Antigua and Barbuda High Court Rules in Favor of WIOC Against Gonsalves


In a legal battle at the High Court of Antigua and Barbuda, the West Indies Oil Company Limited (WIOC) has secured a victory over Lawrence Gonsalves, a service station operator.

The dispute centered on the operation of a service station located on Friars Hill Road, where Gonsalves had been the Managing Operator for nearly 44 years.

WIOC asserted ownership of the property and issued Gonsalves an eight-month notice of contract termination.

Gonsalves requested an extension, which was granted until August 31, 2023, but also sought a goodwill payment of approximately EC$1.5 million and EC$372,000 for employee severance.

WIOC refused, citing no obligation to make these payments.

They maintained that Managing Operators retained profits during the contract and that severance payments were the employer’s responsibility, in this case, Gonsalves.





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  1. The letter of the law can be discretionary and should not trump the core principles of love and service to humanity.
    Mr. Larry Gonsalves has been at the helm of the WIOC Service Station for in excess of four decades; it has become his life, his love, his reason for being. What heartless person or persons would take that from him and usher him to an untimely grave? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out how this will end.
    Large corporations have given back to the communities in which they operate and make profits, in good times and bad, but especially in times of crisis. WIOC can be bigger and better than how they are portraying themselves. Their management team does not seem to have an inkling of how they will be perceived by the ordinary citizens of Antigua and Barbuda and what public reaction may result from their treatment of one of the most decent and respectable persons in this country, whose only shortcoming is palpably his seniority. May I suggest that Mr. Larry Gonsalves be permitted to operate the WIOC Service Station for at least another full year, giving him some further space to adjust to the dynamics of life?

    • So he couldn’t open his own during that time; why these ppl keep trying to take from us…This Caucasian had rights for yrs of free income and now don’t want to give it up without the rightful owner pays him money, oh please let them pay their own workers that they had employed. And to see you other dried up heifers thinking it’s wring that he shouldn’t give it up; tell Him move he dry head

  2. Wickedness in high places. Evil, badmind, heartless, no conscience, nothing bout them. Leave them let them display how evil they are. Unto the Third and Fourth generation.

  3. What makes Larry Gonsalves so special? He had a decades long lease which has legally come to an end. Now it’s time to move on. When his lease on life is over, is he planning to go out with highly paid lawyers and their indecent proposals – demanding more time and unmerited compensation, and his mindless, political cultists spewing crap about “wickedness in high places, Evil, badmind, heartless, no conscience…..”
    Larry, show some class and dignity. You were blessed with a golden opportunity to manage/operate the gas station. The lease has expired, your time is up. It is time to move out and move on!!

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