Antigua and Barbuda to Launch Flea Market in St. John’s to Tackle City Vending Issues


The Antigua and Barbuda government is set to introduce a new ‘flea market’ in St. John’s to address city “untidiness” while preserving local vending opportunities. Cabinet spokesman Lionel Hurst clarified that the initiative aims to reorganize vending rather than eliminate it.

Scheduled to begin in the coming weeks, the flea market will consolidate vendors in designated areas, including spots near TN Kirnon School and along Old Parham Road. The model, inspired by North American markets, seeks to replace the current scattered vending structures with a more orderly setup.

Key changes include a ban on setting up booths in public spaces, which Hurst argues will help maintain the city’s appeal for both residents and tourists. The goal is to balance economic development with aesthetic improvements, enhancing St. John’s attractiveness and visitor experience.

As the government finalizes the new regulations, the focus remains on integrating the needs of local vendors with broader economic and visual goals for the city.

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  1. Notes From A Native Son Of The Rock! In North America Cities you have City Master Plans for Town Planning! No Fly By Night solutions! Time to develop a Master Plan for the City of St. John’s and it’s Infrastructure with the City Centre as a “Walking Zone!” GoAB must engage the various “Street Vendors” “Hucksters” and “Higlers” from the Bargain Centre Area to the Public Market to all areas in the city centre to the Vendors Mall to the ARG to TN Kirnon and Grammar Scroll in the Planning Exercise lead by a competent experienced City Planners and Strategic Master Planners to overcome the lack of an orderly environment. Rather than focusing on NA, this mere voice in the Wilderness suggests taking a page from Kigali in Rwanda.

  2. @John French II…ah wah become ah U Papa?

    Weed legal now, dem tell me, “goh move U dutty_rass fram Yah. Is it a fact, that [allegedly], one of the Company’s which has been granted a LICENSE to grow MARIJUANA in Antigua, Barbuda & REDONDA is a part of the old Moody Stewart Syndicate?
    What a fucking shame!

    Agriculture is now being touted, as a way to [control] the wayward GANGSTAz_Yute; yet, those without vision and long term planning, such as tenman, vehemently oppose such all the way to the Halls of the Parliament and now, to them de #Gang_Star PM is a genius.

    Now, as far as this FLEA MARKET goes…

    A…total nonsense, to keep crowding the historical city of the island with PPP – Piss Poor Planning.

    B…Looking FORWARD, into the past(you’ll get it, as you mentioned Rwanda – Kigali); this BUSINESS MALL which is what a Flea_Market is, is best suited around the Potworks Dam area, as the HISTORY of those who defeated the Syndicate led by Moody Stewart becomes the CENTRAL THEME.

    The TAMARIND TREE MONUMENT can be upgraded with GRAND ENTRANCES of the ARTS/CRAFTS, as in a Museum.

    You incorporate bridges, skywalks, Amusement Centers for Gaston’s 95 % “LOCALS,” and other foreign dignitaries, tourist and criminals in the 5% bracket!

    You can now incorporate hiking trails , bike trails by utilizing the old trails used by farmers and villagers, in days gone by. This kind of project brings the schools on board, tagging, naming trees, etc.

    A FLEA MARKET IN ST. JOHN’S, can you please order SKYE some STRAIGHT_IACKETS!

    The next time you’re in the DMV – the POLITICAL BELTWAY 495, holler!

    I’ll take you through Johnston Square in East Baltimore for a tour.
    Today, we’re getting upwards of 500K for a 2000sq ft property which was worth 0.00 dollars two years ago.

    Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
    De’Ole Dutty Peg👣Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

  3. @John French II…ah wah become ah U Papa? Criddim Bam!

    Weed legal now, dem tell me, “goh move U dutty_rass fram Yah. Is it a fact, that [allegedly], one of the Company’s which has been granted a LICENSE to grow MARIJUANA in Antigua, Barbuda & REDONDA is a part of the old Moody Stewart Syndicate?
    What a fucking shame!

    Agriculture is now being touted, as a way to [control] the wayward GANGSTAz_Yute; yet, those without vision and long term planning, such as tenman, vehemently oppose such all the way to the Halls of the Parliament and now, to them de #Gang_Star PM is a genius.

    Now, as far as this FLEA MARKET goes…

    A…total nonsense, to keep crowding the historical city of the island with PPP – Piss Poor Planning.

    B…Looking FORWARD, into the past(you’ll get it, as you mentioned Rwanda – Kigali); this BUSINESS MALL which is what a Flea_Market is, is best suited around the Potworks Dam area, as the HISTORY of those who defeated the Syndicate led by Moody Stewart becomes the CENTRAL THEME.

    The TAMARIND TREE MONUMENT can be upgraded with GRAND ENTRANCES of the ARTS/CRAFTS, as in a Museum.

    You incorporate bridges, skywalks, Amusement Centers for Gaston’s 95 % “LOCALS,” and other foreign dignitaries, tourist and criminals in the 5% bracket!

    You can now incorporate hiking trails , bike trails by utilizing the old trails used by farmers and villagers, in days gone by. This kind of project brings the schools on board, tagging, naming trees, etc.

    A FLEA MARKET IN ST. JOHN’S, can you please order SKYE some STRAIGHT_IACKETS!

    The next time you’re in the DMV – the POLITICAL BELTWAY 495, holler!

    I’ll take you through Johnston Square in East Baltimore for a tour.
    Today, we’re getting upwards of 500K for a 2000sq ft property which was worth 0.00 dollars two years ago.

    Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
    De’Ole Dutty Peg👣Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

  4. About damned time they did this. All vendors do is block traffic and cause congestion.

    While they are at it, start giving out heavy fines for people parking on public streets like they own that spot. Don’t forget to include all the mechanic shops that have vehicles parked on the roads, some even permanently.

    As for the hotels like Sandals, Chic Royalton, Blue Waters, start giving out heavy fines to all dem that consistently park along both sides of the roads making them one lane instead of two. All this bullshit needs to be cleared up and fast.

  5. Vending should not be outlawed, but there should be rules governing where it is permitted, how many people can operate in an area, and what the stalls can look like.
    A flea market alone wouldn’t solve the issue since many vendors do not sell flea market type items. Many sell food or produce.
    The sidewalks along Old Parham Road need repair, and the plants along Independence Drive need to changed/maintained etc. In fact, all sidewalks in the city are hazardous and inconsistent and need to be fixed.
    More improvement than just removing vendors from certain locations is needed.


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