Antigua and Barbuda Renews Support For Morocco’s Territorial Integrity


Antigua and Barbuda’s Prime Minister Gaston Browne reiterated his country’s support for Morocco’s territorial integrity on Saturday in Tangier during his participation in the MEDays forum.

“We, Antigua and Barbuda, continue to strongly support the Moroccan autonomy plan which is the only reasonable solution” to the Sahara dispute, Browne said, stressing his country’s determination to work together with Morocco to address all challenges hampering development in the region.

The official called for a shared responsibility of all countries of the south to work for a new world, recalling inequalities and poverty in the region.

“These crises require greater cooperation and more integration between countries to reach a comprehensive peace,” he said.



Morocco and Antigua and Barbuda share good diplomatic relations. The Caribbean country frequently expresses determination to boost ties at different levels including political dialogue and within the trade sector.

In 2020, the two countries signed a cooperation agreement on agricultural training and tourism.

Antigua and Barbuda seek cooperation with Morocco to serve as a model, proving that geographically distant countries can still work together.

Morocco’s position on Western Sahara has built momentum through its growing international support.



Countries from all continents, including the Americas and Europe, have reiterated or announced their support for the Autonomy Plan as a good basis and the most serious and credible way to end the dispute over Western Sahara.

Belgium was the latest country in the list to declare the autonomy initiative as a good basis for the dispute. Spain, the Netherlands, and Germany have also appreciated Morocco’s efforts in the UN-led political process and its autonomy initiative.

The US, which recognized Morocco’s sovereignty over Western Sahara in December, renewed its support for Morocco’s position following the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 2654 in October.

On October 28, US Ambassador Jeffrey DeLaurentis reiterated the US’ support for Morocco’s autonomy initiative as a “serious, credible, and realistic and one potential approach to satisfying those aspirations.”

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