Budget 2024: Mr. Speaker we will introduce a number of fiscal measures in 2024, to strengthen revenue collection, reduce distortions in the tax system and improve taxpayer compliance.
These measures include:
Reducing tax concessions granted, especially discretionary exemptions. We recognize that concessions and tax incentives are required to encourage investments in new projects and major commercial expansions.
We will continue to provide these concessions as required and in accordance with the Antigua and Barbuda Investment Authority (ABIA) Act and the Small Business Development Act. However, for ongoing routine business operations to include consumables these concessions will be discontinued.
Implementing the increased property tax rate on properties valued at $3 million or more.
Implementing a 10% excise tax on alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis products.
Increasing the Money Transfer Levy from 2% to 5%.
Broadening the ABST tax base by enhancing the list of services that would attract the ABST – including online streaming services. We will also end the concessionary ABST rate applicable to several transactions, most notably in the tourism sector.
Increasing the ABST rate from 15% to 17% and applying this rate to the tourism sector, which currently attracts a rate of 14%.
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Gaston Brown you have ruined the people of Antigua and Barbuda. You have made paupers of at least 50% of us. You have inflicted malnutrition and extreme suffering on us. Your annual budget is a scam to take money from the labouring people and transfer it to the rich. You and your cronies and hangers on have enriched yourselves beyond your dreams at the expense of the people. In your budget speech tell the nation how much money is transferred from the national treasury every month as rent for your properties, payments on the contracts you and your businesses have with government and your per diems for your constant travels around the world. Your conflicts of interest surpass any corruption being perpetrated by any other leader in this hemisphere. And on top of all this, your government is illegal because you came to power in a rigged election, by your own admission. Your judgement is around the corner. It will be hotter than fire !(
Hon. Gaston Browne is the most honest , caring and a man with a big heart. Very caring man.
Oh my Lord. Father, please deliver us from this modern day Nebuchadnezzar. Please take that heart of stone from him and give him a heart of flesh in Jesus name.
Increases in taxes. No effort to affect reductions in costs of administration nor effecting improvements in All aereas of Governance. No effort in applying the law and increasing fines for offenders. This Government needs to address collections of revenue and administering the law fairly. Accross the board increase in salaries without paying for performance. Travel costs for Goverment officials going on boondoggle continually.
Wow! How unconscionable that the consumable tax would be increase, when this is the most debilitating tax that will impact on the vulnerability of the lowest rung of the society population; that must complete and, consume in a tourist dependent economy, that is set for seasonal visitation accomodations, and does not reflect the reality on the ground for the marginalized aspiring locals to climb the economic and social ladder. The economic stratagem is so profoundly stacked; such as not to allow for any traction for their upward mobility: given that lack of training initiative outside of the hospitality sector to encourage for skill labor, that will enhance their potential in other fields that offer engagement for them to realize the potential economic growth envisage by this pivotal trajectory of tax for revenue enhancement, that is not equitable disburse for their benefits. Thus, I deduce that this budget is an exercise for tax gourmet of the downtrodden masses; at the waining exit of a wholly incompetent governance, operating without transparency or, accountability: and gasping for relief at the end of their unconscionable temerity, and buffer zone-in, zone-out enclaves mentality feigning trickle down prosperity. Chupps! A coo dey!
My word, Gaston Browne is the most heartless; uncouth; unethical; uncompromising; despicable; diabolical; disparaging; tyrannical; toxic; terrible and incorrigible Prime Minister in living memory.
Are you happy with your UPP Member of Parliament ? UPP protest today was a disaster. UPP should stop embarrassing Themselves with Their stupid protest. No One support UPP with Their stupidness. UPP is a disaster.
BRIXTONIAN is the biggest UPP ass eater in this forum, always running it’s mouth, stay in the European country you are and shut up we don’t need your input 😒
Another damn ABLP idiatt, I live in Antigua you fool!!!
Rise up and vote the Prime Minister out of office!!
Hon. Gaston Browne is the most honest , caring and a man with a big heart. Very caring man.
Wow with all that money we make from refinery ?
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