Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party Rejects Kelvin Simon’s Accusations


During a recent interview conducted on the Observer Radio program “Knight@Night” on October 5, 2023, Mr. Kelvin Simon, the candidate representing the Unity Progressive Party (UPP), asserted a highly contentious and concerning allegation.

Mr. Simon’s claim posits that the electoral processes in Antigua and Barbuda are subject to manipulation and impending theft by the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party (ABLP).

It is crucial to underscore that such assertions, characterized by their audacious nature, are evidently designed as a strategic maneuver within the overarching electoral campaign of the Unity Progressive Party and Mr. Kelvin Simon himself.

In response to these allegations, the ABLP wishes to emphatically dissociate itself from these imprudent statements, originating from a former member of the Antigua and Barbuda parliament.

Furthermore, we respectfully urge Mr. Simon and the UPP to extend a formal apology to the Antigua and Barbuda Electoral Commission (ABEC), an entity entrusted with the solemn duty of ensuring the conduct of impartial and transparent electoral processes in our country.

The ABLP respectfully urges the ABEC to denounce the aforementioned imprudent allegations put forth by Mr. Simon, as they possess the capacity to jeopardize the integrity of their commendable electoral procedures.

It is crucial to emphasize that Mr. Simon’s extravagant claims overlook a significant detail: his own electoral victory on January 18th, 2023, an outcome that subsequently led to his resignation from parliament due to an illegal nomination.

This fact reveals a disconcerting determination to pursue electoral victory at any cost, manifesting as a narrow-minded fixation on deploying misinformation about our electoral system.





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  1. RUM SHOP RADIO….I will have my ears on to hear the spin Browne and Browne will clap back with. Oh! Don’t forget the gutter conduct of Gaston Browne that was on full display in St. Mary’s South the other night. Just nasty…..

  2. Clearly the foolish virgin is preparing the excuse for his imminent defeat. He was found with no oil in the prior battle yet he has not grown. Must have to do with the fact of his immaturity in accepting his past mistakes

    • Gaston and the ABLP fighting for dear life to hold onto their 'one' majority, cause God forbid if one of the minions should take a sabbatical- we will finally get the RID A DEM. Gaston and the ABLP fighting for dear life to hold onto their 'one' majority, cause God forbid if one of the minions should take a sabbatical- we will finally get the RID A DEM.


      You should keep your mouth shut. Your foolish talk of foolish virgin that you have been spurting since Shuggy resigned and where you promised that Samantha would be awarded the seat, albeit with the proposed plan of the Speaker, which ultimately failed, has not taught you to keep your ‘clappers shut’.
      No, you are still uttering bile.
      Good luck to you and JUDAS ISCARIOT.

      • Hey fan with no moniker, get your gripe water ready cause I have much more to say. The likes of you, Been calling Kelvin foolish virgin since before the election. Don’t blame me that suggy initial attempt to get the court to dismiss the matter failed. They wrongly argued this should not be a matter for the court. Drysdale essentially asked them to put down the rum. Suggy soo fraid of her judgement that he resigned. Its his poor deciusion why tax payers moneys have to now be spent on a bi-eletion, yet watch you defend wrong

  3. Electoral office full a shit when dem fu come out an talk Dem keep dem mouth shut only time will tell

  4. This is like Donald Trump calling his thing “TRUTH” and using it call the Democrats corrupt.
    The truth hurts.
    •The very people who have mastered the art of the steal when it comes to elections are complaining
    •Designing and maintaining a system to deliver services only to its supporters
    • Creating a multi generational society who thinks the only way to get ahead is to support the party
    • Paying individuals to hold on to their voting card
    • Giving handout to the people who’ve been kept poor to ensure their loyalty
    •Maintaining and nurturing a system of Nepotistic governance
    • Transferring voters to pad the balance in their favour
    • The list is endless
    Someone has the balls to point out “The Art of The Steal” and the Nepo Babies turn into Cry Babies


  6. No excuse is needed! Rather, ABLP need to come eeen clean and tell the Antigua & Barbuda people how they skillfully steal elections, bribe individual and scheme to win elections. It’s their culture and history! They’re just upset that Gaston has met his Matthew and is afraid of Shuggy! Also, why is Gaston campaigning for himself in St. Mary’s South? Doesn’t he have a constituency to manage and develop?

  7. Only in Antigua no way in na de world 🌍🌎 lakka dis place ya a look ya lookoo lie Hitler say he built the university he hoof the school frm de picky neaga and den turn om Inna a university an den say he built university

  8. Clever, clever move by the Honourable Kelvin Shugy Simon to highlight the POSSIBILITY of underhand play by the ABLP before the St Mary’s South by-election – those in authority will now be monitoring voting protocols and proceedings very closely indeed.


    You outmaneuvered Gaston Browne before, when you RESIGNED from SMS, and left the PM and his cabinet lap dogs in an absolute tailspin, when the ABLP tried to say you could not do so, and then tried illegal means to intervene and stop you from stepping down.

    Shugy, you are one smart ‘UPP’ cookie.


  9. I am doubting my eyes and my understanding. The manufacturers of dishonesty are crying foul for a reasonable statement that was made by Mr. Simon. I don’t have to go at lengths to prove his claim. A few months ago, Nero misspoke and told a rare truth. He told the world that he was able to transfer folks from his constituency to others, to bolster his colleagues’ chances. Why didn’t the TV supplier for the School of the Blind disassociate the party from the statement and request that Nero submit an apology to ABEC, and who is this liar that is saying to us that Mr. Simon’s nomination was illegal; did the court make such ruling? Two more months of this process and the ALP would be a gang of lunatics. Even their supporters are displaying signs of lunacy.

  10. You had the seat already. You was an elected member of Parliament where one is classified as Sir, on your own you decided to resign instead of waiting for the courts. We pleaded for the PM to call a date, he finally did now you are spouting claims like the Donald before an election.
    The question is are you ready? Any government in power has always have the more resources especially capitol to magnify it’s campaign during an election ie billboards, radio-tv adds, handouts etc and anything that’s free we as Antiguans welcome.
    Let’s be frank you win nothing changes, the ABLP still govern, you loose and the ABLP is awarded another seat in Parliament.

    • @ Carvaa

      So if nothing changes then why is your CORRUPT ABLP Party and your TOP DAWG campaigning so hard and appears on the verge of panic? And if nothing changes, why go to the length to recruit a JUDAS ISCARIOT?
      You are narrow minded and cannot see the future (TYPICAL MINION). It is all about Gaston bolstering his slim majority because as sure as night follows day, there will either be another by-election shortly or A GENERAL ELECTION.

      • My friend IMF, you had the seat already Mr Simon was already seated in Parliament, yet the ABLP was the government of A&B and still is and will be till next General election, so a win for Simon and i do hope he wins after all this, will just be a win.
        On the other hand if you want to talk change, Simon loose and Browne and his administration while maintaining governance become even stronger.
        Good luck.

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