Antigua and Barbuda to Propose CARICOM Vaccine Fund Amid US Withdrawal from WHO


The Cabinet has agreed that Antigua and Barbuda will place on the agenda of the next CARICOM Heads, an enabling resolution that would encourage the CARICOM to establish a special fund to purchase vaccines. The announced plan of the current US Administration to withdraw from the World Health Organization (WHO) will mean that many small states will be very vulnerable in the event there is another global pandemic. The availability of vaccines and other drugs are likely to become unavailable, except for purchase. The USA is a large contributor to the WHO and its withdrawal will impact small states most.

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  1. Waw, it’s good to see Antigua and Barbuda taking a leadership role in addressing public health with the proposed CARICOM Vaccine Fund. This could be a significant step towards regional self-sufficiency in healthcare.

  2. Take that money and put it into the sorely
    lacking hospital. Antiguans are going to see more SIDS deaths occuring due to of the assinine decision to inject a hepatitis B vaccine into a 1 day old infant for a disease that is transmitted through sex or contaminated drug needles. Pregnant mothers can be tested prior to delivery to determine if they are carriers of the virus. It’s an unnecessary jab with absolutely ZERO benefit to the infant. The baby is injected with an amount of aluminum that is 10× more that what would be considered normal if ingested. And, it is well known that aluminum can accumulate in the brain. We have been brainwashed into believing to many lies about the health benefits of jabs while the negative effects are always denied. Use the Rasta community children as a control group. Let’s measure their health status against the vaccinated children in the country. If the Caribbean governments really cares about all of the children in their countries, they wouldn’t blindly take the CDC’s word on the safety of vaccines — as the CDC’s foundation benefits from the drug companies that makes vaccines.
    Excess deaths are undeniably occuring in Antigua — why is no one in charge of public health curious about the negative effects of an experimental product that were injected into the majority of the population?

    Btw, is there a noticeable decrease in the fertility rate in Antigua? Have there been an increase in miscarriages?

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