Antigua and Barbuda Opens Its Second International Airport

Barbuda International Opening/ GIS PHOTO

Historic Opening of the Barbuda International Airport in Barbuda

The soon-to-be ‘Burton-Nibbs International Airport” in Barbuda officially opened its doors today, marking a significant milestone for the island and its development. The opening ceremony, which commenced at 11:36 AM, was preceded by several flights, including new LIAT 2020 and Calvin Air helicopters shuttling passengers from Antigua to Barbuda.

The event attracted major dignitaries, including Governor General Sir Rodney Williams, Prime Minister Gaston Browne, and his Cabinet, who gathered to celebrate this momentous occasion.

The ceremony began with a beautiful rendition of the Antigua National Anthem by students from the Sir McChesney George Secondary School on Barbuda, setting a patriotic tone for the day. Apostle Francois delivered the invocation, welcoming everyone to the celebration.

Maurice Merchant, Director General of Communications in Antigua and Barbuda, served as the Master of Ceremonies. He encouraged attendees to shake hands with those next to them, saying, “It is so good to see you today.”

Merchant reflected on past criticisms of the government’s efforts, recalling accusations of “ground faking” when the project was first announced in 2017. He highlighted the unprecedented achievement of establishing two international airports by the same government within a decade.

Rolston Potter, Chairman of the Airport Authority, welcomed attendees and emphasized the historic nature of the event. He noted that while the airport currently permits daylight landings, night landings will be available only in emergencies for now.

Judith Harris has been appointed as the new manager of the Barbuda Airport. “This is a promise of a brighter future for generations to come,” Potter stated.

Chet Greene, Minister of Barbuda Affairs, expressed that the airport’s opening reflects a commitment to transforming Barbuda into a self-sustaining and thriving hub.

In a heartfelt address, Prime Minister Gaston Browne began by acknowledging, “To God be the glory,” and reflected on the challenges faced between his administration and the Barbuda People’s Movement (BPM). He lamented the absence of BPM members at the celebration, stating, “It’s unfortunate that even on this occasion…they have chosen to boycott the celebrations.”

Browne urged unity for the benefit of Barbuda and reiterated the government’s commitment to development. He emphasized the importance of the airport in attracting investments and boosting trade. “This is in essence the opener for Barbuda for bigger and better things,” he remarked.

The Prime Minister also highlighted the government’s vision for Barbuda, aiming to transform it into a luxury destination rather than a congested tourist hotspot. He assured attendees that the government would replicate successful initiatives from Antigua, including infrastructure improvements.

Notably, Browne announced plans to repurpose $35 million in funding from the Caribbean Development Bank to enhance Barbuda’s road infrastructure, aiming to spend at least $50 million on road construction by 2025.

With the opening of the International Airport, Barbuda takes a significant step toward economic advancement and enhanced connectivity, promising a bright future for its residents and visitors alike.

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  1. So is the airport in Barbuda really an international airport? Can we say now that Antigua and Barbuda has two international airports? We have surpassed all the islands in the region except Puerto Rico and Jamaica. An international airport should facilitate global connectivity and have flights coming from around the world. The way I see it Antigua and Barbuda has only one international airport and that is the Sir VC Bird airport.

  2. It’s nice to see the Prime Minister Gaston Browne and members of the cabinet returning to Barbuda since hurricane Irma. Nice!

    By the way, ah wha’ happen to the $1 million dollar hurrican donation to help rebuild our neighbours after that disaster, that’s MYSTERIOUSLY gone awry?


  3. The beach is just the beginning? No, the airport is just the beginning…

    The PM stating “This is in essence the opener for Barbuda for bigger and better things” and announcing plans to spend at least $50 million on Barbuda’s road infrastructure by 2025 should speak volumes.

    It will take many years but if everything goes according to plan, don’t be surprised when Barbuda starts to resemble St. Barts.

    As I said before, to paraphrase a line from the film No Country for Old Men, “You can’t stop what’s coming”.

