Minister you have to take the whole package. wake up and smell the coffee. We call america and europe Racist for doing and saying the same things..
That’s what regionalism is, ceding of small amount of sovereignty, for other benefits.
Antigua asks for delay in further free movement [UNTIL 6 MONTHS BEFORE NATIONAL ELECTION], says it already has large numbers of CARICOM nationals
Brethen you do realize non citizens have to reside here legally for at least 7 years, before they can vote? This change happened right after the 2009 election where the UPP argued the 3 year requirement was not sufficient. Newsflash: They still lost not only in 2014 but also in 2018
Look ya lawd. Jamaica want fe send more of its poor and illiterate unemployed to the rich countries in the oecs
we’re need more rental space on Popeshead street cuz you know they goin need quick money to send home.
Correction: Jamaica did not send. We open our doors and encouraged the worst from among them to settle here, in the hope that they will vote a crrtain way. The door remains open by the way so what this govt wants is chaos immigration which will benifit them somehow; Ask Mr James how. Either way, the damage to Antigua is already done
Antigua needs to withdraw from CARICOM ASAP. The only people that should be allowed to live and work in Antigua are citizens and permanent residents (not residents under weird CARICOM immigration schemes). If we are not careful, Antigua will become like Jamaica and Haiti.
true that..i agree %100
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