  4. PM Browne is clearly a man who historians will honor.PM Browne shows he inderstands the biblical parable regarding talents. We must be good stewards, its a part of our nataional anthem. Ever striving..Each endavouring to make our nation better. A&HB will not be a ghost-town as envisioned by UPP and BPM

  5. @Tabor your response is as dumb as they come for a man who is supposed to be educated. Look up on the internet what defines an international airport. You like your akins on disturber have nothing else to do but to try and belittle the achievement. Its a good thing you all have already been seen through.

  6. Were the Barbuda people excluded from the idea and execution of having a Barbuda International Airport?

    Were all actions taken that is reasonable and fair to the Barbuda people and government?

    I think having a proper airport in Barbuda is a good idea but the issue is not that, they issue is whether the locals were able to participate and the weight given to their suggestion by ABLP.

    I want to give ABLP the benefit of the doubt and have them prove to the public they gave the Barbuda people a say. But based on my experience with ABLP, I cannot honestly say they are caring or helpful.

  7. A I to understand that CharlesTabor is sughesting that flights from around the globe should be present at the opening to make it an intermational airport?

    On the other hand LIAT was not going to happen, neither did Scotia Bank, nor Global Port. Not forgetting Five Island University, Alfa Nero among others. So what will it take?

  8. REAL TALK BEEF my son gets his balls from me. You want me to resign from the UPP like my son and as I told you already tell them to expell me. Haven’t you heard already that your new found friend Gisele Isaac wanted to sue me for a comment I made in our Central Executive chat?

  9. And my friend BEEF I have children so that indicates some testicular functioning. How many children do you have 🤣🤣

  10. Congratulations are in order. One more step towards innovation and advancement of beautiful God-given twin islands of Antigua and Barbuda. One nation. Lots more to do and correct and surely will happen. We just wish that more presence from Barbuda’s community were there celebrating and also that some mention and credit were given to people and staff of the Antigua airport that worked so hard and long hours for this to be happening today. To those, we say thank you!!!

  11. Thanks for whatsapping me your reply/comments.

    First off, take note of how I sign when I contribute on this news portal. I DON’T HAVE TO HIDE FROM NO-ONE.

    I did not even read the article until I saw the comments you sent to me, BUT YOU ARE SUCH A PEE BRAIN LAWYER, I AM SURE YOU WOULD NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT I JUST SAID.


    I just Pray that the Lord will save my life to see how it works out for you (lol).

  12. @Charles Tabor October 3, 2024 At 9:39 pm
    Sperm are produced and released by the male reproductive organs.

    The testes are where sperm are produced. The testes are linked to the rest of the male reproductive organs by the vas deferens, which extends over the base of the pelvic bone or ilium, and wraps around to the ampulla, seminal vesicle, and prostate. The urethra then runs from the bladder through the penis.
    Sperm production in the testes takes place in coiled structures called seminiferous tubules.
    Along the top of each testicle is the epididymis. This is a cordlike structure where the sperm mature and are stored.
    The release process starts when the penis fills with blood and becomes erect. Continuing to stimulate the penis will cause an ejaculation.
    Mature sperm begin their journey by travelling from the epididymis to the vas deferens, which propels sperm forward with smooth muscle contractions.
    The sperm arrive first at the ampulla just above the prostate gland. Here, secretions from the seminal vesicle located next to the ampulla are added.
    Next, the seminal fluid is propelled forward through the ejaculatory ducts toward the urethra. As it passes the prostate gland, a milky fluid is added to make semen.
    Finally, the semen is ejaculated from the penis through the urethra.

  13. You and the dem you refer to, I consider many of them intellectual dwarfs. I am sure you know the saying where ignorance is bliss it is folly to be wise.

  14. @Less We Forget thanks for your erudition. Anyway, my wife was a professor at medical schools so I am well aware from association of the anatomy, histology and morphology of the human body.


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